A SIP FROM THE SAUCER: Stop Scrolling, Start Listening All The News|A Sip From The Saucer A SIP FROM THE SAUCER: Stop Scrolling, Start Listening Every day I scroll through my Facebook feed for a few minutes and see what news I can catch up on. Sometimes I will leave a quick...
Sunshine by Valarie Fish All The News|A Sip From The Saucer Sunshine by Valarie Fish As I sit at my desk to start work, the sun is coming up over the trees and shining directly into my face. I feel the heat on my eyelids, and my...
You Can't Handle The Plan All The News|A Sip From The Saucer You Can't Handle The Plan I start off my day with a plan. Not anything strict or rigid, but a general outline of what tasks need to be tackled today. Most days that...
Made to Be Broken All The News|A Sip From The Saucer Made to Be Broken The phrase was coined by Heraclitus Ridens, a poet in the 1600s and then made popular by writer Jonathan Swift in the early 1700s — Promises and...