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SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Michael & Ruth Poirier • Canada, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Africa
BT Staff

SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Michael & Ruth Poirier • Canada, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Africa

Quebec — It is a blessing to report to you on our mission field. The Lord is always good to those who are involved in serving Him. During the two months in Quebec, we baptized one lady who has been faithful in her study on discipleship and we had a good number of visitors who keep coming back. We also have those who come when we have food fellowship at church. No matter what drives them to church, it is always a blessing to see them come. A family in our church who has worked with me for two years gave themselves to the Lord for missions to work by my side for church planting. Thank you, Lord, for the people who answer the call. After getting COVID a couple of times back-to-back, I am coming out of fatigue slowly but surely. I lost my sense of smell, but it is coming back slowly, especially this morning as the farmers spread pig manure in their fields — amen for smelling again. We had a campfire at our place last weekend and three unsaved visitors were invited and came. They were willing to talk, and we had a great time sharing the gospel and singing songs of grace in front a campfire. One of the visitors was a lady who came to stay with her father who is an immigrant. This 20-year-old girl only speaks Spanish and was at the breaking point in her life. She did not have the Lord, and had no friends to whom she could talk, but, praise the Lord, our couple who are from Chili were with us and shared the gospel and spent hours after the campfire sharing the gospel and encouraging the girl to come to Christ. She did not get saved but promised to come to church.

Haiti — One of our churches baptized four last month and are faithfully attending and rejoicing in the Lord. One man said to the preacher, “Before I was baptized, I was indifferent to reading my Bible or going to church, but when I got baptized the Lord gave me a new view of things before me.” Now he reads his Bible every day and visits people whom he knew in the past, trying to bring them to Christ. Danger is everywhere on the edge of the capital of Port au Prince. One preacher was killed for refusing to pay a certain amount of money. Another case was a church family killed in their home — the wife, the child and husband. For what? A few dollars. Life is not easy in Haiti; food is expensive and it is rare for most families to get it. We are able, by the grace of God to help with food, medical attention and of our three churches in Haiti.

Dominican Republic — We started a new cell group in the area of Boca Chica, which is an hour and a half from Santa Domingo. The group of around 20 people meets twice a week, singing and receiving preaching from me through WhatsApp. They are gathering in a small apartment and love the preaching the Lord provides for them. Almost every week they ask when I can go to them again to help in their Christian walk. I tell them I will go soon. I give this cause to Christ and pray that soon I will be able to go and help them. I know the Lord wants me to work with them but I need resources to make this happen.

Cameroon, Africa — In the church of Cameroon, six people were baptized and we provided food for the church and helped them with the need for their gathering on that day. We shipped 50 new Bibles with workbooks to help our men in the ministry. The work is growing and, like the Dominican Republic, the people asked for me to come to teach them in person. Pray for them to stay faithful in the work of the Lord.

Ivory Coast, Africa — The church is growing in number and the people are excited to see their building coming to reality. The teaching is going well with the discipleship program every Wednesday night. Pray for them as they serve Christ faithfully. I thank you again for all you have done for us through prayers, giving and sacrificing. We pray that you are blessed reading this letter and pray that you will continue to pray for us. “For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee” (Psa. 84:11-12). (

BT Staff

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