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BT Staff


Hello friends, we have some wonderful news to share with you. God has blessed our ministry in many ways.

• Baptisms in the Jordan River — Eleven people were recently baptized and have dedicated their lives to the Lord. During the baptism, I had three pastor friends who joined me in baptizing our new church members. These baptisms were quite a special moment since they took place in the Jordan River. The Jordan River is known for its significance in the Old and New Testament and is known as the place where Jesus was baptized. Through these baptisms, we saw God’s ability in bringing people to commit to serving Him and others.

• Mercy Clinic — Throughout the summer, God has blessed our Mercy Clinic and has allowed us to treat and provide for those in need. During the month of July alone, we treated 2,161 patients and another 2,074 in the month of August. We also began to transfer and provide treatment for patients suffering from incurable conditions of acute lung disease, such as tuberculosis.

During our very hot summer in Jordan, we were able to provide fans to refugees as well as distribute hundreds of food packages to Syrian and Jordanian families who are in need. For the parents who came in with their children to the clinic, we were able to distribute vitamins to their kids, many of whom were found to have vitamin deficiencies.

• Non-Formal Education — Our Non-Formal Education program has seen many blessings and has blessed many children this year. Just as we did last year, we were able to provide school supplies to the students this school year. We were also blessed enough to provide the students with nutritious meals each day and food boxes for their families. We continuously do home visits to the kids’ homes to check up on them and their families.

We were also able to see the fruits of our labor when many of our program graduates came to us during the spring for help in passing their finals and we were very pleased with their high marks in Arabic, Math and English. Last but not least, we were able to register our school teachers in a trauma recovery course for children. This course will equip the teachers in knowing how to help, understand and work with these children, many of whom suffer from PTSD and other psychological disorders.

• Equipping Leaders in the Arab World — We give thanks to God for our growing and thriving Theology Program that is shaping new leaders from different countries for the harvest. We have just added a new course on the subject of Hermeneutics (How to Study the Bible). This class has helped equip the students with the ability to read, understand and interpret the Bible.

• Mafraq Refugee Camps — The Lord has blessed us to go beyond the center and help those in refugee camps. In the month of August, we were able to once again go to Syrian refugee camps located in Mafraq, Jordan, which is near the Syrian-Jordanian border. Visiting once a month has been sufficient in seeing three different camps that are located near each other. We are still providing to those in need, specifically those with chronic conditions, free medicine and transferring them for lab tests if necessary. Last month alone, we were able to see and help 301 Syrian patients during our visit to the camps. On top of that, we have also been providing our students at our Mafraq school at the camp with food, medicine and school supplies.

Thank you for your prayers and support. Because of you, we are able to continue serving hundreds of people and show them the practical love of God. (

BT Staff

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