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STAND FIRM: End Time Event or Not?
Jake McCandless

STAND FIRM: End Time Event or Not?

It’s really easy when you begin studying Bible prophecy to start identifying everything that happens in the world that seems end-times as just that. It’s easy to do and dangerous at the same time. I’ve done it, and I’m trying not to do so moving forward. We all need to get to a point where we realize that the shoe is going to drop and the foretold events are going to happen, but we also need to get to the point where we’re slow to make those conclusions. I’ve learned the hard way.

I was given an awesome writing opportunity right out of the gate when I finally committed to writing. I was writing for a conservative news site with some big names and was getting over eight million hits a month. It was an incredible opportunity. My column connected current news to Bible prophecy. In my zeal, I churned out some good-sounding articles, but they were likely wrong. I had to learn to chill out. Something I’m still learning. When I was pinned down to write about a political event that I did not have a peace in calling a fulfillment of prophecy, I quit. Now seven years removed, I made the right call.

With that warning stated, how should we look at the earthquake this past week in Turkey? At the moment of writing, there are over 20,000 listed as dead (now it is over 36,000). Thousands of buildings were leveled. It’s a huge disaster. So, is it end-times related? Reports out of Turkey from those in the crosshairs felt the quake was the wrath of God. Tweets and comments claimed it must have been the end times. Most articles mention that the scene looks apocalyptic. So, is it end-times related?

As you’re aware, one of the listed signs of the end of the age given by Jesus is that there will be earthquakes. He lists them during the “beginning of the birth pains” which is recorded in Matthew 24. And if you’ve been following along in these articles, I’ve written how one of the first things to happen in the last days will be the beginning of birth pains. Of course, the name gives that away. This earthquake would seem to be a dead ringer, right?

Well, I’d encourage anyone to pump the brakes who would say it is a definitive sign we’re in the last days. It could be, but if it is, there will be more obvious signs to follow. There have been earthquakes before — from the very moment Jesus listed it as a sign. Maybe, this type of approach — realizing that end-time events will happen for some generation, but to be careful jumping to conclusions — is what Jesus meant in telling His followers to be watchful.

If you’ve followed any of these articles, Turkey should grab your attention. I’ve written extensively about how there is tons of Biblical support of the Antichrist coming out of Turkey and a revived Ottoman Empire being the empire of the Antichrist. Does that have anything to do with an earthquake? No, it doesn’t have anything to do with it at all, but one of the next lines of prophetic events to be fulfilled is possibly found in Daniel 8.

I believe Daniel 8 should be considered to be all futuristic. If it is, it lays out a pattern for the rise of the Antichrist. To be fair, I’m in the minority that views Daniel 8 as all happening in the future. The common view is that it tells about Alexander the Great’s rise to power and defeat of Persia, and then at the end of the chapter, it gives a brief glimpse of the Antichrist. Though I see those past events in the chapter, I feel like the language points to it all being fulfilled in the rise of the Antichrist.

This possible interpretation of all of Daniel 8 describing future events states that the land of the Medes and Persians (modern-day Iran) will spread out power, then a prominent leader will arise in Javan (modern-day Turkey). This prominent leader will begin to expand Turkey and eventually go to war with Iran. Turkey’s victory would then start the creation of the Antichrist’s empire.

In addition to my heart being broken for the Turks and Syrians, I’m watching to see how the nation recovers. Could this be a catalyst for that prominent leader to rise? Their current leader already has a vision of restoring the former Ottoman Empire and wanted to do so by 2023 — the centennial anniversary of the dissolving of the Ottoman Empire.

Who knows if this event could be a catalyst for those promised Daniel 8 events? It doesn’t have to be, but I feel it’s important to point out the possibility. As believers, we have the amazing opportunity in the most difficult times to know God is in control. The world isn’t spiraling out of control, rather it is unfolding according to God’s plan. The fulfillment of last days prophecies points to this ultimate hope and it should be something that gives that last generation hope in even the most perilous of times.

—  Jake is the newest state missionary and would love to share about the work in Northwest Arkansas and encourage your church to stand firm. (

Jake McCandless

Jake McCandlessJake McCandless

Jake McCandless authors a weekly column titled, Stand Firm and Live Epic, through which he seeks to encourage the modern church to not just survive, but thrive in current times. He also addresses many end-times topics.

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