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God's Grace is Sufficient
BT Staff

God's Grace is Sufficient

By Rose

By the grace of God, the ministry BMA Teach for Christ was created during the COVID-19 pandemic back in 2020, assisted by Baptist Medical Missions International (BMMI). BMMI provided my mother with some funds to help the community in the village who was suffering with no food due to the governmental lock-down and social distancing. Teachers who first started the teaching ministry with me were my friends and neighbors from the BMA Seminary in Jacksonville, Texas including Dr. Ricky Williams and his pastor, Michael Bowen. Later, some of the VSM students from Arkansas and Mississippi who were recommended by Angela Rice also helped to teach for the ministry for a while. I am so thankful for them!

The ministry started with 10 students. After 3 years, the Lord blessed us with 6 teachers, 30 students and 8 GMA girls. The ministry uses the English Bible and biblical literature to teach and reach students from Vietnam and Malaysia via Zoom. Teachers who are serving the Lord in this ministry are people in BMA churches. They use their love for teaching God’s Word to reach students overseas for Christ from their own home and time zone. We are so very thankful for our teachers and praise God for them as they put their time and talents into service to the Lord in such creative approach to fulfill His Great Commission.

Back in 2022, one of our teachers, Paul Gauntt shared with his teenage students about the summer camp at Daniel Springs. He got them excited. They expressed to him that they wished to experience Christian summer camp with BMA churches at Daniel Springs. Bro. Paul told me about that desire. Since then, we started to pray and search for God’s guidance, as well as provision, to see if that is His Will for them. Praise God, He opened the way and provided to enable us helping Sally and Philip from Malaysia came to the States for the first-time to experience summer camp with our churches at Daniel Springs in July 2023.

As a result of God’s goodness and grace, Sally and Philip knew they were saved and received baptism at First Baptist Church in Palmer, Texas. The next day, July 31, they flew home to Malaysia with two suitcases of Bibles printed in three different languages — Chinese, English and Vietnamese. All the Chinese-English versions will remain in Malaysia for our Chinese-speaking students. All the Vietnamese-English Bibles were sent to Vietnam from Malaysia, and are distributed to our Vietnamese-speaking students, especially to the GMA girls in Vietnam. After the first Vietnamese GMA group was formed by teacher Darla Gardner months ago, we are now finding ourselves praying to start the Galileans discipleship for the boys. Glory to God!

“Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men”(Matt. 4:19 ESV).

If you wish to keep up with and know more about the BMA Teach for Christ ministry, please search on Facebook for “High City BMA Teach For Christ Mission” or go to We will keep you posted! You can also reach out to me via email at

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