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Dwelling Together in Unity
Paul White

Dwelling Together in Unity

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” (Psa. 133:1).

It is always a joyful time to assemble as an association and enjoy the wonderful fellowship of those attending. I especially thank all the missionary committee men who were present. Such a crowd was an encouragement to your missionaries and me. Thank you to President Michael Battenfield and the rest of those involved. Also, thank you to President Terry Kimbrow and CBC for hosting the meeting and attending to our needs. It is my prayer that 2022-2023 will be a banner year for our association of churches.

Thank You

On behalf of your eight missionaries and me I want to thank you for the 3% cost of living raise we were given. Also, thank you for allowing me to serve you as director for another year. I promise to do my very best. We pray that your investments in State Missions returns to you in souls saved, lives changed and churches planted!


Russell Threet was the winner of a new iPad. Thank you to each person who signed our list to receive our free bi-monthly newsletter. I encourage everyone to send us their email address and we will see that you receive one too. These will be much more personal as they will be shared in story form and deal with the lives of real people in real places. Please email us at and simply write “newsletter.” Thank you.

From Our Missionaries

Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, “On Wednesday night, we took a field trip to Caldwell’s First Baptist Church to observe the development of a typical AWANA meeting. We are interested in starting AWANA in our congregation and wanted to learn more about the program.

“Saturday was service project day. We went to Yolanda’s house to prepare the house for painting, but we found several pieces of wood that needed to be replaced. So we bought the materials, replaced the pieces of wood, installed two doors and will wait for the roof to be repaired before we paint the house. In the afternoon, we went to Mrs. Irma’s house, where we repaired two areas of the ceiling, installed an electrical outlet and repaired the deck door that was broken. It was 12 hours of continuous work that God allowed us to do for the houses of these two women who struggle alone to get ahead.

“Sunday, German Galindo visited us to present the project God had placed on his heart to plant a church in Mexico City. The opportunity to get involved in missions in Mexico is great, so we would love to support him in this initiative. Let us pray that he can raise all his support and start the work in Mexico City.”

Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, “I am so joyful in the Lord for your answer to prayer. I have been asking you week after week for God to introduce me to people who are thirsty for Him. Last week, I met Eduar in a café to talk and get to know each other. Eduar and his family (wife and three children) came from Venezuela fleeing the communist socialism there.

They left everything behind in order to survive as a family. They have been in Arkansas for three weeks, and I am trying to orient them to this new culture.

“This past Sunday, they attended Ebenezer for the first time, and it was a joy to see them. We met his wife, their 13-year-old son and their two girls. In the afternoon, they participated in a picnic our mother church had at Maumelle Park and brought their nephew, along with his wife and their one-year-old baby girl. Once again, I ask you to pray for Eduar and his family, that they will come to repentance by hearing the gospel. I would like to one day see them baptized.

“Keep praying that God will introduce me to people with a thirst for God. Pray for Ricardo, the young agnostic, that God will remove every blindfold from his eyes. May God be glorified!”

Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “What a great week at Faith Chapel! I got to attend the BMA State meeting and had a wonderful time. I saw many old friends, made some new ones and came home refreshed and encouraged. Thank you for voting to support our work for another year! 

“Sunday worship was very special, and two different couples I have known for over 40 years came. One was for the first time, and one was for the second week in a row, and that means so much to me. Then, to top it off, a couple that has been coming faithfully for several weeks now joined us, and that brings our membership to 42. Praise God!

“Thank you for your prayers for us, Faith Chapel, the lost in our community, that we will reach them and for God to continue to send laborers to the harvest. Please continue, He is hearing and answering.”

Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes “Faith Journey was able get the pleasure of being part of the annual Baptist Missionary Association meeting Thursday and Friday of last week in Conway. It is such a blessing to be supported by all the churches in the association.

To have so many churches praying and lifting us up as we follow God’s plan to start this mission gives each of our missionaries such encouragement.

“We had a few out sick and some out of town this week, but we still enjoyed getting in the Scripture and seeing how God’s Word spoke to us. Even when life happens, and times are hard, we know we can always turn to the Great Provider to carry us through it all.”

Misión Gracia Soberana (Sovereign Grace), NWA:Roberto Marcelletti writes, “The week started with a lot of work since on Monday and Tuesday we were able to go out to share the gospel in Springdale and were able to connect with 16 people. Two women accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. Also on Monday, we had a wonderful time in our Springdale Mission Zone, a name we give to our small groups.

There they are taught that the DNA of our life is to live for the mission that every believer has because he is a follower of Jesus Christ. The goal of his life now is to live to fulfill the plan that God has and this glorifies God. Living for God’s mission, which is to share the gospel and show it with our lives, is the fuel that makes us live delighting in the Lord.

“Thursday and Friday we were at the annual meeting of the BMA of Arkansas, and it was an excellent time where we could hear the great things God is doing in the state, the challenges and the next goals we have as an association. I was able to give a brief report of our work in these almost seven months that we have been in Northwest Arkansas, and I thank the churches of the association, the brothers who are part of the missions of the state and our mother church for their support.

“Friday, we had to suspend our meeting of our Rogers Mission Zone which is attended by 11 people every Friday. There are only two weeks left until the official inauguration as a church, and we are very excited and during these two weeks we will be praying every day for our beginning that God opens the doors. May the program of service be led by Him and may the guests have a heart that is fertile ground for the gospel to be sown.”

Epic Life, Pea Ridge: Jake McCandless writes, “This week, I had the chance to share, along with all the other missionaries, at the annual meeting. It was my first time to share as a state missionary. I shared how thankful I was to be a state missionary and how we are doing this together.

It’s not just the McCandless family and leadership of Epic Life in Pea Ridge, it’s all of us across the state who have built Sate Missions to be able to send my family out where God was already at work. I’m so thankful for you.

“I also shared that the vision of Epic Life which is to start a Discovery Bible Study in every neighborhood in Pea Ridge by helping leaders begin them in their neighborhoods. In doing so, the hope is to help all members live out their faith in everyday life. As you can imagine, this is a daunting task. So please pray for my family as we try to do so in our neighborhood, and help others do the same. Pray for our leaders who are working in their own neighborhoods.”

Paul White

Paul WhitePaul White

Arkansas State Missions Director Paul White pens a weekly column to inform the BMA of Arkansas concerning Arkansas Missions’ activity and includes individual reports from each church planter.

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