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Lifeword Sunday Is Almost Here!
Heather Harrison

Lifeword Sunday Is Almost Here!

      “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15 NIV).

     Share Jesus. Make Disciples. Everywhere.

     What a mandate God has given us. What a privilege and responsibility that He would entrust His gospel message to each of us who follow Him! We chose this year’s Lifeword Sunday theme because we, like you, are people who take this mandate to heart.

     We are people whose lives have been interrupted by Jesus Christ. We believe He is who He said He was, and He did what Scripture says He did. We believe Jesus Christ is the hope for our world.

     We are people who not only believe and take Jesus’ words seriously, we also cling to them because we know His words are the words of life. His commission to us is great and prepares us and our world for His return.

     We are people who know the gospel is to be proclaimed to all ethnic groups wherever they are, in a language they can understand. Sometimes, Lifeword is tasked with going to the ends of the earth, but when not physically possible, we are thankful for your partnership and support in sending the gospel via radio, social media and the cloud.

     That is what we believe, and that is why Lifeword Sunday is more than just an annual event. Lifeword Sunday is the day BMA churches around the country pray and take a special offering to help expand Lifeword’s work. Your prayer and financial support are vital. When you support this work financially, know that God is using every single dollar to accomplish His purposes.

     “A great response from our churches to Lifeword Sunday is crucial to increasing our gospel footprint around the world. There are at least two billion people scattered across the planet who have never heard the story of Jesus. We want to tell them that story! Lifeword Sunday really helps us fulfill our mission,” said Lifeword Executive Director Donny Parrish.

     Right now, Lifeword is perfectly positioned to carry out the Great Commission. Here’s how:

      • Go into all the world. Lifeword takes the gospel to over 2 billion people every day through radio, television, internet and the printed word.

      • Preach the gospel. Lifeword shares the gospel in over 150 languages. Proclaiming the gospel in the heart language of the listener is what we do.

      • Make disciples. Lifeword’s new internet portal, “Follow,” gives our audience the opportunity to accept Christ and become a fully devoted follower.

     Lifeword Sunday is Oct. 22. Registration is now open at Pastors who register their church for Lifeword Sunday will be entered to win a MacBook Pro! Download the Lifeword Sunday video to show your church exactly what they are supporting and order t-shirts to help us share the message of Lifeword. Then, on Oct. 22, we’ll celebrate and worship our missionary God!


Heather HarrisonHeather Harrison

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