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Paul White


Sunday, I had the privilege to share State Missions and bring the morning message at Sand Springs Baptist Church in Damascus and to visit with a dear friend, Interim Pastor Gaylon King. While knowing of each other previously, we really became acquainted when he served on the Advisory Committee while I was a missionary at Highland Hills.

It was my first time to be with this church, and I love meeting my brothers and sisters I have not had the privilege to meet before. There are many churches I have not had the privilege to share their State Missions work with in my 13 years as State Missions Director. Remember, my purpose for coming is to report on your State Missions work. It is not necessary that I preach, but I love to share what God is doing right here in Arkansas.


On Sunday afternoon, June 25, The Table Mission in Springdale, a State Missions supported church plant, will be organizing. I thank Clinton Morris and his family for following God’s call and thanks to Temple Baptist Church of Jonesboro for being the mother church. Congratulations Temple, “It’s a Church.” You can check our website at for the details.


I thank those who have taken the time to view our Special Emphasis video “Send the Light.” It is my prayer that each of our churches that has the means will take four minutes one Sunday to share it with their congregations. What a great and quick way to introduce your people to their state missionaries!

Special Emphasis

While the last Sunday in July has been set as the official State Missions Day, there is no certain time to take up an offering as we have already received just over $10,000. Thank you.

From Our Missionaries

Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, “Thank God it has been a very good week at Ebenezer. We have two new active discipleship groups, and all those attending these groups were unbelievers. On Monday of last week, two made their decision for Christ, and four more made their decision for Christ on Wednesday, for a total of six new brothers and sisters in Christ.

Those on Monday also decided to be baptized, and we are doing everything possible to do so.

“We had an inspirational service last Sunday as we prayed for the boys who graduated. We also continued with the ‘Gospel Movements’ workshop. God continues to show up at Ebenezer in wonderful ways. Planting a new church is a spiritual task and, for that reason, I ask you to pray for missions. Without your prayers and support, it would be very difficult to do our work.

“On Saturday, we took our son, Rubencito to finish enrolling him in college. By August, he will be going to Northwest Arkansas to begin his studies in photography and art. Pray for us in this time of transitions. It is something new for us, and sometimes I don’t understand the whole process. To God be the glory!”

Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “We had a great week at Faith Chapel! We had a very good number and a wonderful time of worship with several return and four first-time visitors. I told you a few weeks ago about the mother of one of our members being able to be with us on Mother’s Day.

She is a resident at Twin Lakes Therapy and Living, and she has been coming ever since. She joined us yesterday and, along with my own mother and another couple, that makes four new members in three weeks. It is such a blessing to have our mothers, and all our families, come together in the name of Jesus to worship as our church family — as His family! Praise God! That is the kind of blessing we want here.

“The new building is still progressing. The electrical is coming along, the HVAC is beginning and, praise God again, the baptistry came in and we set it in place and will hook it up soon. I can hardly wait until we are able to use it. We also ordered our steeple this week, and it will complete the outside and make it look just like we imagined — a glorious beacon on the hill. We have had people visit because they saw the new building, and they have returned and kept coming. It is like they are seeing us as permanent now, a part of the community, and that is what we were praying would happen.

“We thank you for your support and prayers. Please continue. God is answering.” 

The Table, Springdale: Clinton Morris writes, “I am writing this report from Livingston, Zambia, a place ripe with historic missional appeal. I truly cannot believe I am here. I have been helping the Quillmans build their church in the village where they are ministering.

“We saw four men come to Christ, and we held a waterside baptism that included a herd of cows. It takes the team two hours of offroad travel to get to the village. I have enjoyed the work among the people.

“Drew let me know that the service went very well. They had another first-time guest come and visit. They have had first-time guests for the last four weeks. Chris preached for the main service. I am looking forward to hearing the message when I get back to the States.”

Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes, “This week Faith Journey would like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to Trumpet Printing, Inc. for the great services they provide. We were able to work with Joann Bailey about producing some advertising products to help promote Faith Journey such as handouts, pens and coffee mugs.

We will be able to use the items in our outreaches, like Third Thursday in downtown Benton, again this coming week. Joann provides excellent work, and it is a blessing to have this type of service available for our mission. Thank you, Joann!

“We were able to enjoy seeing some new faces at this week’s worship. We had a few new guests today, and we hope to be able to minister to this family in the weeks to come.

“One of our mission family members is traveling this week with a mission group to Thailand where, for the next six weeks, they will be spreading the gospel. Please be in prayer for this young man, as well as the entire group. We are praying for safety with traveling, souls to be saved and lives to be changed during this trip. God has already been preparing hearts for this trip. May His kingdom grow from this group’s faithfulness.”

Epic Life, Pea Ridge: Jake McCandless writes, “One of the biggest lessons we have learned, and so have our other host families, is not to let low attendance be a discouragement nor take lightly someone’s attendance. We’re developing the motto of ‘if there is even one.’ 

“This week, we had our Connection Groups at full strength with first-time visitors at each, but we had our lowest attended Collective Gatherings. Remember what I said about the ‘even one’ motto? In our Garfield Connection Group, three sisters attended a church event together for the first time and were able to share about each other’s faith and struggles. Then, in our Collective Gathering, my daughter beamed the whole time because her best friend and first ‘guest’ to come with her was there worshipping with us.

“I’m not sure if it counts statistically, but our beagle, Charlie, climbed on top of our patio table (like Snoopy would his doghouse) and sang with us during worship! Our neighbors definitely know something is going on!

“Oh, and I forgot to mention that, at our Collective Gathering, we celebrated multiple ongoing prayers that had been answered in big ways!”

Paul White

Paul WhitePaul White

Arkansas State Missions Director Paul White pens a weekly column to inform the BMA of Arkansas concerning Arkansas Missions’ activity and includes individual reports from each church planter.

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