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STATE MISSIONS: Great Meeting!
Paul White

STATE MISSIONS: Great Meeting!

This past week we had the privilege of attending the annual BMAA meeting in Springfield, Mo. It was a very uplifting and encouraging meeting and it was good to see and visit with many old friends. The association took some major steps, I believe in the right direction, to improve our efficiency.

From Our Missionaries

Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, (4/17) “In commemoration of the death of Christ, on Friday we had a prayer vigil from 7:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. The prayer time was excellent, and several men had the opportunity to lead part of the vigil and did very well.

“The ladies had their meeting on Saturday. This time they studied the life of Rahab. The fellowship between the sisters is becoming stronger every day.

“On Sunday, while it was still dark (6 a.m.), we began our meeting to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. After the sunrise service, we enjoyed a rich breakfast.

“I ask your prayers for Sister Dunia, who will undergo surgery this week. In addition, there are several families with difficulties, and it is causing them to place all their trust in the Lord.”

(4/24) “We had the opportunity this week to contribute household goods to some families in our community — Saraí, a single mother with two children, is a very helpful person with a good work ethic; Javier and Jenny, a very young couple with their five-year-old son, Javier; Catalina is a 17-year-old girl who is not interested in studying, working or God (her father works to support them and the rest of the family in their country of origin). Let us pray for them and that God will use us to bless their lives and give them the opportunity to know and understand the gospel.

“We have also put together packages with disinfectant towels, disposable plastic gloves and small plastic containers to keep food products which Sayra, Maira and Mariana will share with their neighbors. The goal is to create good relationships to share the gospel and invite people to the church. Let us pray that this initiative has the expected success and that God will use Sayra, Maira and Mariana.”

Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, (4/17) “Every week at Ebenezer we begin with the Berean Groups (Home Groups). The life and growth of our congregation is in the homes where we carry the truth of the Word of God and have community life.

“In our Monday group, we learned about service — using our gifts and talents to glorify God. Thinking about the area of service, God is leading us to pray and choose our first deacons. We want the Spirit of God to guide us in this task. We see what happened in Acts 6 and ask for your prayerful support in this time of searching. We hope that by January of next year we will have our first deacons.

“Easter Sunday sunrise was a very significant service. We gathered at the home of the Rodríguez Ramírez family to remember the event of the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and it filled us with joy and commitment. We had good attendance.

“On Wednesday of this week, I will meet with a family where the wife has battles of oppression from the enemy. I ask for support in prayer so God may be glorified in the life of this family, Jesus came to give freedom to the captives. To God be the glory!”

(4/24) “Our attendance dropped last Sunday because many were sick with allergies due to the increase in pollen. Our son, Rubén Alexander stayed home because he had trouble breathing on Saturday. Thank God, he has been improving and will return to school on Tuesday. Pray for all those affected at this time.

“The Berean Group (Home Group) at Stonehedge Drive had two visitors with deep spiritual needs. We have been studying the subject of fellowship within the church.

“On Wednesday, we met at the Alcazar family’s house in Alexander and presented the gospel to them. They made their decision for Christ. Pray that this home will start a Berean Group. We will be attending every Wednesday to follow up and study the Word of God.

“On Thursday, the Berean Group kicked off the Southwest Little Rock group and it was one of great rejoicing and answered prayer for them to be reactivated. That same Thursday we celebrated our son, Ruben Alexander’s 18th birthday. Thank you for your support and prayer for each mission. To God be the glory!”

Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, (4/17) “What a wonderful Easter service we had, with a great number attending even though we have several out sick. We had three first-time visitors, several return visitors and a potluck after the service. Thanks to Hershel Conley for cooking our hams in his big smoker. They were wonderful!

“Curt is our worship leader. His mother, Betty got some bad news this week and is going into hospice care. Please keep this family in your prayers. Also please keep Roy and Kevin, as well as MaryAnn, Jaye and Cathy in your prayers, too. They are all facing major health issues. If these had been able to attend today, it would have been our most ever.

“We thank you for your prayers for us, our members and our community. God is answering them.”

(4/24) “Our number was down a little this week as we had several out sick, one in the hospital, some out of town and our worship leader’s mother passed away Saturday evening. Please keep that family in your prayers. But even with all that we still had a wonderful time of worship!

“We met several new people this week. Some said they could not come this week, but would try to next week.

