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JUST THINKING: How to Close Your Church's Door
Dr. Tom Mitchell

JUST THINKING: How to Close Your Church's Door

I was just thinking about how Satan hates the Lord’s churches. That is not a news flash; it is a truth we’ve known for centuries. The devil wants to close down churches in every community across the nation and around the globe. And now, in this era, he is getting lots of help accomplishing his goal.

The awful truth is that churches have become their own enemy. I don’t want to be a prophet of doom and gloom, but a harbinger crying out a warning. Churches are, in fact, dying instead of thriving… and that is not the world’s fault. Here are a few thoughts on how the close your church’s doors:

• Favor what is convenient. In 2023, we are a people focused on convenience. We seemingly cannot do anything if it requires effort or sacrifice. Have you noticed how many churches have ceased having Sunday School or evening services? Is it because those are no longer good? No! It’s because they have become inconvenient. For decades, Sunday School was the number one means of outreach and evangelism in churches. It was the prime means of discipleship. But, little by little, we are seeing that it is no longer of importance.

• Fail to make worship the priority. I know this will ruffle feathers, but performance is not a substitute for worship. Too many churches today focus on making the service look like show places in order to make attendees comfortable, excited and entertained — to the neglect of putting worship of the Almighty a priority. Worship services are not supposed to excite the saved but to exalt the Savior.

• Forsake meeting for worship.One of the things that has set churches back has been the COVID pandemic. People got comfortable with the convenience of watching church services via live stream, and many members have failed to return to attending the services in person.

There is good reason the writer of Hebrews was inspired to write: “And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near” (Heb. 10:25 BSB).

• Forget the Lord’s Commission. Worship at your church is essential. It is there that the concerns and fears of the world can be overridden by the reminder that God is always in control. There is just something special when the church comes together to sing, pray, give and hear the Word of the Lord.

When believers fail to do those things together, it is easy to forget our Lord’s Commission and the churches’ purpose in this world. “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matt. 28:19-20 NIV).

• Falter in praying for your church and pastor. Every member of your church has a responsibility to pray that the church remains alive and vigilant in your community. Prayer is one of the greatest privileges we possess as believers. When we falter in prayer, it opens opportunities for Satan to tempt and draw weaker ones away.

I am in my 59th year of ministry. I have seen the days when churches were alive and growing. I have seen towns positively affected because revival broke out in churches. Sadly, today I have seen many of those churches diminish and some have disappeared. Churches in the BMA of Arkansas that once were bursting at the seams with attendance are hanging on today by a thread… just trying to exist. It breaks my heart!

I have not written this to criticize, but to challenge. May God be with our pastors. May the Holy Spirit encourage them. And may the churches pray for them to have boldness and to preach in the power of the Spirit.

May we see revival in our towns because there has been revival in our churches. May see open doors instead of closed doors.

Dr. Tom Mitchell

Dr. Tom MitchellDr. Tom Mitchell

Dr. Tom Mitchell pens a column titled, Just Thinking, in which he addresses many topics relative to the Baptist Missionary Association. His Trailblazers series provides biographies of many BMA trailblazers from the past.

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