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STATE MISSIONS: Armor Has a Purpose, So Put It On (Eph. 6:11)

Paul White

      I was privileged to share a devotional at our church’s Brotherhood breakfast last Saturday morning. It centered around making good decisions, and I chose King David as my main character. I shared with them the old saying: sin will take you further than you want to go, it will keep you longer than you want to stay, and it will always cost you more than you want to pay.

      David, a man after God’s own heart, was not exempt from the consequences of bad decisions. Instead of going to battle, he decided to remain at the palace. Being where we should not be often gets us in trouble. In the pursuit of thinking wisely, we can wander a little on our side if we keep it between the lines. He went out on his patio and saw Bathsheba, and things started going downhill. He made a decision that would come back to haunt him again and again. “But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death. Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren” (James 1:14-16 NKJV).

      Bathsheba was found to be with child — oh no, didn’t see that coming. So, he called Uriah, her husband, back home to try and cover his sin. But Uriah loved the King and would not go home, but he pledged his allegiance to David and his people. He decided, “I must get rid of Uriah” and sent him to his death in a battle fighting for him.

      Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse, it did. He got a visit from Nathan (the prophet), his sins were exposed, and their consequences were revealed. The child died. David’s son assaulted his sister, resulting in another of David’s sons murdering his brother. This son then attempts to overthrow his kingdom. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Gal.6:7).

      I encourage you to develop a far-reaching vision, looking beyond the moment — one that takes into consideration the truth of this passage in Galatians. I could not but think how many innocent, dedicated spouses’ lives have been destroyed by the very one they thought loved them and they had exchanged vows with. What I am trying to say is count the cost, for we are repeatedly told to do so. “For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it” (Luke 14:28).Don’t live in regret. Think about how your actions affect you and everyone around you.

From Our Missionaries

        Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, “This week we met Benjamin and Alánis, a young Venezuelan couple who introduced us to Esteban, Yessica and their little daughter, Mía. On Monday, I accompanied them on some errands they needed to do, and on Wednesday, they invited us to lunch at their house.

  They allowed us to share the gospel with them. We prayed for them and their families in Venezuela. Friday night, Alanís and Mía participated in the prayer meeting and, on Sunday, Benjamín, Alánis and Mía came to the meeting. Let us pray that God will use us as a church to reach these two couples so they can believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Please pray that they will gather with us so we can enlighten them and help them establish themselves in the faith.

      “We are happy because the discipleship group that meets on Sundays at 9 a.m. concluded the second book in a series of 13. Two brothers from that group responded to the call after the preaching to remain firm by growing and maturing spiritually, through the study of the Word, prayer and communion with the brothers.

      “Pray with us that the Holy Spirit will continue to move among us and produce in the congregation the desire to commit to the Lord. Thank you for keeping us present in your prayers.”

              Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, “It was another week full of challenges, but the great news is God is in control of all circumstances. The new family from Venezuela visited our place in Chenal for the first time. It was a blessing to pick them up at their home because they have no transportation, so I went for them and dropped them back.

The family from Aguascalientes in Mexico also have no way to get to the congregation, so my wife, Kory went to pick them up after she picked up Abby. Pray that God will provide good jobs and good cars for them to get around in.

      “I am praying for new contacts. It is a constant prayer that God will provide weekly opportunities to meet people with a thirst for God. Having ethnic missions is a good investment. It is God’s opportunity to sow His Word to people who are normally Catholic. God brings them to America and we, as a church, must take advantage of the opportunity to sow true biblical values and respect for our nation. If we want to continue being a nation under God, we must sow the Word of God not only to the Hispanics that arrive, but to the Muslims, Asians, Americans and every language and nation. It is time to sow biblical values!

      “Thank you for your prayers and your support to sow the Word of God in people who otherwise would never seek God. To God be the glory!”

                 Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “We had a wonderful week at Faith Chapel! It was bittersweet though. The Master’s Builders completed their work on our new building and left, and we were sad to see them go, we love them all! But our classroom addition is framed and dried in, and we rejoice in that. This building will be such a blessing to our mission here, and we thank God for His provision, and for sending people and resources to help!

      “Our numbers were a little down Sunday because a lot of people are still out sick or traveling. We had some diagnosed with Type A Influenza, which seems a little odd for May, which is not exactly flu season; but they say it’s going around.

      “As I said, the building addition is all framed and dried in, and the shingles were done Saturday. We still need to put the siding on, then we will get back to finishing the main part. We are in the middle of painting right now, so it won’t be long before we are able to move in. The plan is still to move into the main part and finish the addition while we are having services and classes in the sanctuary and fellowship hall. It will sure be nice when we finish!

      “We thank you all again for your support, and especially for your prayers! God is answering them, and we thank Him for each of you! We love you and are thankful for all you have done for us and this mission! Praise God!”

                 Misión Gracia Soberana (Sovereign Grace), NWA:Roberto Marcelletti writes, “From the northwest part of the state, we are very excited to be able to inform you of all that God is doing in the area. This week, I was able to evangelize seven people, and now we pray for Osman and Marilyn, who looked quite interested when they heard the gospel.

We were also able to meet in our small groups in Pea Ridge, Rogers and Springdale. In total, we were able to serve 14 people and decided not to meet until August because a group of brothers are going on a trip to their countries.

      “We had a workshop on biblical evangelism on Saturday, and we had a group of nine people in the workshop — two were visitors, Joseph and Nelly, and we are praying for them.

      “In our Sunday service, 21 people gathered to worship and praise our Lord. After the service, we met to plan the picnic the sisters of our congregation will have on Saturday.

      “I ask you to pray for us because our church will have to take care of some of the payments generated by the property from June. Pray that God will supply the economic resources because, financially, very little comes in.”

                 Epic Life, Pea Ridge: Jake McCandless writes, “This week only one of our Connection Groups met, but that doesn’t mean the other groups weren’t engaged. One of the things we’re finding in prioritizing our small groups and empowering leaders in those groups is that there is a focus on people.

For example, our Garfield Connection Group didn’t meet this Friday to allow everyone to go see one of their members graduate from high school. I love how each Connection Group is there for one another!

      “Pray for us as prepare to launch the new group — Epic Life Brunswick.”