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STATE MISSIONS: Churches, Special Emphasis: Sending the Light

STATE MISSIONS: Churches, Special Emphasis: Sending the Light

This year, we are attempting to call attention to the conditions that exist in our own backyards. I am sure most would be surprised to find out that about three out of every four Arkansans have no church affiliation at all. Some may say there are already enough churches in Arkansas, and to this I say, “No way!”

Imagine if even half the lost people in your community were to decide to attend church next Sunday — there would not be room for them. I know of no neighborhoods where there would not be room for another God-fearing, God-honoring church. This is not to say our churches are ineffective but rather, like the fishermen whose nets were breaking, we need the help of others around us. No wonder Jesus said, “…behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest” (John 4:35).

Please mark July 30 on your calendars and pray that God will open the windows of Heaven and pour out His blessing on our State Missions work. Help us, help others, change lives with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Help us to win our friends, neighbor, co-workers, our children and their friends.

A Day for Arkansas State Missions

May, June and July have been chosen as State Missions Special Emphasis time with the last Sunday of July (July 30) designated as State Missions Day. Please lead your church to support this worthy ministry. Together we have, and will continue to make a difference in this place we call home.

Personal Note

I had never given a thought to serving as a missionary until a friend asked if I had ever considered it. I am grateful to this day for that man and his question. It was not him that called and sent me, but he was used to help direct me toward fulfilling God’s will for my life. Maybe you could be that person for someone you know.

From Our Missionaries

Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, “On Wednesday, we had the opportunity to donate a bed to a young man who had been sleeping on the floor. His cousin told us of his need, and we surprised him that night. This young man has visited us three times in our meetings. We hope he will continue to do so.

“Saturday, the ladies of the church met to continue their study series ‘Women of the Bible.’ This time, they talked about The Canaanite Woman.

“During the Sunday meeting, we studied the theme ‘A Superior Covenant’ based on Heb. 8:6-13. At the end, we called the congregation to come before God and renew their relationship with Him, and some people responded. Let us pray for Ezequiel, Cristian and Maira, who have gone through difficult times and wish to remain faithful to God.

“We went to visit three families Sunday afternoon. We brought them frozen chicken that had been donated to us, and we had times of prayer with them. The parents of one of these families have been sick and unable to work. The chicken we brought them was very opportune for them. We were also able to give them some gift cards to use in the supermarket. Let us pray for the three families, especially for this couple who are experiencing health difficulties and the consequent lack of income. This couple has two teenage children, and no family member has received Christ as their Lord and Savior.”

Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, “This week, we had a drop in our attendance — some were sick and some were traveling. The summer is near and, from experience in previous years, our attendance will fluctuate. Continue to pray for Pedro Noriega for divine intervention in his health.

“We continue with our Gospel Movements training; thank God we have been making progress. This week, we talked about every believer being a missionary in their environment. The task is to pray and discover what God wants one to do in their context. Missional calling begins with prayer. My hope is that each disciple in Ebenezer understands that God has given them a mission in the context in which they live, now is the time to pray and that God will enlighten them to know where, how and when to do the mission.

“Thank you, once again, for your prayers. Pray for this week, as we will be giving Bible studies on Wednesday regarding the gospel to people who attend Ebenezer, but have not made their decision for Christ.”

Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “We had a great week at Faith Chapel, with a really good number for morning worship. We tied our previous attendance record, if you don’t count when the Master’s Builders were here, but we have to count that so we will just say a really good number. We had our very first senior graduate last week. We called her up front and gave her a Bible and a gift.

We also called up her boyfriend who was visiting and gave him a Bible and a gift as well, since he also graduated. Then we surprised them and had a cookout after worship service, and we all had a wonderful time of fellowship.

“The building is still progressing, slowly but surely. We are almost ready for insulation, then on to the HVAC installation. It sure is going to be nice when we can get in there. We were almost full at worship Sunday, but some things just cannot be rushed.

“We thank you for your prayers and your support. They mean so much to us and God is answering.”

The Table, Springdale: Clinton Morris writes, “We had such a wonderful week. Monday and Tuesday, I went on a prayer retreat and got to spend some great time praying for the church and its people.

