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STATE MISSIONS: Has Our Salt Lost Its Saltiness? (part 3)
Paul White

STATE MISSIONS: Has Our Salt Lost Its Saltiness? (part 3)

“Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men” (Matt. 5:13).

Many are good mixers — preaching the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man — but it is every member’s duty to cry out when wolves attack the flock. We sure can hear them — down with the slaughterhouse religion, tear out the altars, throw out the prayer benches and run to take anyone who calls themselves religious but we must be careful because the Lord adds to the church those that are saved.

Many religions today are trying to develop a salt-free gospel and compromise will lead to any church’s demise. Religion has become big business and a religion minus love and devotion to Jesus is a vain religion.

Whether table or spiritual salt, if it has lost its savor, it’s good for nothing. Such things may seem harmless at the time, but they will destroy your usefulness to God. It’s sad that so many so-called ministers take up the ministry as a lawyer takes up law — as an occupation or a profession and not a calling. Someone has said, “I looked for the church and I found it in the world, and then I looked for the world and found it in the church.” Sadly, this is more truth than poetry.

Christians ought to be different. Our presence should bring conviction and uneasiness to the lost because we clash. This wave of “lovey dovie” brotherhood of men, everybody is good, nobody is bad age we live in causes sinners to feel at ease, even at church functions. This type of religion is good for nothing but to bring false security to the lost. If there ever was a time when we need to be salt, it’s now! We need to stop excusing the wrong actions of others and start rubbing a little salt. It would pay us to examine and ask ourselves this question: “Am I a salty Christian or am I good for nothing?”

May God help us to be examples of His grace and not to be a disgrace.

From Our Missionaries

Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, “Last week, on Aug. 2, Sayra and I celebrated 25 years of marriage. I thank God for the wife He has given me — a woman who fears God and is committed to the formation of her children and to the mission God has given us.

“We decided to celebrate our anniversary with the church on Saturday, Aug. 6 with a thanksgiving service. We invited Roberto Marcelletti to preach. He and his wife, Patricia sang some special songs. Our children, María Fernanda and Jose Carlos, also praised God with songs alluding to gratitude.

“It was a good opportunity to celebrate the marriage and bear witness to the church that it so badly needs to strengthen this divine institution in these times when the enemy is fiercely stalking it.

“Thank you for your prayers for my family and the ministry God has given us.”

Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, “On Tuesday, Aug. 2, we were visited by the missions director and the Advisory Committee at our mission facilities at Chenal Valley Baptist Church. It is always a privilege to receive them and to be able to tell them what God is doing in our midst. It is a great encouragement for every missionary to have this visit, although,

I must confess, it is a challenge for me because of my very basic level of English. But the brothers have always been very kind in trying to understand me.

“Last week was a time for VBS for the American church. My wife, Kory was able to help and get involved as a volunteer. My wife has a special gift for teaching children. That is the area God has called her to serve Him. She had the privilege of speaking to the children about missions. Of course, my wife is perfectly bilingual, she doesn’t have the hindrances that I have in moving from one language to another.

“Kory gives classes to the Hispanic children during the sermon time. There are very few children, so we are praying that the Lord will bring more of them to hear the Word of God. It is very important from the beginning of a mission to sow the Word of God in the hearts of the children.

“Pray for the plans we presented to the Advisory Committee. May God guide each step as we want to glorify Him with what we do. In the end, planting a new church is not about us (men), it is about God being glorified among us so that all Hispanics (or any ethnicity) will know that He is God. To God be the glory!”

The Table, Springdale: Clinton Morris writes, “Drew preached this Sunday and led all aspects of the service. It has been good allowing him to feel the load of ministry and navigate any issues that may arise.

“I had so many meetings with people this last week that it has been a blur. I am looking for things to settle down to give us a chance to breathe.

“Several of the folks are feeling ill. We also had several out due to the last week of freedom from school.”

Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes, “This week at Faith Journey we sure had a lot to celebrate! We had a ‘birthday’ fellowship on Sunday to celebrate those who have birthdays in August. Of the 21 that have been attending our services, a third of them have birthdays this month. How fun is that! We served up a Mexican feast for everyone, and it sure was a hit!

“We were able to contact several local organizations this week to seek speaking opportunities within the community. With school getting ready to start back, many districts have on-campus ministries we can support and help to spread the gospel to those students. Any chance to get God’s Word poured into the lives of children is a great thing!

“We were blessed this week to have the Advisory Committee come and visit Faith Journey to see where we are currently meeting in the Benton area. We were able to show The Cabin 3H to the committee, where we have our services, and it has been a blessing to have such a great place to meet. When visiting with these men, you know that they have a heart for missions, and they are such a great encouragement to missionaries.”

