All The News, Leave It To Cleaver

CLEAVER: Thoughts from the Cleavers

Dr. Tony Cleaver

Merry Christmas from Jerrie Sue and Tony at Hallelujah House in Ding Dong 2023!

      A few random thoughts that are interesting to us about our time now:

      • Jerrie Sue now lives with an octogenarian since Tony’s birthday.

      • We are only now writing the correct date of 2023 on our checks.

      • Our children chide us for writing checks.

      • Correspondence regarding Medicare part A, B…XYZ is required but not interesting reading.

      • Someone who is illiterate and oblivious to English thinks up the names for new drugs.

      • Information regarding burial plans comes without our request to our email.

      • Cryogenic interment is an idea whose time has not yet come for us.

      • Our friends are getting as old as we are.

      • We must find younger and stronger friends to serve as our pallbearers. 

      • We should have gotten married earlier; we would be on the 60th not 59th anniversary.

      • Our marriage is so much fun — we have not yet run out of things to talk about.

      • We have fun with our missteps, mishearing, and misplacing things.

      • The receipt from Walmart from Jan. 8 refuses to be located, even with great search.

      • The right hand and slower lane is the best choice for driving.

      • Don’t ask if we remember you, just tell us your name!

      • It is surprising how suddenly naps sneak up on you when you sit still.

      There are also other good things:

      • God Most High continues to fulfill His purpose for us.

      • Christianity is real.

      • The Bible is true.

      • Listening to God is better than telling Him our plans.

      • The Decalogue (10 Commandments) is a wonderful guide and pathway to life.

      • The Sermon on the Mount is highly personalized to our situation.

      • Christian friends marvelously always surround us.

      • If we could choose a family, we could not choose a better one than we have.

      We wish for you all the good that peace brings to your family for the coming year of 2024!