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Raising Up Leaders In Romania
Larry Barker

Raising Up Leaders In Romania

         When our family moved to Romania, God immediately burdened my heart for the pastors and workers there — men like George Padure, Nicu Curpas, Dorine Popa and others. It was easy to see that they had hearts for service but were burning the candle at both ends. Most of them pastored three to four churches and visited each congregation once a month to observe the Lord’s Supper. I asked one of those men, George Padure, to help me find a young minister, a seminary student that we might help but, more importantly, might be able to mentor and develop into a ministry leader. This is the testimony of that answered prayer — Dani Bagosi:

         “I had to work during the summer times in high school and I got a full-time job as a salesman while I was a student at Immanuel University in Oradea, studying theology and getting ready to become a pastor, knowing beyond any doubt that God called me to preach His Word. For three years, I rode my bicycle over 30 miles every day for work and to go to the classes at the University in Oradea. I used to sleep only four to five hours at night because of time spent studying and preparing my assignments.

         “But it came the time of a big decision in my life at the end of the third year of my studies. I had to decide to either quit my job to be able to focus more on the classes and especially on writing my final dissertation or quit my studies without graduating in order to provide for my family, my mother and my sister who was also in school and needed help. I knew God was in control of my situation and He would find a way, so I prayed a special prayer begging God to intervene in one week and to provide for me the way to finish my studies.”

         That prayer was followed by a meeting at Bro. Padure’s home where I met Dani, who had ridden his bicycle to meet me for the first time. God answered both our prayers, and we began a wonderful working relationship that has lasted more than 20 years.

         Dani says, “I am in ministry because of Bro. Larry’s obedience to come to Romania at the right time God told him to come. God is, indeed, answering our prayers when we ask for something good and according to His will. God synchronized our wishes for the ministry and crossed our paths according to His call and plan for both of us! Praise the Lord! What a mighty God we serve!”

         Dani is my Timothy in the ministry, and now he and his wife, Claudia have three beautiful children and live in Santandrei, just outside of Oradea. As our Romanian coordinators, they oversee our team working to reach their country for Christ. Please pray for them as they work tirelessly for the advancement of the gospel!

Larry Barker

Larry BarkerLarry Barker

Director of Church Planting and Church Health Larry Barker submits a weekly column titled, Healthy Church Solutions, designed to strengthen and encourage the local church.

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