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CBC PROFILE: Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights
Terry Kimbrow

CBC PROFILE: Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights

The CBC Board of Trustees met Friday and Saturday, March 3-4, on the Central Baptist College campus. The standing committees of the Board met on Friday evening to conduct business and hear recommendations from the Executive Leadership Team (ELT). The full board convened on Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m.

During the committee meetings on Friday and/or the full board meeting on Saturday, vice presidents and the faculty council moderator gave reports and updates relative to their areas of responsibility including: Enrollment and Housing, Public Relations, Property Acquisition, Annual Giving, Scholarship Gala Fundraising, Ransomware Giving, Baseball Field, and Academic Goals for 2023.

The following recommendations were approved by the full board:

• Actions taken by the property acquisition committee since the October 2022 board meeting;

• New courses — Biology of Cancer, Study Abroad Prep Course

• New courses with the time of implementation to be determined by the ELT — Modern Terrorism, Modern Insurgency, U.S. Military History, History of Human Rights, History of International Relations, U.S. Constitutional History, American Legal History, History of International Law, Modern China, History of Modern Latin America and the Caribbean;

• Revised degree programs with the time of implementation to be determined by the ELT — A.S. in Military Studies, B.S. in History;

• New minors with the time of implementation to be determined by the ELT — Military Studies, International Studies, Legal Studies;

• Letter of commendation to Dr. Kateryna Pitchford for her promotion to Professor of Business;

• January 2023 Year to Date Revenues and Expenditures; and

• 2021/2022 Audit Report.

Terry Kimbrow

Terry KimbrowTerry Kimbrow

Central Baptist College President Terry Kimbrow pens a weekly column, CBC Profile, to keep the BMA of Arkansas and beyond aware of activities, plans, and needs of CBC.

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