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Appreciate Your Pastors
Dr. Tom Mitchell

Appreciate Your Pastors

      I was just thinking about the task of being a pastor — the shepherd of one of God’s flocks. It was my honor to serve in that capacity for 53 years at 5 different churches.

      In the New Testament, the term for the shepherding position is “elders,” except in Eph. 4:11 where the Greek word poimen is translated as “pastor.”

Pastor Appreciation

         There is no perfect pastor, just as there are no perfect church members. I used that word “task” earlier. A task is an assignment, duty or chore that is often difficult and sometimes unpleasant. Such is the work of a pastor. However, the paramount work of a pastor is ministry. In my opinion, ministry is meeting needs. He is to meet the church’s needs in multiple ways.

      The church that has a pastor who takes on God’s assignment to preach, teach, lead, feed, marry, bury, comfort and love God’s people should receive appreciation from the flock.

October is Pastor Appreciation Month

         Actually, nationwide Pastor Appreciation Sunday is designated as the 2nd Sunday of October. A majority of churches, however, stretch this to Pastor Appreciation Month.

      Church, you are admonished to honor your pastor. Paul wrote to Timothy: “The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching” (I Tim. 5:17 NIV).

      In our era, there are many churches with multiple pastors and also multiple staff positions. Those who serve the local church by touching the lives of the community should receive acts of kindness — of appreciation. That should apply to the church staff as well.

Appreciate Your Pastor(s)

         Acts of kindness and appreciation can be expressed in so many ways. I dare not attempt to list all that might be. Here, though, are five ways I feel will be effective:

      • A love offering — The single, most implemented way for churches to show appreciation is for a love offering to be received for her pastor and staff.

      • A personal note or card — It is one thing to receive a gift, but to read the thoughts expressed in a church member’s card or note are of personal encouragement.

      • A gift card — This can be directed to not just the pastor, but also to his family. It can be to a favorite restaurant, store, online shopping venue or even a gas station.

      • A verbal statement — “I appreciate you, pastor!” Gifts are nice. Cards are good. But hearing from his flock complimentary expressions of gratitude and appreciation are priceless.

      • Thank your pastor often — Do not relegate appreciation to the month of October. Let your pastor (of staff member) know how much he is appreciated for taking on the task God assigned to him.

Dr. Tom Mitchell

Dr. Tom MitchellDr. Tom Mitchell

Dr. Tom Mitchell pens a column titled, Just Thinking, in which he addresses many topics relative to the Baptist Missionary Association. His Trailblazers series provides biographies of many BMA trailblazers from the past.

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