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Missions Spotlight: Brandon & Brittney Lingle • Thailand
BT Staff

Missions Spotlight: Brandon & Brittney Lingle • Thailand

         We made it back to Thailand on July 1 after some hard goodbyes and tears. It’s not easy to leave our family, and it never gets any easier. We are thankful for God’s grace through it all, and we are so thankful for the time we had in America with many of you. Thank you for the privilege to visit your church and share about the work here in Thailand and teach from God’s Word. We are thankful for the encouragement we received, and it was so good to see some dear brothers and sisters!

         Sometimes you get what you ask for. Before we went to the airport I prayed, “Lord, may you be glorified whether our flight is smooth or stressful.” The Lord received glory in the latter. While checking in, the flight attendant said, “Sorry, I have some bad news. Your COVID test has expired.” It had expired by only 20 minutes, and that is because they moved the flight back 30 minutes. Brittney and I were running across the airport a few times and praying that the test there would come back in time for us to board.

         Another flight attendant started to assist us. She asked why we were going to Thailand. We explained we are returning home, and when she realized we are missionaries she started doing everything she could to get us back. She started checking in all our bags (because she knew if she didn’t start, we wouldn’t have made it). What was nice is she did all this before even knowing if we would receive a negative result or not. While she was helping us, she started telling all the workers and other customers we were, “About the Father’s business.” I love that we all, even though there was some serious stress going on, could talk about God and give Him praise, no matter what happened.

         There was much more going on that day (i.e., I almost got locked out of the plane while the family was on it because I had to run and recheck the stroller). JJ almost ate a peanut butter snack at the airport, too. (He is highly allergic.) So many things, but through it all, God was good to us. It’s been an exhausting trip, and jet lag has been a challenge for the kids, but we made it back and we are ready to get to work. This morning Joy went out with daddy to buy some “Thai donuts” for breakfast. All the sellers were happy to see that the kids are back.

         If you didn’t see our video update at your church, you can find it by visiting

         Join us in praising God for the two Christian flight attendants who took care of us, that we made it back and our bodies are almost adjusted to the new time zone, and for the work ahead. (The kids are excited to start back with their homeschooling, and I’m excited to get back to work with Jo at the church.)

         Please pray for Brittney and the baby. (Baby boy is due around Sept. 20.) Also pray for us as we start to look again for a place that the church can use to gather for worship, and as we look to start an internship program at the church for men who are interested in ministry. (

BT Staff

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