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Roy Tilley Celebrates 50th Anniversary in the Ministry
BT Staff

Roy Tilley Celebrates 50th Anniversary in the Ministry

By Sherrie Smith

On April 1, 1973, Roy Tilley surrendered to the ministry and was ordained at Bradford Baptist Church in Bradford. Fast-forward 50 years later to April 23, 2023, when Church at Willow Beach celebrated this milestone anniversary with Bro. Tilley and his wife of 52 years, Dorothy. The celebration service featured special worship music by Chip Distin and Steve Secrease, sharing of Church at Willow Beach memories relayed by long-time member Robert Post and a special message given by Sonny Harvison, retired pastor and one of Roy’s long-time friends. Bro. Harvison also interviewed Bro. Tilley and Dorothy discussing their 50 years in ministry before sharing a message based on Joshua 14:6-15. The message highlighted how Caleb, in his 80s, was still willing and able to continue the work God had for him, conquering more mountains and giving God the glory.

Bro. Tilley’s first pastoral position was Newark Baptist Church in 1974. He served as a BMA of Arkansas missionary and started Ramsey Heights Baptist Church in Batesville. He also pastored First Baptist Church in Waldo, Calvary Baptist Church in Morrilton and Park Place Baptist Church in Little Rock. In 1999, Bro. Tilley became pastor of Rose City Immanuel in North Little Rock. The church relocated to its present address and changed its name to Church at Willow Beach.

Long-time church member Robert Post related stories of Bro. Tilley’s call to pastor Church at Willow Beach and how he has faithfully pastored this church almost 24 years. Many of Robert’s comments highlighted a recurring theme that loving God’s Word and loving people accounted for Bro. Tilley’s longevity in the ministry. This love was evidence by stories of Bro. Tilley’s love for the churches he pastored, love for the Church’s community and participation with their events and Bro. Tilley’s love of sharing the truth of God’s Word every Sunday from the pulpit. Robert said this type of love has developed and deepened from being church at Willow Beach’s pastor for over almost 24 years, and the Church looks forward to celebrating Bro. Roy’s 25th pastoral anniversary in September 2024.

Bro. Harvison interviewed Bro. Roy and Dorothy as they discussed several thoughts and observations from their 50 years in ministry. Bro. Tilley thanked Dorothy for being with him, supporting him, praying for him, encouraging him, loving him and willingly making the necessary moves in answer to ministry calls over the years. He credited this, in addition to God and prayers, for his longevity in the ministry.

When asked about how he came to the ministry, Bro. Tilley shared his story. He delayed surrendering to the ministry for almost three years, but after talking with his pastor, Levi Reynolds at Bradford Baptist Church, he knew he was ready for the ministry. When he asked Bro. Reynolds “How do you know if you are ready for ministry?” Bro. Reynolds responded, “He that desires the work of a bishop desires a good work.” Bro. Reynolds then affirmed Bro. Tilley’s calling by saying it is not normal to want to be a pastor but it is a calling.

Bro. Harvison asked Bro. Tilley to share his observations about changes in churches in general over the decades. Bro. Tilley responded that the technology we have today did not exist earlier. Technology today makes sermon research quicker. There is also cause for alarm. There does not seem to be as much commitment in churches today as in past years. And it seems that if a pastor is not a good communicator, he’d better be a good entertainer. Bro. Tilley shared his concern that the Word of God is not front and center or being taught as it should.

The service ended with Bro. Post presenting the Tilley’s with a custom plaque and love offering celebrating the 50 years in the ministry. After the service, a golf themed potluck was held in the Tilleys’ honor, complete with a special cake and a putting contest. Bro. Tilley won the putting contest.

The following Sunday, Bro. Tilley shared the following in the bulletin: “Where do I possibly begin with this article? There aren’t enough words to express how much Dorothy and I appreciate your celebrating our 50 years in ministry. ‘Thank you’ sounds trivial, but please know that it comes from deep within. I was told that the planning started late last year. You certainly hid it well. You finally had to inform me a couple of weeks before the service because of the guest speaker and music. I know there had to be a lot of people involved in putting it together. Thank you for the cards, gifts, love offering, decorations, special bulletin and kind words. But most of all ‘thank you’ for your love. Dorothy and I feel so blessed to be part of such a loving and caring church family. We love you immensely!”

Did you notice the love coming through his comments? We invite you to come hear Bro. Tilley faithfully preach God’s Word every Sunday at 10:30 and witness the love for yourself. Don’t tell Bro. Tilley, but we are already planning his 25th anniversary with Church at Willow Beach!

BT Staff

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