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STATE MISSIONS: Follow-up on BMA of Arkansas Missions Newsletter
Paul White

STATE MISSIONS: Follow-up on BMA of Arkansas Missions Newsletter

We feel the newsletter will give you a very close up view of your Missions’ work across the state. Stories and blessings that real people share of how God has worked in their lives. If that won’t light your fire, your wood’s wet.

Pastors, Sunday School teachers, Brotherhoods and WMA groups, would you consider providing a sign-up list so the people in your church can have an opportunity to receive a copy. Also, anyone can send an email to with “Newsletter” in the subject line, and we will count you in.

Our goal is to bless you with heartwarming stories in the newsletter, while we continue our weekly reports in the Baptist Trumpet.

From Our Missionaries

Hispanic Coordinator: Michael Hight writes, “Last night was an absolute dream come true. German Galindo, the first Hispanic I baptized in the mission work at El Faro, has been ordained to the ministry and God has called him to plant churches in his native Mexico.

“He was at Caldwell last night to present his work and I could not have been prouder of him. He has a burden for his people and has a definite calling from God. He will be leaving in December to start his work.

“Now two men have been ordained to the ministry through the ministry at El Faro. God has been so good to the Hispanic work in Arkansas, and you are a vital part of this ministry. If you would like to have German come to your church to present his work, please contact us. We will provide a translator and you will be encouraged to hear what God is doing!”

Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, “We are praying with the youth group asking God for direction in the implementation of the AWANA program. I am pleased by the interest this small group of young people has in reaching other young people with the gospel. We have also invited some sisters to join the work team. We plan to visit another church to observe the program, please pray for doors to open for us.

“I would also appreciate praying for young North American couples who wish to do ministry among Hispanics. Since our neighborhood is multiracial, it is important to have a multiracial congregation that invites everyone in the community to congregate.

“The house group on Thursday night continues to surprise us. The attendance was 18, even though some did not attend because they were sick. As I have told you before, the most interesting thing is that except for one person, the rest are from a Catholic background. We make sure that the Word is taught without any type of limitation in an atmosphere of cordiality and respect. In this last meeting, we cut cake, sang Happy Birthday and prayed for the people who had their birthday in the month of November.”

Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, “We had a good attendance last Sunday. I am glad to see that, little by little, new people are coming to Ebenezer. One person visited us on Sunday. It is all a product of the prayers of the saints. Thank you for praying for the missions. Keep praying that God will introduce us to people who are thirsty for Him.

“Next Sunday, we will have our Thanksgiving lunch. I believe it will be a meaningful time of fellowship, sharing food and being fed by the Word of God.

“Pray for me, for wisdom and a spirit of humility; as for plans, my mind is already on the month of January. I want to start our evangelism, discipleship and gospel movement training. I have prayed, and continue to pray, God will show me leaders (servants) within Ebenezer for training. God is leading me to four to six faithful, suitable people to teach others. Brethren, my prayer is that God will be glorified in what we do, the glory is God’s, we are only His fellow workers.”

Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “Well, the week started off Monday with a sore throat and headache, that progressed to low fever, and head and chest congestion, and a positive covid test confirmed my suspicions. But it never got worse than a bad cold, and it only lasted until Thursday, when my fever broke, and the congestion started improving.

Then Friday, Karen woke up with it, and her fever was much higher, and the rest of her symptoms were a little worse than mine, and her test results were immediately positive. But by today she is improving, and we are trusting that she will be well soon. 

“I told you last week about the couple joining us, we praised God! Then while we were sick this week a man that had been coming for the last 3 weeks called me and asked me how to join our church. Well after a good conversation about salvation and beliefs, he assured me that he knows he is saved, but he had gone to church in other denominations and had never been baptized. He also has been attending a bible study with one of our members, a former pastor, and is studying our doctrinal statement, and he wants to be baptized and join our church. So, praise God, that makes us 43 members, and as soon as Karen and I get back we will have another baptism. 

