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BT Staff


Name: AJ (Due to security concerns, and at the recommendation of security consultants, we are not publishing the full name of this missionary.)

Address: P.O. Box 632, Greenbrier, Ark. 72058


Mission field I’ll be serving in: I believe that God has called me to be on a church planting team with the intention to reach an unreached people group. I feel a huge burden for those who have never heard the name of Jesus, like Paul in Rom. 15:20-21, “and thus I make it my ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else’s foundation, but as it is written, ‘Those who have never been told of him will see, and those who have never heard will understand’” (ESV).

I’d like to use my degree as a speech pathologist, if God sees fit, to help build relationships among an unreached people group in order to see a healthy church planted among that people. The first step will be to get missiological training at a nine-month program called “Radius.” There, I pray that God will lead me to a specific team and specific place that He would have me serve.

Primarily, my ministry will include: The first year I will be attending a missions training program. During this time, I pray that God will help me discern His plan for what my ministry will look like on the field. I would love to use my degree as a speech-language pathologist to build relationships with locals with the intention of planting a healthy church among that people group. The majority of the areas with unreached people groups are closed to missionaries and evangelism. Therefore, it may be helpful to use my degree in order to access one of these hard-to-reach places!

My favorite worship song/hymn is “Jireh” by Maverick City Music!

My favorite subject in school was Spanish!

The best advice I ever received was: “People won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care!”

Guests at my “fantasy dinner” would be: This one is so hard! Just a few of my guests would be Corrie Ten Boom, Darlene Carey and all of the friends I have made on short term mission trips.

My favorite book (other than the Bible) is The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.

My hobbies are learning different languages, playing and listening to music. I also just recently found that I love doing CrossFit!

I would love to visit the Seven Wonders of the World!

My “pet peeve” is the noise that silverware makes when it scrapes a plate.

My most embarrassing moment was when I was in eighth grade, and I slipped and broke my ankle at school. I had to ride in a wagon down to my mom’s car in front of all the ninth graders.

The Bible character I most identify with is Lydia, because she was a very important woman who was crucial to the beginnings of the church at Philippi. She was hospitable and a leader of her household! I love that she was so involved in the lives of Paul and his companions in Acts. It was most likely her house in which the church at Philippi first met.

The best thing about my ministry is that I will get to share the gospel with people who have never heard the name of Jesus before! I am also so excited to start visiting churches to share about my ministry. I can’t wait to meet more of my brothers and sisters of the BMA!

The worst thing about my ministry is that due to the nature of where “unreached people groups” live, it will likely be a very long time before the message of salvation is accepted. Many of them will be persecuted for faith in Jesus Christ.

The greatest need in this ministry is support from churches and individuals in order to attend the training program to which I have been accepted. Support includes financial, but also things like encouragement, prayer and communication!

Something most people don’t know about me is that Kirk Cameron used my purple sharpie to sign autographs at one of his speaking events.

I want my children to remember that Jesus Christ is worth living and dying for!

I’d give anything to have met my great-grandparents. I’ve heard so many great things about them.

I have always wanted to learn how to make pottery and do the dangerous adventure things like skydiving, bungee jumping and parasailing.

I’d like for my epitaph to read: Since we are now living in the future, I think it would be awesome for a QR code to be etched on my tombstone. When you scan the code, it will pull up a video that shows all of the awesome things the Lord did in my life and explains to people where I am now and how to get there!

Other comments: Please contact me via my email if you or your church group is interested in hearing more about this ministry!

BT Staff

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