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CBC PROFILE: CBC Will Partipate in Giving Tuesday on December 3

Terry Kimbrow

      On Tuesday, Dec. 3, Central Baptist College will join non-profit organizations worldwide to participate in GivingTuesday. GivingTuesday is a global day of giving held every year following Thanksgiving. It begins the charitable giving season after Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

      Days like this are very important for CBC and other non-profit organizations as they allow for public awareness of CBC and for individuals to offer their support in a virtual setting.

      Mark your calendar! This year, we ask you to consider donating to one of the nine funds that make up the Gifts that Transform annual giving program for CBC.

      To give, visit From that page, you can give to the Alumni Fund, Athletic Fund, CBC Fund, Church Fund, Fine Arts Fund, Friends of the Library Fund, PACE Fund, Scholarship Fund or Student Life Fund. You will also find more information about each of these funds on that page.

      We hope you will prayerfully consider giving to CBC. We strive to follow our mission statement by providing high-quality education in a Christ-centered environment to all our students. Your gifts help make what we do here possible.

      Our goal is to transform lives for God’s glory, and your gifts support us as we strive towards this goal, following Him every step of the way. That is why we call those gifts transformational.

      For more information on this or any of our other giving programs, visit If you have any questions about giving, please contact Public Relations Director Jessica Faulkner at

      Thank you for your support! Please continue to pray for CBC as we work to finish this semester strong!

Honor and Memorial Gifts

      The following are honor and memorial contributions received since the last report by Central Baptist College. Some of the contributions are recurring gifts but are only listed once.

In Memory Of

         Jill Attebery by Dr. Scott A. Attebery; Dr. Conrad Carroll by Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Walters; Bill Hoggard by Mr. & Mrs. Bart Callaway, Theda Carroll, Glenda Fulmer, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Martin, Cynthia Nance, Dr. & Mrs. John D. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Dan White and Calvary’s Promise Sunday School Class of Antioch Baptist, Conway; Donald J. Jones by Mr. & Mrs. Don Clark, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Craig Goad, Bro. & Mrs. Michael E. Gray, Brenda G. Linn, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Riddle, Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Riddle, Dr. & Mrs. Joel Slayton, and Mr. & Mrs. David W. Smith; Joel Smith by The Joy Class of Bethel Baptist, Rison; and Charles G. Taylor by Ellon J. Taylor.

In Honor Of

         Paul Cherry by Bro. & Mrs. Terry Kimbrow; Dr. Martin Jameson by Dr. & Mrs. Joel Slayton and Christine Stewart; Erika McKinney by Mr. & Mrs. Don Clark, Jr.; Rachel Whittingham by Mr. & Mrs. Don Clark, Jr.