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STATE MISSIONS: Because He Lives, We Can Live
Paul White

STATE MISSIONS: Because He Lives, We Can Live

In Matt. 5:17-19, Jesus declared that He did not come of His own accord, as a civil revolutionary or insurrectionist against the established religious order, of which Israel had been trustee and custodian for more than 1,400 years. The very message of the Law and the Prophets was to point man toward Christ for salvation from his sin: “To him give all the prophets witness, that

through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins” (Acts 10:43).

Jesus did not come to destroy, annul or demean the Law or its authority. His coming was not negative but necessary, that He might fulfill the types and shadows of the Law and the prophets. Jesus came to fulfill, or live up to, the demands of the holy law, and then to die for all who had fallen short of its standards and demands (Gal. 3:1-3).

Jesus was “made under the law” (Gal. 4:4), thus establishing the holiness of the Law (Gal. 6:2). We should never trifle with any of the commands of God’s holy law. The law will continue until the end of time to be the standard for holiness for all mankind and the believers’ rule of duty. Through this Law, sinners are convicted of their lost condition before God and are caused to see their need of Christ as their personal Savior.

Though the scribes and the Pharisees made many minute distinctions between great and small commandments, the whole Law is enacted by the same divine authority, and no part of it can be of less importance. The idea that one sin is greater than another may be true in the degrees of punishment, but James stated, “Whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all” (James 2:10). Christ was able to keep the law in every detail, and while we are not, He stills expects us to live by those same laws.

In reality, the Law serves as our condemner, while Christ stands as our only Redeemer and hope of glory. By living a sinless life, Jesus was able to fulfill the Law, for He alone was worthy. Through His life, death, resurrection and ascension, Christ was able to do for man what man was unable to do for himself — to be reconciled to God the Father. We should live our lives to the best of our ability according to God’s precepts, for they are just as true, just and powerful today as ever. “Verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no way pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” (Matt. 5:18).

May you have a blessed Easter time with family, friends and especially the Lord for His great love.

From Our Missionaries

Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, “On Tuesday, we confirmed Marlon’s profession of faith. We had a meeting at noon, and he accepted the challenge of discipleship. We will be meeting on Mondays at 4 p.m. Please pray that he will remain faithful, available and teachable.

“On Tuesday, we continued with the Bible Institute training Church Planters. This is the most important effort we are developing. It will have an impact on the growth of the church in the long term and it will allow us to multiply and fulfill the Great Commission by sending workers to the mission field. Let us pray that the students will remain firm. 

“Oscar and Emelda are preparing for their wedding. We are very happy that they will take a very important step of obedience in their lives, which will be a good testimony for the church. The wedding will be on Saturday, April 30. The church is in high spirits with preparations for the wedding. We are all enjoying ourselves.

“Thank you for your prayers. They are vital for the Lord to continue opening hearts and for us to share His Word with grace.”

Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, “The Berean Group (groups in homes) of central Little Rock celebrated the birthdays of two of their members — Veronica and my wife, Kory. We encourage each group not only to preach the Word of God but also to have community life.

“It was a very active week for me. From Friday to Sunday, I had to be the speaker at the retreat of the ‘Great Commission Baptist Church.’ We were at ‘Soaring Eagle Camp’ where I shared five messages about family and spiritual life. Sunday morning was my last message and then I went back to Little Rock and preached at Ebenezer.

“We had a good time with our community of believers at Ebenezer. We continue talking about ‘The Foolishness of the Cross’ in I Cor. 1:18–31 — great truths regarding the gospel.

“Next Sunday, we will be celebrating Resurrection Sunday at the home of the Rodríguez family. From 6-7 a.m. we will have our service, then our time of life in the community with breakfast and fellowship.

“Thank you for your support and prayer. To God be the glory!”

Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “We had a wonderful time of worship Sunday. Our numbers are holding up there, and we had a good number of children. We love the energy and enthusiasm they have; it is truly a blessing to have them.

“Thanks to Jordan Tew from Baptist Publishing House for recommending how to handle the curriculum for different age groups, and for getting us our materials so quickly! It is working out wonderfully, and the teachers and children both love them. 

“We observed the Lord’s Supper Sunday night, and it was such a solemn and reverent time of reflection and remembrance of what our Lord Jesus did for us and why. It always makes me so sad that He had to suffer such violence because of our sin, yet so joyful that He did. I just want to encourage everyone, whether observing the Lord’s Supper or not, to take some time to think about just what His sacrifice means to us; it is everything that matters.

“After we dismissed, Karen and I went to the hospital so that two of our members could observe the ordinance there. That was pretty special, too. Please keep Roy and Darlene in your prayers, and also Kevin, as they are facing serious medical issues, but are trusting in Jesus no matter what happens.

“We thank you for your prayers and support, for us, Faith Chapel and for the community where God has called us to minister. He is answering them.”

The Table, Springdale: Clinton Morris writes, “It was a fast busy week. The weather is crazy in this part of the state. I long for the days of consistent weather so that I can commute on my bike a bit more. There were many follow-up meetings this week, and we are praying for many other meetings that are coming up.

“There is a local couple whose house burned in a fire, much sickness from fluctuating weather and people who are hurting through loss of job and family members. I often feel like a firefighter running from one fire to the next and, through it all, having the amazing moments of sharing who Christ is through my words and my example.”

Faith Journey, Benton/Saline County: Bryan Clay writes, “This week at Faith Journey Mission we have been firming up details for the facility that we will begin having services in on May 1. After two years of praying, seeking God’s direction and being faithful to His calling, we are beginning to see the fruits of our labor. Psa. 147:5 says, ‘Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.’

“Now that we have a launch date, we will be trying to gather items that are needed to help be ready to start our meetings. We are raising money for a pack and play with a changing pad for infants, a television for the children’s area to do children’s lessons and monthly support to help with rental costs as well as items that come up weekly as we grow.

“I have scheduled a couple of meetings with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and the Career & Technology Campus (CTE) this week. We will be discussing ways Faith Journey could serve alongside them in our community and Saline County. I have also been in contact with local and state officials to explore different ways we could help in our surrounding area. We are looking forward to watching for the opportunities the Lord will create for us this week!”

Hispanic Mission, Northwest Ark. Area:Roberto Marcelletti writes, “Dear brothers, I greet you with I Cor. 2.4, ‘Grace and peace to you, from God and the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.’

“We are very grateful to have finished getting everything ready in our apartment. Monday, I began my time of prayer and fasting for an awakening of the Hispanics of Northwest Arkansas to the truths of the gospel, for wisdom, humility and dependence for the work that God has entrusted to us.

“We are praying specifically for Ana Rodriguez and her husband, Jose from Las Palmas Restaurant, Blanca and Xiomara, Karla Muños, Emilia Carpio (our neighbor), Ana, Maritza (manager of the apartment complex) and Vicky from the community college.

“The harvest is ready, and God gives us direction, grace and favor toward the Hispanics in the area.

“We thank you for your support and prayers.”

Paul White

Paul WhitePaul White

Arkansas State Missions Director Paul White pens a weekly column to inform the BMA of Arkansas concerning Arkansas Missions’ activity and includes individual reports from each church planter.

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