“I met two ladies who are sisters after worship service on Sunday. I realized when I got home that I had forgotten something at Faith Chapel, so I went back to get it and when I got there, they were sitting on our porch to get out of the rain. We had a very nice visit, and I invited them to our evening services. They came and brought one of their husbands. They were engaged and participating, had a great time, and said they will definitely come back. We hope so!

“You just never know who the Lord will put in front of you and how He will use you to minister to them. You just have to be willing to let Him use you as a witness for Him. We thank you for your prayers for us and for Flippin. Please continue. He is answering them.”

while also getting ready to be married, folks figuring out what God’s purpose is for them. This is pastoral care. This week had some intense meetings and there was also Easter.

The Table, Springdale: Clinton Morris writes, (4/17) “Happy Easter to everyone! This was a ‘late-night-every-night’ kind of week, with counseling and discipleship meetings. Sometimes that is just how things go. People have needs they need to discuss, and it is so important that the time is taken to prayerfully hear and help these people — church members having flat tires, a couple dealing with family issues

On Saturday, we had an Easter celebration at the home of my intern pastor. We had 15 first-time guests, along with a majority of our church. There were over 40 people in the house. We had great food and conversations with some people who have either never been to church or haven’t gone to church in over 20 years. Be in prayer for these contacts.

(4/24) “Meetings, meetings and more meetings! I had a new contact come to the house on Monday night and had a lot of good interactions. The weather has been crazy with thunderstorms coming and going.

“On Wednesday, Drew and I stopped in at the national meeting in Springfield, Mo. We were able to meet quite a few of you there. I am glad Drew was able to put faces with names of people he has heard about. I am very excited for Drew and his growth into the position where God has called him. Andy Neal was also able to meet with Drew, and it was exciting to see their interaction. I ended up staying up 23 hours Wednesday as I had a meeting with three unsaved folks when we returned from Springfield.

“On Friday, I had a 3 a.m. meeting with an active army personnel. We played a game and chatted for a few hours. I was trying to encourage him and his family, as he must keep this crazy schedule to keep us safe. I then met with a retired businessman who is asking questions about what God wants to do with him next.

“I am glad to be taking a vacation this week because we need to recharge to continue doing what God has called us to here in Northwest Arkansas.”

Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes, (4/17) “‘Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,’ (I Peter 1:3). Happy Easter, and how blessed are we to serve a resurrected Savior in whom we have a living hope!

“Two weeks and counting until we launch our first service for Faith Journey! We are beyond excited about our very first Sunday meeting. We will be meeting at The Cabin 3H in Benton, located at 18311 I-30 East. We will be starting at 6 p.m. every Sunday evening. It is an amazing place that will be welcoming to all who attend. The owners have prayed over this space and use it to advance God’s kingdom with their ministry. It is available to rent, and they promote strong Christian values for all who utilize their facilities.

“This week, we will be meeting with families that have expressed interest in attending our services. As Bro. Paul always says, ‘People aren’t interested in how much you know until they know how much you care.’ We are still praying for leaders that are called to serve with worship and discipleship as we get this mission underway.

“The upcoming weeks will be filled with getting ready to meet new people, preparing sermons and seeing what God will do! We are ready to see this mission begin its journey and to see many lives changed through Jesus Christ.”

(4/24) “3, 2, 1… launch! It is launch week for Faith Journey. We will have our first service this coming Sunday evening, May 1, at 6 p.m. at The Cabin 3H in Benton. If you are looking for a place to worship and help grow a church, we would love to have you. We are so excited and humbled to see what our God is going to do. Over the last several months we have been making contacts with families in the area to tell them about our mission. This week we have let them know that we will be meeting starting this Sunday in hopes that they will come out and join us.

“On Friday, I was given a tour of the Saline County CTE center here in Benton by the assistant vice-chancellor of the center. They have an amazing facility that provides trade-type educational programs for six area campuses in and around Saline County. I spoke with him about ways Faith Journey could be of help to their students, and we have some ideas on different ministry opportunities. One that we plan on starting this week will be supplying nonperishable food items to the school’s food pantry. He said many students use this pantry daily, so I feel it will be a great opportunity to help meet a need for them.

“This week has reminded me how many times God has been faithful to us and answered prayers as we started on this path to planting a church. John 15:7 says ‘If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.’ We serve an amazing God!”

Paul White

Paul WhitePaul White

Arkansas State Missions Director Paul White pens a weekly column to inform the BMA of Arkansas concerning Arkansas Missions’ activity and includes individual reports from each church planter.

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