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The BMA of America Coordinating Council Report

BT Staff

Editor's Note: Coordinating Council Chairman Richard Smith will appear on Lifeword Today on Thursday, March 28 at 9 a.m. to talk about the Coordinating Council's Report. Join the broadcast on Lifeword's facebook page (

      The BMAA Coordinating Council is recommending the following changes to our Statement of Principles of Cooperation. These changes are in response to the mandate given to the Coordinating Council in the 2021 annual meeting to “determine a more efficient and effective plan to carry out the annual meetings of the Baptist Missionary Association of America.” These changes will create more flexibility for the annual meeting schedule, allow the Nominating Committee to present nominees for all committee and board positionsand eliminate the annual call for department and agency directors.

      We also recommend the BMA America Financial Services, per their request, return back to a nine-member board of directors. This will help reduce operating expenses, while still maintaining enough safety to have a “multitude of counselors” oversight.

      Then, we recommend the Coordinating Council provide an orientation annually for the chairman of our boards and agencies. The orientation will be led by the Coordinating Council chairman and Executive director of the BMA America Financial services to provide resources, information and training.

      Thank you for your prayerful consideration.

— Richard W. Smith, Chairman of the Coordinating Council

Recommended Changes to the Statement of Principles of Cooperation

      Strikethroughs indicate removal of current wording.

         Bold indicates recommended changes in wording.


Article VII — Officers Section 3

      B. Department of Lifeword Media Ministries: Annually, When necessary, this association shall elect an executive director of Lifeword Media Ministries…

      C. Department of Missions: Annually, When necessary, this association shall elect a president of missions…

      D. Baptist Publishing House: Annually, When necessary, this association shall elect an executive director of the Baptist Publishing House…

      E. BMA America Financial Services Agency: Annually, When necessary, this association shall elect an executive director of BMA America Financial Services

      F. Moral Action Agency: Annually, When necessary, this association shall elect an executive director of the Moral Action Agency…

      G. Daniel Springs Baptist Camp: Annually, When necessary, this association shall elect a camp director of the Daniel Springs Baptist Camp…


Section 4

      All presiding, clerical, department and agency officers are elected by nomination and standing vote unless otherwise stated in this Statement of Principles of Cooperation. The election of presiding and clerical officers shall be during the fifth finally scheduled business session of the annual messenger meeting. Department and agency officers making annual reports shall be elected immediately after their reports have been made to, and received by, the messenger body. When necessary, department and agency officers shall be nominated and voted upon immediately after the applicable department or agency’s report has been made and received by the messenger body.


Article VIII — Coordinating Council

         Section 1. The Coordinating Council shall consist of seven (7) members: the three (3) presiding officers, the immediate past president and three (3) elected from the floor on a staggered basis for three (3)-year terms and may succeed themselves one (1) time. The immediate past president shall serve as chairman. Four (4) members of the Coordinating Council shall constitute a quorum.

Article XX — Nominating Committee

         Section 1 This association shall elect a Nominating Committee consisting of seven (7) members, four (4) of whom shall constitute a quorum. In annual session, the association president and vice-presidents shall present nominees for the nominating committee, giving due consideration to representation from various regions of the association. In annual session, presiding officers must also make allowance for nominations to be received from the floor.


Section 2

      A. To present to the association as nominees the names of persons to serve on all other standing committees (except the Missions Advisory Committee), boards of trustees, the Coordinating Council, as clerical officers, and on any other committees ...”

Article XXI — Meetings

      Section 1. The regular meeting of the messengers of the churches shall convene on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday following the third (3rd) Sunday of April, at such place as the messengers may choose two (2) years in advance. The date and/or location of the meeting may be adjusted, if necessary, by vote of the messengers at least one (1) year in advance.

      Section 2. There will be six (6) sessions of the association. The initial session will convene Monday evening at 7:00 and is to be a worship service planned by the presiding officers. Included in this session will be the president’s message and introduction of the theme. The second session will begin on Tuesday afternoon at 3:00. The third session will begin at 7:00 Tuesday evening and will include a worship service with the annual message. Business may be conducted at the discretion of the president. The fourth session will begin Wednesday morning at 8:30, and the fifth session will start Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. The sixth session will start Wednesday evening and will include the Missions Department report.

         The association will include a minimum of three business sessions. The first session will include opportunities for general business and presentation of proposed amendments to the Statement of Principles of Cooperation and/or Doctrinal Statement. The second session will focus upon department and agency reports, including the election of directors. The third session will be available to address continuing or pending business if necessary.

Article XIV BMA America Financial Services

         Section 1. This association shall elect a BMA America Financial Services board of trustees consisting of fifteen (15) members, nine (9) nine (9) members, five (5) of whom shall constitute a quorum.

Article VIII - Coordinating Council

      Section 3. The duties of the council:

         E. Provide an annual chairman orientation for the chairman of departments and agencies at the annual BMAA meeting for resources, information, and training. The orientation will be led by the Coordinating Council chairman and the executive director of the BMA America Financial Services.