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STATE MISSIONS: Advisory Committee Missionary Tour
Paul White

STATE MISSIONS: Advisory Committee Missionary Tour

Thanks to each member of the Advisory Committee that made the trip this week to visit with each missionary. We had great visits with each of our men and look forward to making some recommendations in the near future.

Please continue to pray for our missionaries and their families and that God would raise up new men to plant churches here in Arkansas.

From Our Missionaries

Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, “This Sunday, the Lord touched the heart of Denzel, a young Nicaraguan who has been congregating with us for a couple of months. On this occasion, I appealed to the congregation to live a genuine faith based on Heb. 10:36-39.

I then made the challenge that, while the congregation sang the hymn ‘How Sweet Peace,’ the people who wanted to ask God for forgiveness for not having had a genuine faith, but that from now on they would commit themselves to Him, receiving Him as Lord of their lives, come forward and kneel before Him. “Seeing Denzel walk down the aisle and take one knee was a very special moment. We prayed together and rejoiced in the Lord. At the end of the meeting, he told me he wanted to join a discipleship process and would also come to the prayer meeting. I told him how to do the daily devotional, and we agreed to meet again on Wednesday. Please pray for Denzel’s life and that the Holy Spirit will continue to do His work in this young man’s life.”

Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, “On Wednesday, Aug. 16, we left our son Ruben to begin his photography degree at John Brown University. It was a blessing to take him and pray for him, commending him into the hands of our Lord.

“As a church, we were supporting the Hernandez family. This week, they decided to get married and, on Saturday, we had the ceremony in Ebenezer. It was a good opportunity to meet new people. Pray that we can build bridges of friendship with them and be able to present the gospel to them. The Hernandez family is thankful for all we have done for them.

“Last Sunday, we had an inspiring service, and the sermon was with the biblical basis of Rom. 12:1-2. I thank God because, little by little, God is adding people in Ebenezer. Keep praying that God will introduce us to people who are thirsty for the things of God.

“Once again, thank you for your prayerful support and backing. To God be the glory.”

Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “We had a great week at Faith Chapel! Our numbers were down slightly, but we had a great time of worship anyway. Praise God, it is about Him, not us!

“I had a good conversation with a young man about salvation. He is obviously under conviction and being drawn, but he is hesitant because he still doesn’t understand everything. It can be frustrating when we tell someone the gospel and they do not respond. I have to remind myself that it is Jesus who saves, not me, and it is about Him, not me. But I asked him to come back and let me help him understand, and I would try to answer his questions from the Bible. He said he would do that. Please pray that he does!

“The building is coming along. We finished installing the posts on the south portico, which completes the outside except for the steeple and some minor finish details. The parking lot got its top layer of ¾” gravel and has been graded and compacted, it is so nice now — easier to walk on and drive on, too! The power company let us go ahead and put our conduit under the parking lot so we could finish it. They will pull in the main wire to the meter when the electrical is complete. We are almost done with the electrical and will start on ductwork soon. We thank you for your prayers and support! We could not do this without your willingness to do God’s will and work and help us along by praying and giving. We are truly thankful to you, and to Him.”

Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes, “Faith Journey had a busy week! It was full of activity for everyone. Our school age kids started back to class this week, and our college students start back next week. Please pray for all our schools as they start off another great school year!

“Even though it was a hot one, Faith Journey participated at the Third Thursday event again this week in downtown Benton. We were able to meet new people, get our name out in the community and, most importantly, we were able to share the gospel with others. It was a good night!

“We had our monthly fellowship this week at the mission. We enjoyed BBQ and all the great sides that go with it. Faith Journey wanted to show our appreciation for all the folks who have been so faithful in supporting the mission from the start. As we continue to grow and seek out God’s will for this group of men and women, we are in awe of what God is doing in each of their lives. We have such an amazing, loving group of people who show up every week and we can see that they are growing in their spiritual lives. We are so thankful for every one of them. We can’t wait to see what God continues to do through this mission. Thank you for your prayers.”

Misión Gracia Soberana (Sovereign Grace), NWA: Roberto Marcelletti writes, “I am very excited and grateful to inform you of what God is doing in Northwest Arkansas through Sovereign Grace. We see people joining Christ and committing to be discipled. Our Grace Groups grow every week in Pea Ridge, Springdale, Rogers and soon in Fayetteville.

“In our Sunday service, we were surprised by the number of visitors — 12 people visited us for the first time and we were able to have a beautiful time of worship and study of the Word. We also prayed for Sister Katy, who joined as a teacher of the children’s Sunday School. Her husband, Andy helped us in the service by welcoming, the Bible reading and prayer. We were also able to present our four candidates for baptism who will be baptized on Sunday, Aug. 27. We appreciate your prayers.”

Epic Life, Pea Ridge: Jake McCandless writes, “The summer funk is going away, and things are starting to get busy!

“Our Woodbridge Connection Group tried a ‘pop-up’ Connection Group Gathering in the City Park.

We had a family come check it out and were also joined by a mom and her kids who were working on a school project at the park. The beauty of our model is that we can try things out of the ordinary and take ‘church’ to people — from people in the park asking what we were doing to Dominos making their first delivery to the park pavilion.

“With the start of school, we’re at community events each week now and at every event there are people asking me about Epic Life versus last year of me asking them. To help prospects check us out, we started Preview Nights at our meeting place. This week’s preview night was a failure as one post didn’t cut it. This week we are going all out on social media to bring awareness to our Preview Night. I will meet with a social media coach this week to help as well.”

Paul White

Paul WhitePaul White

Arkansas State Missions Director Paul White pens a weekly column to inform the BMA of Arkansas concerning Arkansas Missions’ activity and includes individual reports from each church planter.

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