All The News, CBC Profile

Summer and Fall 2022

Terry Kimbrow

PACE Program 

For adults with a full-time job that need a convenient and flexible college option, the next registration deadline for the fall semester of the PACE program is Monday, June 27. Classes begin July 5 and are offered in-class, online or in a hybrid option.

With eight enrollment periods per year and five-week courses, working adults always have an opportunity to get started. Take advantage of our $500 BMAA Grant that applies for all students who attend a BMAA church, the Ministry Tuition Grant, student referral grant or the Veterans Tuition Grant. For a full list of Fall 2022 course deadlines, please visit

Visit to apply or learn what PACE can do for you. If you have questions, contact the Admissions Office at or (800) 441-5106. 

Traditional Student Fall Semester

For traditional high school students and college transfer students, now is the time to apply for Fall 2022 as well, and scholarships are still available. To schedule an on-campus personal campus visit, go to Students can also take a virtual campus visit or get more information about the value of CBC.

Once new students complete the easy application process, each student will receive a scholarship award package to review and accept.

Visit to apply before Aug. 8 or contact Admissions at or (501) 329-6873.

Summer Classes

CBC offers online courses for two five-week sessions and one ten-week session for summer 2022. The registration and payment deadline for the first and third summer sessions are complete. However, the registration and payment deadline for the second summer session is June 20, with classes being held June 27-July 29. Summer courses are available for both current and non-current CBC students. A schedule of courses, tuition and fees, and payment information can be found at or start the application process at