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SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Brandon & Brittney Lingle• Thailand

SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Brandon & Brittney Lingle• Thailand

Hello from Thailand. Thank you for your support and prayers! In the past few months, we’ve had some visitors, made it through hot season (and the Thai New Year) and traveled a little.

• Sister came to Thailand — Brandon’s sister came to visit us for a few weeks in April (the hottest month in Thailand). This is the first time she has been able to come, and we enjoyed getting to show her around and our friends getting to meet her.

• Lifelong learning lecture — A member of our church is studying for her master’s degree and she needed a foreigner to come help give a lecture. The lecture was for professors and students on the topic of “Learning a Second Language & Lifelong Learning.” There was a question and answer time, and one of the students asked me about my purpose/motivation to learn Thai. I got to share with them how special the Bible is and why I want to share with the Thai people the good news that’s in it. At the end, a teacher asked about our church and seemed very interested in getting more information, and that was encouraging.

• Visiting members — We got the opportunity to visit with some of our members recently. This particular family probably lives the farthest from our church but have been faithful members. It was encouraging to see them enjoying the kids’ books and resources you have helped to publish and print. The two boys have to attend a Buddhist school (Christian schools are private and very expensive here), so in the evenings, their grandma spends time reading the Bible and these books about Jesus with them. We hope we can produce more resources in the near future!

• Intern update — Rote is doing a great job in his studies and helping serve. He is progressing well, and it’s clear, God working in His life and his desire to serve Him and His church. Recently, Rote became interested in studying Hebrew and Greek. He reached out to a Hebrew scholar in Thailand, who happens to be a muslim, and invited him over to discuss the Bible and other things. I learned so much about the Islamic faith in those three hours. I wish I could share it all here, but that would make this report way too long.

• Family update — When I first found out I was pregnant again, there were tears of joy. I was beyond excited that the Lord would be so merciful to us to open the womb again. As some time has passed, and we shared with the kids and our family, new feelings began to come. Fears and anxiety began to sink in and some of the emotions connected with grief come and go. We know and trust God is sovereign over this baby, just as He was over Judah and is over each of our lives. Please join us in prayer as we praise God for this new life He has given, and for strength to preach to my own heart that God is in control and He is good.

• North Bangkok update — We were able to have our first official members meeting! Also, Jo and Jessie went to the States to visit churches and family, so Brandon will be doing a lot of preaching in Thai for the next few months. Please pray for him as he prepares and preaches through the book of James.

• Missionary conference — We recently traveled to the Northern part of Thailand (Chiang Mai) to join a conference with like-minded missionaries serving in Thailand. Michael Lawrence was the guest speaker. His book, Conversion by 9 Marks, was recently translated into Thai, so he came to share with us more on the importance of that topic as it relates to missions and the local church. They also had a fabulous team from America come to provide childcare, and lessons and activities for the kids! The kids had a blast meeting and spending time with other missionary kids! Brandon was asked to share and speak on things we have learned from church planting, and he was able to help lead in the music.

We were surprised that two men from HeartCry Missionary Society came to visit everyone at the conference to learn more about the work here in Thailand. We really enjoyed talking to them and learning from them. I asked them where they are going to next, and they said “home.” They flew all the way to Thailand to come get to know us so they can pray for us and support however they can. We are so grateful for them and were very encouraged!

Please join us in praying for Brittney and the baby, me as I preach and serve the church while Jo is gone, unity and growth among our members and the work in Thailand. The harvest is great, but the workers are few.

We give God praise for a baby! God has really blessed us with a sweet season of prayer and dependence on Him. What a joy it is to take time to pray and encourage our people to do so also. I am looking forward to seeing how God blesses the prayer meeting we are starting with our people.

Thank you for praying for us and for your support!

BT Staff

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