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Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights
Terry Kimbrow

Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights

         The CBC Board of Trustees met Friday and Saturday, March 4-5, on the Central Baptist College campus. The standing committees of the Board met on Friday evening to conduct business and hear recommendations from the Executive Leadership Team. The full board convened on Saturday at 8:30 a.m.

         During the committee meetings on Friday and/or in the full board meeting on Saturday, vice presidents gave reports and updates relative to their areas of responsibility including updates on Enrollment and Housing, Public Relations, Property Acquisition, Annual Giving, the Scholarship Gala, the 70th Anniversary Celebration, the New Baseball Field and the Academic Program.

         The following recommendations were approved by the full board: the Handbook for Concurrent Students, the January 2022 Year to Date Revenues and Expenditures and the 2020/2021 Audit Report.

CBC Day 2022 Announced

         Thank you to the faithful churches of the BMAA in partnering with CBC in helping us to carry out our mission of transforming this generation through higher education that “integrates Christian faith and academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment.”

         CBC Day for 2022 has been scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 11. We are encouraging churches to set aside this Sunday, or another day which best fits your church calendar, to pray for CBC. Churches are also encouraged to take a one-time offering for the annual fund program, “Gifts that Transform,” and/or make a pledge to give additional offerings over the 12 months to follow. The ultimate goal of the annual “CBC Day” is to fully underwrite the expenses associated with the Bible and Missions Departments and to fund the Ministry Tuition Grant Program — all distinctives of CBC.

         It is my strong desire that the churches of the BMAA come together for one day of our three-month Special Emphasis and see what God can and will do through our people. For more information about hosting a CBC Day in your church or to schedule a CBC Day, please contact Director of Church Relations Duffy Guyton at or (501) 205-8920.

Terry Kimbrow

Terry KimbrowTerry Kimbrow

Central Baptist College President Terry Kimbrow pens a weekly column, CBC Profile, to keep the BMA of Arkansas and beyond aware of activities, plans, and needs of CBC.

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