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STAND FIRM: Israel & Prophecy - More than Curiosity and Interest

STAND FIRM: Israel & Prophecy - More than Curiosity and Interest

Israel & Prophecy: More than Curiosity and Interest

      This past Sunday, I held the first “Truth on Israel” event. It was at my hometown church, Central Baptist Church in Ashdown. By the time most read this, I will have done the second event in Warren at Cross Roads Baptist Church. These are truly popup events, the one in Ashdown came together in eight days! Still, over 80 came on a Sunday night when they do not even regularly have Sunday night services. I was blown away! I shouldn’t be surprised because Central in Ashdown has been such a support and encouragement to me throughout my time in ministry. Still, it just goes to show the interest out there.

      At a recent revival in North Carolina, they had the largest crowd of any revival in the past. Several people drove over an hour to the event. I don’t believe it is just curiosity or interest about prophecy and/or Israel, but rather God is drawing people to what Scripture says about these times and Israel. I start the events by stating, “It wasn’t just curiosity or interest that brought you here, but rather God is inviting you into what He is doing and aligning you with His heart.” That’s a bold statement, but I truly believe it.

      Right now isn’t the first time that interest in the end times has peaked. It’s a subject that rises when wild things happen on the international stage, but I see in this moment more seeking of what the Bible says. Unfortunately, the modern times of peak interests centered around modern teaching and speculative ideas. We don’t have to have that to know what to look for and what is happening. The Bible is clear. If we just let the Bible speak for itself, it will. Believe me, I don’t have anything personally to add to the subject, but I do want to point to the picture the Bible gives.

      Throughout history, God hasn’t just used the truth in His Word to share about the events of the end of the age. He has had world events nearly fulfill the final details of the event to foreshadow and serve as a type of the final end time events. In a previous article, I wrote that just as the Bible talks about this age ending with the armies of the Antichrist encircling Jerusalem, that had been foreshadowed multiple times — first with the Assyrians, then the Babylonians and the Romans. That foreshadowing is so close to the future real thing it has caused many to believe maybe those were the fulfillment of the prophecies.

      As in the last article, this current attack by Hamas matches what is said about the future campaign of the Antichrist against Israel in Zechariah 12 and Joel 3. The events are the same, but the numbers impacted were much less at this current time. We have the details of the end told in the Bible, then God foreshadows it before on the world stage. Therefore, when there are times of foreshadowing, there’s no doubt God wants us to see it and learn from it.

      Fortunately, as believers, we have the Holy Spirit to guide us to see such events and then illuminate Scripture for us. In Jesus’ address to the disciples before His arrest, He tells them about the Holy Spirit and says He will guide us into all things yet to come — “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come” (John 16:13 NIV).

      I believe this moment in Israel — though it may be a catalyst for end-time things such as the temple being rebuilt, the Daniel 9 Agreement or the formation of end-time Middle East Coalitions — is a wake-up call and a foreshadowing. If that truly is what God intends to do through it, He will be stirring believers to sit up and pay attention. If we are walking in the Spirit and in His Word, He will guide us to the truth and shows us the steps we need to know.

      When I begin these Truth on Israel events with the statement that those in attendance aren’t there only due to their interest or curiosity, but God is inviting them into what He is doing and aligning us to His heart, I say it because I believe it is that time to sit-up, look at the foreshadowing and learn what the Scriptures clearly say.

      The Truth on Israel events are just a tool in the process of seeking the Lord on what He is up to, it’s ultimately done when we get consistent in prayer and open up His Word. He will show us, but in this time of heightened alertness, let’s consider that there’s more going on in our hearts than just curiosity.

      If you’d like to utilize the Truth on Israel tool, there are two more on the schedule. Due to space, these events do require a ticket. The tickets are free, and you can use the link for each event. For Central Arkansas, the event will be on Nov. 6 in Conway at Central Baptist College’s Community Room beginning at 6:30 p.m. ( Then, for Northwest Arkansas, at Epic Church in Springdale on Nov. 7 at 6:30 pm (

      I’m also available to come to your church. My schedule is limited due to my pastoring, but it is free for any BMA of Arkansas church!

         — Jake is a state missionary and would love to share about the work in Northwest Arkansas and encourage your church to stand firm. (

Jake McCandless

Jake McCandlessJake McCandless

Jake McCandless authors a weekly column titled, Stand Firm and Live Epic, through which he seeks to encourage the modern church to not just survive, but thrive in current times. He also addresses many end-times topics.

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