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Director's Prayers and Goals for 2023 (Part 1)
BT Staff
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Director's Prayers and Goals for 2023 (Part 1)


By Donny Parrish, Executive Director

2023 holds much promise for the ministry of Lifeword. This ministry is poised to make more global impact through the proclamation of God’s Word and the making of disciples than at any time in her history. Every year, we set ministry goals for Lifeword. These are not academic. They are a track to run on. We are ambitious for God. Our goal is not that Lifeword, or even that the BMA of America, can be made famous, but that the name of Jesus might be made known to the world. With those thoughts in mind, we offer the following ministry targets for 2023:

• Broadcasting — In 2023, Lifeword will endeavor to increase our broadcast language count to 160 languages. Lifeword presently offers a gospel presentation in 145 languages around the world. In the past, we have measured our success by counting the number of countries impacted by our programming. With the advent of internet broadcasting, that matrix is no longer useful. Modern travel and worldwide immigration have allowed countries around the world to become much more diverse in languages spoken by their population. We will increase the number of languages in which we share the gospel. We will broaden our outreach through digital technology and also traditional radio where needed. Our goal will be to speak in the heart language of people around the world through whatever broadcast medium best suits that culture. The addition of 15 new languages will increase the number of people who can hear the gospel exponentially.

• Programming — Creating new programming that taps into the interest and draws those that do not know God or are far away from God will be one of Lifeword’s top goals for 2023. We will use our expanded television production studios to produce more internet shows that also speak the heart language of the viewer. We will use our new podcasting studios to produce new and exciting podcast formats. The goal for every Lifeword production is to take the viewer/listener to the cross of Christ. Using media to cast a wide net through interesting and life-experiential programming will allow us to speak into different cultures and share with them the good news of Jesus.

• Discipleship — Lifeword will use 2023 to refine and test our new discipleship portal we are calling “Follow.” We will beta-test our internet effort by inviting those consuming Lifeword programming to become fully devoted followers of Christ, then endeavor to connect them with a local church. We will also refine our digital discipleship process so BMA church members can use Follow as a personal discipleship tool.

• Print — Lifeword will continue to expand our efforts to introduce and challenge readers through blog content. We will seek out gifted writers that are faithful to God’s Word and compelling in their writing style. Our goal will continue to be to use digital media to ask pertinent life questions, then to give answers to those questions through the truth of God’s Word.

• Financial — The best estimates of missiologists are that nearly three billion people on planet earth have never heard the good news of Jesus Christ. That leaves Lifeword with a daunting task. We will need to increase our financial base to meet this global challenge. Lifeword sits in a strategic location at this pivotal point in world history to tell the world the story of Jesus. God will fund His ministry.

Baptist Publishing House

By Jordan Tew, Executive Director

I always say that our ministry is “more than Sunday School,” and that is true! The plans are in motion to further expand the ministry of Baptist Publishing House (BPH). I have high hopes and will continue to work my hardest to see that BPH not only survives but grows in the coming years. Our primary goal is giving local churches tools that can be used to help them fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.

In 2023, I am focusing on two main things:

• Our new curriculum for children will be released in early spring 2023. DiscipleKidz is an all-in-one resource for children in grades 1-6. It is designed with the small church in mind but can be used in any size church. The focus of this curriculum is to proclaim the gospel to children, to teach them that the Bible is true and to see them grow in their knowledge of God’s Word.

• We are going to begin work on developing and printing an evangelistic resource pack to equip churches to spread the gospel in their communities. My goal is to have this resource available in English by the end of the year. Watch for updates about this in the coming months!

BPH is designed and exists to put tools in the hands of the local church. I look forward to being able to put more tools in your hands this year!

Please pray that many would come to know Jesus as their Savior through the materials we produce, that believers would grow in their knowledge and love for God’s Word and for God to bless us with the resources needed to do this ministry.

Visit our website ( to learn more.

State Missions

By Paul White, Executive Director 

Greetings from your State Missions department. This year has been an exciting one, having seen the addition of three new works — two in the northwest and one in the central part of the state. This gives us eight men currently serving.

One work is scheduled to organize in June 2023, with another not far behind. I am excited to see churches stepping up to extend an arm to those called to plant; after all, churches plant churches, we only come alongside to assist. It has always been my hope to see us have at least 10 missionaries on staff. Perhaps 2023 will be that year.

Much like last year, our goals are:

• To see that each mission outreach becomes a soul-saving station for the lost.

• To invite more churches to join the team through prayers and support.

• To develop our ways of communicating and informing our churches and her members.

As for dreams, they would be:

• To see a revival in our state and country and a hunger for God’s Word.

• To see more churches sending out missionaries.

• For God to raise up men to fill the need and call them to be missionaries.

• To develop training events to better equip our men in ministry.

• To see the Emphasis put back in our Special Emphasis this year.

In closing, I sincerely appreciate the opportunity you have given me to serve you and these men.

Ministers Resource Services & BMA Foundation

By Dr. Steve Crawley, Executive Director

At Ministers Resource Services (MRS) and BMA Foundation, it is our pleasure to provide retirement, benefits, risk insurance needs, payroll support and financial endowment services for the churches and entities affiliated with the BMA of America. This year, we will focus on the following objectives as we seek to accomplish our mission: 

• Complete our feasibility study of synergistic opportunities with the Boards of Directors for Ministers Resource Services and BMA Foundation and present a recommendation to the association.

• Expand the services of MRS/BMA Foundation to include more comprehensive financial and estate planning for our participants through our partnership with Ronald Blue Trust.

• Expand the use of payroll services offered to churches through Ministry Works.

• Conduct quarterly financial wellness classes for our BMA membership to aid in stewardship development and optimize the use of current platforms made available to our membership.

• Proactively pursue expanding the footprint of services of MRS and BMA Foundation utilized by churches and departments within the association.

Please pray that God will grant us wisdom in stewarding the assets entrusted to us for the benefit of our pastors, missionaries and BMA employees/churches.

BT Staff

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