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SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Mickeal and Sharon Quillman
BT Staff

SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Mickeal and Sharon Quillman

Mickeal & Sharon Quillman • Zambia

The past month has been a whirlwind — the past year actually. This journey started in June of 2021, but we didn’t really start traveling to fundraise until November. We got three visits in before the holidays shut us down. Since then, we have visited 24 churches in 17 weeks and spent 4 more weeks in Africa.

This past week, however, was the most packed week we’ve had. We loaded the vehicle and set off for the national meeting in Springfield, Mo. after Easter services at our home church. (This was the first weekend we’ve gotten to be back at Temple in many weeks, and it was refreshing to spend such an important day with family and friends.) The weather turned off on the cool side for our trip to Springfield, but, with the air conditioning out in the SUV, we weren’t complaining one bit. We spent three days standing at our table meeting so many new people and passing out our prayer cards. It was such a wonderful time of fellowship and making great connections. We loved getting to put personalities to these new Facebook friends we had made.

On Wednesday, we were commissioned by the BMA to officially serve in Zambia as missionaries. Seeing all the missionaries, current and former, who joined us on stage to pray over us as we begin our journey was awe-inspiring.

  We spent an extra night in Springfield before we started our trek to our next weekend of churches in Livingston and Port Arthur, Texas. The road was long, and we took our time. It was a good chance for us to spend time together as a couple, husband and wife, best friends. It was time we needed to talk and sing old crazy songs to each other. Since we weren’t in a hurry, we detoured and spent the night in the speaker’s quarters at Daniel Springs Baptist Camp in Gary, Texas. We drove on down to the ocean and walked the beach before heading back up to Livingston for Sunday morning. We had the opportunity to stay in the house of Tanta, a new and dear friend, and it was such a wonderful relaxing place. She really outdid herself in her hospitality, and she and Lilly (her precious pup) will always be in our hearts.

As we type this, we are on our way back to Jonesboro to jump back into the craziness of life. We can’t help but reflect on all the wonderful, amazing people we have met on this journey. People who have prayed for us, loved on us, spoiled us and supported us — people that we never would have met had it not been for this whirlwind. We thank God for these people. We know that without each and every one of you, we couldn’t do what it is that God is calling us to.

When it comes to missions, we all have a role. For some of us, God calls us to go to a place we never thought we would go, leaving behind loved ones and all the “stuff.” God has called some of us to pray for those called to go, so we encourage you to pray fervently. We all need it. God calls some of us to financially support the ones who are called to go. Again, we encourage you to support whom God has laid on your heart to give to. Some of us are called to encourage those God has called to go. Don’t hesitate to send them a note, text, call or message giving them the encouraging words God has shown you to give. We so enjoy getting those messages, even when we can’t respond immediately, they mean so much.

We all have a role — what’s yours? Pray about your role in the Great Commission and get involved. Whether you are called to open your home for missionaries to sleep in like Tanta, write an encouraging letter to a missionary on the field or join in the monthly financial support of a missionary — there are no insignificant roles for the kingdom as we fulfill the Great Commission. (

BT Staff

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