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SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Joshua & Meagan Phiri • Zambia
BT Staff

SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Joshua & Meagan Phiri • Zambia

      At the core of everything we do lies a simple yet profound mission — Loving the Least and the Lost. This mission guides every step we take, reminding us that the true measure of our work is found in the lives we touch, especially those who are often overlooked or forgotten.

         • Reaching the Unreached — In remote villages and underserved communities, we encounter individuals who have been marginalized and neglected — those who are spiritually lost or struggling to meet their basic needs. Our mission compels us to reach out to these individuals, bringing them the love and hope only Christ can offer.

      Through our outreach programs, we provide not only spiritual guidance but also practical support. Whether building wells to supply clean water, offering medical assistance or providing educational resources, we are committed to serving the least among us with compassion and dignity.

         • Empowering Local Leaders — Loving the least and the lost means ensuring that the work will continue long after we’ve left. That’s why we focus on empowering local leaders who will continue ministering to their communities and carrying the message of hope forward. Through discipleship, leadership training and mentorship, we equip church leaders with the tools to effectively share the gospel, plant churches and address their communities’ unique challenges.

         • A Call to Action — Our mission is far from complete, and much work remains to be done. We invite you to join us on this journey. Whether through prayer, financial support or active participation, your involvement is crucial to sustaining and expanding our efforts.

      As we move forward, let’s remember the words of Jesus: “…Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matt. 25:40 NIV). Together, we can make a lasting impact in the lives of those who need it most.

      We are deeply grateful for your continued support. Your generosity and prayers enable us to pursue this mission with passion and purpose. Let’s continue to work together, loving the least and the lost and making a difference that echoes into eternity.

      For a video update, go to

      If you are reading this and are not currently part of our financial team, would you consider supporting us monthly? We would also be so grateful if you know of anyone who would like to hear about our work and would be interested in joining our team. Please contact us at or by messaging on Facebook ( or! We would love to hear from you.

      If you would like to give via check, please make them payable to BMA Global ChangeMaker, write “For Joshua Phiri” on the memo line and mail it to P.O. Box 878, Conway, Ark. 72033. If you would like to give online, please go to the BMA online giving page and donate to Joshua Phiri ( All gifts are tax deductible. (

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