All The News, Arkansas State Missions


Paul White

      This year, the room was nearly full at the Missionary Committee Meeting on Thursday afternoon. I want to thank each one who made it as I know it was an encouragement to your missionaries. I believe it was the largest crowd I have seen in my 14 times addressing them as director.


      I am grateful to have the opportunity to work with your mission staff. It was exciting to not only hear from each one but to witness the fruits of their efforts. Touching lives with the gospel and seeing what God can do is truly what we are to be about. All the stories shared were excellent, and I think every time I hear a trumpet, I will remember about the young boy who heard one and feared that Jesus was coming, and he would be left behind. God continues to do amazing things in church planting.


      I want to thank those who elected me to another term as executive director. Missions is my passion, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to serve. Please pray that God will raise up men who are called and qualified to serve our churches. I was reminded this week of what Brother I.V. Hight shared with me — “You cannot expect to please everyone, so do your best to please God and let come what may.”

Question Concerning Search Committee for a New Director

      Having researched the previous Recommendation Booklets to find when the exiting executive director and the Advisory Committee were recommended and elected to serve as a Search Committee, it was found in the 2009 Recommendations and the State Association Minute Book along with the other recommendations. Serving at that time was Executive Director I.V. Hight and serving on the Advisory Committee were Larry Haynes, Lane Garner, Jerry Goodwin, J.D. Courtney, Joe Owens and Charles Zumwalt. This information can be found in the 2009 Minute Book on page 89, section VII. #5.

      In 2010, since there wasn’t a building superintendent, Section III Guidelines for Superintendent of Building was removed, thereby changing the subsequent Sections to be renumbered. In the 2010 State Association Book, it can be found under section VI. #5 and has continued to be recommended and approved every year up to and through 2023 by all those Advisory Committees and the body of the BMA of Arkansas Association.

From Our Missionaries

         Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, “On Wednesday night, we had a colorful party with children and their parents dressed in their favorite color and they brought food of the same color. Each family posed with their colorful outfit and food. In each game, the children had the opportunity to win tickets so they could exchange them for toys and edible prizes.

At the end of the meeting, we were left with a list of children registered for the opening of AWANA, with their names, ages and their parents’ contact information. Saturday from 4 to 8 p.m., people interested in serving with AWANA received training with Curt Talley, AWANA representative for Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma.

      “Sunday, at our 9 a.m. discipleship meeting, Jenny and David were having birthdays. We sang them the traditional birthday song, ate cake and prayed for them. In the afternoon, we celebrated both birthdays at our house. We thank God for the Sunday 9 a.m. discipleship group participants, all of whom demonstrate a genuine desire to know more about God and walk with Him daily. Let us pray we will be able to establish them in the faith through these studies, the opportunities for service in the congregation and the communion we are enjoying.”

Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “We had a wonderful week at Faith Chapel, and a very busy one, too! We had a good number Sunday morning — several people were out, but we still had a good number.


      “I went to the state meeting Thursday and Friday and it was great! I’m not sure of the attendance, but it seemed to me that there were more attending this year, and it was so good to see everyone. I love getting to talk to old friends, meet new ones and fellowship with those who are genuinely interested in hearing about our mission. I love this association that not only lets us do this, but helps us do this. We are truly blessed.

      “We put up the steeple this week, thanks to all that offered the benefit of their experience in steeple installation and upkeep. Your heartfelt advice is appreciated, and heeded. It was a little stressful, but it went smoothly, thanks to careful planning. Text me or email me if you want to see it, and I’ll send you pictures.

      “We thank you all for your love, support and especially for your prayers! Please continue as God is answering them. We appreciate you all so much!”

Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes, “What a blessing it was to be able to attend the BMA state meeting this past Thursday and Friday. It was such a fun time to get to see folks from other churches around the state and also visit with all our fellow missionaries.

        I was able share with them about what the Lord has been doing through Faith Journey this last year and how He has been working in the lives of those who have been coming to the mission. I also took the opportunity to thank Paul White with BMA Missions and Allan Eakin with Celebration Baptist Church for their commitment to the mission field and the guidance we receive through the BMA of Arkansas and Celebration Baptist Church in Haskell. Faith Journey couldn’t do what we do every week without their faithful support.

      “We celebrated Thanksgiving a little early this week at the mission. Some of our people will be traveling on a mission trip during Thanksgiving week, so we didn’t want any of our Faith Journey family to miss out on a great feast. We enjoyed turkey, ham, dressing, mashed potatoes, corn and so much more. Of course, we couldn’t forget pumpkin and pecan pie. We spent time sharing all the ways God has blessed our lives this past year and prayed over those who were traveling. We all had full bellies and even fuller, more thankful hearts when we finished.”

Misión Gracia Soberana (Sovereign Grace), NWA: Roberto Marcelletti writes, “It was great to be at the annual meeting of the BMA of Arkansas and to be able to say ‘hello’ and be together as a team presenting our annual report. I am thankful for Bro. Paul and the team of state missionaries. I thank God that my wife, Patty was able to accompany me to the meeting.

         When we arrived in Arkansas, the plan we wanted to develop was to do three things just as Acts 14:21-23 says — share the gospel, make many disciples and establish these new disciples in new works. We are convinced that the best method of evangelism is new churches.

      “On Friday morning, we presented the report to the assembly of the accomplishments of our first year in the field. We have three connection groups (Grace Groups) in three different cities — Pea Ridge, Springdale and Rogers. Our goal is for them to grow and become missions for our church in the future. Every week, we are discipling 29 people and, in our Sunday services, 35 people attend. Yesterday, two new volunteers joined to attend the 11 children in the Sunday Bible School. Thanks for your prayers. We are impressed by what God is doing.”

   Epic Life, Pea Ridge: Jake McCandless writes, “This week was the state meeting. Each time I get to share, I become overwhelmed with thankfulness to serve in this role.


      “It was a tough week for our groups, but was a great week for contacts. Again, we saw the beauty of our homegroups spilling over into the neighborhoods. At our Woodbridge Connection Groups, the kids have been inviting a neighbor friend. That friend loves Bible study and connecting with adults who care. While we were trick or treating in his neighborhood, he took us to introduce us to his parents and his neighbors. His immediate neighbor just happened to be someone I have been praying about for over a year. Incredible! We trick or treated the neighborhoods where our groups are located to further get the chance to meet people. The candy was a bonus!”

El Faro #2 Hispanic Mission, Cabot/Jacksonville: Michael Hight writes, “It was good to see everyone at the state meeting. Thank you for electing me to this new mission. We are still in the process of meeting people and making contacts. Halloween gave us an opportunity to meet many of our neighbors and we hope to see fruit from that.


      “Every mission work is unique and requires exegeting the culture. We are still in that process of learning everything we can about the people and the rhythms of the Hispanic community in this area. We are claiming Psalm 32:8 (translated from Spanish version) “I will make you understand, I will show you the steps to take and I will fix my eye upon you.”

      “Thanks for your prayers and support.”