All The News


Karen Michell

      “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God…” (Psalm 42:1-2 NIV).

      When these words were written, the psalmist was expressing himself from the very depths of his soul. He was distressed, depressed and extremely disheartened. His enemies taunted him, asking, “Where is your God?” (Psalm 42:3). Because of them, he could no longer go to Jerusalem to worship. He lived during this time in the land of Jordan and was miles away from Jerusalem, but he remembered how he used to lead the multitude in a procession to the temple with shouts of joy and thanksgiving (Psalm 42:4); now, the opportunity was no more. He longed to be reconnected to God; hethirsted after Him.

      The psalmist compared himself to a deer panting for streams of water. The word “pant” here does not describe a mere thirst or just wanting a simple sip of water. The Hebrew word implies “an intense experience.” The deer was desperate. The need was urgent. He was in extreme thirst. The drink of water was vital to his well-being.

      This writer was yearning for God, the living God. It wasn’t just a wishful thought or hope for a one-time occurrence. It was far deeper than that. It was a thirst that could not be satisfied any other way. It was necessary for his spiritual health.

      Have you ever had such a deep desire for God like that? Perhaps you have, and it gradually faded away. God wants us to hunger and thirst for Him.

      How can we develop this deep yearning for God? Simply start by making time for Bible reading and study. A daily devotional book can be inspiring, but it can’t replace reading God’s Word. Maintaining a regular prayer life, being faithful to church services and being involved in various church ministries are just a few ways to experience a rich and rewarding life.

      Here are a few questions to ask yourself to determine if you are spiritually dehydrated and desperately need revitalization:

      • Are you bored reading your Bible and claim it is too hard to understand?

      • Does it bother you to miss going to the house of God habitually?

      • Do you enjoy being with other believers?

      • Is participating in the Lord’s Supper important to you?

      • Do you stay home when a missionary speaks at your church because you aren’t interested in missions?

      Indifference equals spiritual dryness. It will eventually affect you, giving you a deep longing to reconnect with God or making you slide back even further. God created us to hunger and thirst after Him. Life will never be fulfilling if we don’t seek Him with all our hearts. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled” (Matt. 5:6). “Being filled” is no small thing with God. What an encouragement to stay connected to Him.

      In Psalm 42:5-11, the writer suddenly began challenging himself as to why he was so downcast. He admonished himself to put his hope in God as there is no trouble so great that God cannot see you through it.

      When we feel turmoil deep inside our souls and think maybe God has, indeed, forgotten us, we should also change the course of our thinking and say, “There is hope.” God will always show Himself faithful on our behalf.

      “You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water” (Psalm 63:1). May this be our constant prayer.