“I had a conversation with an agnostic named Mike, who was biking. We got to talk for nearly an hour about Jesus and the gospel. He didn’t come to Christ there, but I am hopeful we will get to talk again.

“Several people have been invited to the church through personal invitations. Please pray for these relationships that the people of The Table have within this community.

“Friday night, our church helped another church with a boardgame event they were running. We got to engage with a community we had not seen before.

“I also got to talk with the young man Drew led to Christ last week. He has such a hard testimony. He is in a homeless situation, and we are trying to help him toward a job and stabilization. Keep praying for him as we disciple him.

“Saturday, the church had a cookout at the park. We got to talk with quite a few families that were hanging out.

“Sunday, we had low attendance. One family was coming back from Boy Scout camp, another was coming back from Virginia, another was celebrating their one-year wedding anniversary and I was sick with an allergy induced migraine. I am so glad we record the sermon and am looking forward to hearing it soon.”

Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes “We really stepped out into the community this week at Faith Journey. We were able to join in the festivities of Third Thursday in downtown Benton, and had a great time. Third Thursday is an event that is held every month, weather permitting. Some of the local businesses stay open later that evening and have specials they run during this event.

There are also food vendors and music. Local businesses and church organizations can also set up tables and pop-ups to help advertise their services.

Faith Journey used this opportunity to hand out flyers about the mission. The information included our meeting place and the times we meet to encourage people to come and see what we are all about. We had several folks from Faith Journey come help pass out flyers and candy. We were able to share with a lot of people about Christ and talk about how to have a relationship with Him. It was a great evening, and we are already making plans on how we can reach even more people next month when Third Thursday happens again! If you ever get a chance, come out and enjoy this fun event!”

Misión Gracia Soberana (Sovereign Grace), NWA:Roberto Marcelletti writes, (5/15) “I am very excited about what God is doing in the Northwest Arkansas. We are seeing people hungry for God and growing in the knowledge of God and others committing to Christ.

“Patty officially started our women’s ministry with three women this week, taught them how to do a devotional through the book of James and they left with the challenge of doing it in their homes for this week. They committed to meet every Wednesday at 10:30 pm.

“On May 28, we will celebrate Family Open Games, Food and Music, and I ask you to pray for this event. We also ask for prayers for a portable sound system to use outside the church.”

(5/22) “This week, we were sharing the gospel and praying in Springdale. We prayed for six people and, by the grace of God, a couple of them visited us yesterday in the service. They are newly arrived in the country and are from Guatemala. One of the things we have experienced is that God has allowed us to have contact and we have visited people who recently arrived in the country, with many needs of work, and a place to live. We pray for them and follow them but as soon as they get work many are occupied on Sundays and do not congregate again. So we continue praying for people who see their need not to occupy Sunday but dedicate it to the Lord and congregate.

“We continue to celebrate the Christian home in the month May and, yesterday, we were able to share a message of how to respond to conflicts in a biblical way. I think it will help us a lot if we apply these principles since several families are living with some conflicts and, as they are new to the faith, they have not responded in the way that the Bible guides us to seek peace.”

Epic Life, Pea Ridge: Jake McCandless writes, “It was a discouraging week as the house purchase seemed to take a final fatal blow. We have been trying to purchase a home near the main intersection in Pea Ridge. The home would serve as a temporary gathering place and continue to keep the home group focus before us. It has been a long battle trying to get a conditional permit with the city to move ahead.

The final blow was that we found out we would have to hire an engineer to design a parking lot, then pave a 10-15 car parking lot for the house. The expense for both made the deal no longer feasible. We still have our sights set on finding a location to purchase, but in the meantime, we’re looking at rental possibilities. Pray that we will make the right moves.

“The flu continued to plague our meetings this week with our Woodbridge Connection Group unable to meet, but our Garfield group did.”

Paul White

Paul WhitePaul White

Arkansas State Missions Director Paul White pens a weekly column to inform the BMA of Arkansas concerning Arkansas Missions’ activity and includes individual reports from each church planter.

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