“And I want to give a special thanks to Bubba and Michelle Reese from Herman MBC for coming from Jonesboro Sunday and filling in for us, they were able to get someone to cover for them, and come all that way to minister to our mission, and our people loved them, how could you not love those two?

“God can work anything out, we just have to trust Him, not ourselves. Thank You for your prayers, for us, for Faith Chapel, and for Flippin, please continue, God is answering them. In Christ’s Love.”

I am currently handing off the convention and its planning to Charles, our worship leader. We are working on the next steps for this ministry.

The Table, Springdale: Clinton Morris writes, “The last two weeks were amazing for the ministry. Tablecon2022 was a major success. I am so grateful for my church family who helped put this on. There were 201 people that came to the event. Several great conversations came from our time. We shall see what seeds have been planted in this community from this event in the months to come.

“DeAnna and I are in a stage of transition with the church. Our next steps are finishing up the church’s constitution and articles of faith. We are also finishing handing off the full preaching schedule to Drew Whitton, this will be solidified in the new year.”

Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes “At Faith Journey this week, we had our Friendsgiving with all the great folks that have been faithfully attending every week. We had all the Thanksgiving favorites — turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, rolls and pumpkin pie! It was a wonderful time of fellowship and gratitude from our whole group. We are so thankful that God has led us to start this mission and are so blessed that He has led these friends to Faith Journey.

“I was able to get out in the community this week by visiting one of our local nursing homes. I had the opportunity of getting to know some of the residents and staff and shared my testimony and the gospel with all who came and listened. I can’t wait to be able to go again and see how I can minister to the needs that they may have. We are looking forward to possibly scheduling some outreach activities with them such as craft time, gospel singing and more.

“Please pray that God’s love and comfort be with those that He puts into our paths so that we may be a light in their lives.”

Misión Gracia Soberana (Sovereign Grace), NWA: Roberto Marcelletti writes, “We are very excited this week as we will hold our first service. Sovereign Grace Church will open its doors to the Hispanic community of Northwest Arkansas. I made a video for social media where I answered the question Why another church in Spain?

Because the North West of Arkansas is a strategic area where many people who speak Spanish are arriving. The United States, after Mexico, is the country with the highest numbers of Hispanics in the world. Because Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world. Because there are not many healthy churches in the area. When I talk about healthy churches, I am talking about a church where the Word of God is the final authority, preaching is biblical, membership is a regenerated membership and leadership is called by God and qualified because it lives according to God’s call, in holiness by showing the gospel with their lives and in their relationships. We are praying and we ask for your prayers because we want Sovereign Grace to be a community where people are exposed to the biblical gospel and transformed into disciples of Jesus who make other disciples of Jesus.

“As I have written, we have two Mission Zones. One in Springdale and the other in Rogers. In the missionary area of Rogers that is in our apartment, we were finishing talking about salvation, and eight people came. We worshipped, prayed for personal requests and I liked that in the end, they asked me a very good question — “How should a Christian family raise its children in these times, where they are trying to change the family, roles and value to life?” What should be the position of the church? I could see their concern and we spent some time answering their questions and reflecting on the position of courage that both the church and every believer should have. I promised them that, in the future, I would give them a study on the subject. At the end we had a meeting to plan our first service.”

Epic Life, Pea Ridge: Jake McCandless writes, “We’ve have good news — we’ve secured a new place to meet for our monthly worship gathering. We will be meeting at the Pea Ridge Library. They have a large community room and even better — it’s provided at no cost with some furnishings! And don’t worry the library is closed on Sundays so we won’t have to be quiet!

“We’re also so thankful for those who have partnered to help with a work fund. Just this week we received support from First Baptist, Cave Springs and the BMA of the Ozarks. I also want to thank Spring Creek Baptist Church in Springdale and Pastor Jimmy Tollison for allowing me to share about the work in Pea Ridge this past Sunday.”

Paul White

Paul WhitePaul White

Arkansas State Missions Director Paul White pens a weekly column to inform the BMA of Arkansas concerning Arkansas Missions’ activity and includes individual reports from each church planter.

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