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2023 Recommendations from BMA Departments and Agencies
BT Staff

2023 Recommendations from BMA Departments and Agencies

Executive Editor’s Note: Below you will find only the recommendations from each department and agency. For the full reports and more information regarding the upcoming national meeting, go to

The following recommendations will be presented during the national meeting, on April 25-27 in Conway.

1. That Steve Crawley stand as a nominee for Executive Director (to be elected by the BMA of America).

2. That the Executive Director’s 2023-2024 base salary remain at $7,200 annually.

3. That the budget for 2023-24 be set at $22,828. (Editor’s Note: you can see the detailed budget in the full report available at

4. That individuals within our BMA churches prayerfully consider including the BMA Foundation in their estate plans. An undesignated bequest will benefit all BMA of America departments or individuals may designate their gifts as desired.

5. That in an effort to enhance efficiency of associational resources and optimize operational effectiveness, the BMA Foundation cooperate with Ministers Resource Services to form a new agency known as BMA America Financial Services.

1. That we adopt the proposed operating budget for Fiscal 2024.

2. That our churches approve the recommendation from the BMA Coordinating Council to merge BMA Foundation and MRS into a single agency.

3. That Steve Crawley stand as a nominee for Executive Director.

1. We recommend that we adopt the proposed operating budget for fiscal 2023.

2. We recommend that the executive director be paid a salary of $58,240. Benefits include one half of Social Security, $250 per month in a health savings account for healthcare expense reimbursement, retirement at 6% of salary and travel reimbursement.

3. We recommend that $8,000 of the Executive Director’s salary be designated as housing allowance.

4. We recommend that Jordan Tew stand as a nominee for Executive Director.

The Lifeword Board of Directors offers the following recommendations to the messengers of the 2023 BMA National Meeting:

1. That the proposed 2024 Lifeword budget be approved and accepted.

2. That Oct. 22, 2023 be designated as Lifeword Sunday across the BMA of America and that every church be encouraged to pray for the ministry of Lifeword and take a special offering to expand Lifeword’s ministry footprint around the world.

3. That the messenger body offer thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father for His provision and blessings on the ministry of Lifeword.

4. That Donny Parrish stand as nominee for the Executive Director of Lifeword.

A resolution for God’s people to encourage all as believers in God. We may ask “What am I to do?”, and then as a Christian we should say, “I ought to do this” (would you join in unison…),

I resolve to live for Christ all the days of my life;

To seek his face through heartfelt prayers and Bible study;

To prepare my heart for the “End Time” days;

To use my feet to walk normally in this life according to God’s Word;

To use my hands to pull mankind out of the guttery life;

To use my eyes to search out the needy in compassion;

To use my lips to warn the sinful of “judgment” to come.

(Dr. Adams) So as a messenger or church member of the Baptist Missionary Association of America meeting in annual session at Conway, Arkansas, April 25-27, 2023, we join other Christians in walking the straight and narrow way with Christ: (would you join in unison)

To pray for America’s political leaders in making godly decisions;

To speak with support of law enforcement officers as they trek up and down America;

To claim great boldness in our soul as laity, as preachers, pastors and teachers in standing against the sins of pornography, adultery, homosexuality, gay rights and euthanasia;

To proclaim family values, religious freedom, voluntary prayers, parental rights in Christ, love of all races, and pro-life for every unborn child.

1. Affirmation of the proposed budget

2. Re-affirm the appointment of Dr. Charley Holmes as president

3. Each church observe Sunday, May 14, 2023, As Scholarship Sunday with:

• A special prayer for our graduates, and

• Receive a special scholarship offering to support the training of future BMA ministers and missionaries on that Sunday.

1. That Cherry Gamboa be commissioned as a North American church planter to the Garifuna community in Bronx, NY.

2. That Edixon Pina be commissioned as a North American church planter to Phoenix, Ariz.

3. That Mkram Shahatit be commissioned as a North American church planter in El Cajon, Calif.

4. That Dr. John David Smith stands as a nominee for President of BMA Global Missions.

BT Staff

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