Misión Gracia Soberana (Sovereign Grace), NWA:Roberto Marcelletti writes, “This week, we had the visit of the Advisory Committee and were able to expose what we have been able to accomplish in the time we have been in Northeast Arkansas. We have had contact with 50 Hispanic people in the area, most of them from the Rogers area where we live and, at this moment,

we have three discipleship groups on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. I told them about my church planting project, which came from meditating and studying Acts 14:21-23. The vision is also to be a community that exists to make the gospel known and that people are transformed into disciples of Jesus who make other disciples from Northeast Arkansas to the ends of the earth. 

“We also shared our philosophy of ministry which is the way we work — relate or connect with the community that is around us; evangelize; discipleship (this includes baptism, membership and leadership); send out and establish new churches; follow or repeat the process in another area.

“Finally, I told them we needed certain things to be able to develop the project — a portable sound system with two microphones and two microphone stands, boxes of Bibles in Spanish, a laptop for the Sunday School classes for the children, a printer and vans to transport the people.

“We had many visitors this week in our apartment. Monday night, we had a family we are encouraging and sharing about God. Tuesday, we had a couple that had already visited us, but this time they came with a relative that had arrived from Chile. Thursday, we continued the discipleship for three weeks with a woman, and this time she brought her granddaughter. Patty began to disciple this little girl, and she left happy to learn about Creation and God. Sunday, we had our first service in our apartment. We worshiped, told all our testimonies and exposed II Cor. 13:5 — the importance of examining our faith. Why I say I am a believer, if there is fruit and what is the fruit the Bible says a real Christian gives. Finally, in the evening we went to visit a family that invited us to their home and made a connection with them.”

Pea Ridge Mission: Jake McCandless writes, “Let’s get this party started! I’m Jake McCandless, the new missionary on the block, serving in Pea Ridge up in the northwest corner of our state.

“Though I’m the new missionary, the work in Pea Ridge, where we’ve lived for five years, started last fall. I’ve got a lot to catch you up on! I look forward to sharing how God has been at work and the vision He’s unfolding for us, but this week I want to catch you up on the past week.

“Before that, I need to introduce the team. I’m not working alone. Of course, there’s you, the BMA of Arkansas that is allowing and supporting this opportunity. Then the Missionary Committee, the Missionary Advisory Committee and Executive Director of Missions Paul White. On the field along with me are my wife, Amanda, our 11-year-old daughter, Andrea; our 8-year-old daughter, Addison; and our beagle, Charlie. We’re doing this as a family.

“This week we had our weekly Discovery Bible Study discussion at the home of Brian and Audrey King. You’ll hear a lot about them as they are important rockstars in the Pea Ridge story. We continued reading Jesus’ teachings in Matthew. I was also able to share with the 11 of us that this mission wasn’t about me giving a ‘top-down’ vision for them to join and follow, but rather I was there to equip and support them to live out their faith and calling in their home and everyday life. That was cool to share.

“They will be sharing their Kingdom-dreams next week! The highlight of the night came when the kids decided that, following our multi-generational DBS each week, they would do a kid-led mini–Discovery Bible Study! I can’t wait to see where that goes!”

2022 State Missions Special Emphasis

Goal — $50,000

Thank you to all who have already sent in donations. Receipts through Aug. 4 are $17,771.00:

Big Creek Valley, Jonesboro $2,000.00

Bodcaw, Rosston $200.00

Calvary, Morrilton $1,000.00

Church at Willow Beach, NLR $500.00

Crockett Bluff, DeWitt $500.00

Crossroads, Warren $1,400.00

Fellowship, Bella Vista $1,000.00

Fourth Street, West Helena $816.00

Friendship, Greenbrier $100.00

Grace, Russellville $350.00

Gum Springs, Arkadelphia $243.00

Immanuel, Greenbrier $570.00

Jerry Clements $1,000.00

Kellogg Valley, Sherwood $150.00

Liberty, Buckner $500.00

Macedonia, Magnolia $500.00

Mt. Nebo, Hope $500.00

New Caney, Gurdon $200.00

North Hills, Sherwood $100.00

Oak Grove, Jonesboro $500.00

Park View, North Little Rock $50.00

Pleasant Grove, Black Rock $1,487.00

Pleasant Grove, Carlisle $437.00

Pleasant Valley, Greenbrier $1,350.00

Sand Springs, Damascus $227.00

Springhill, Greenbrier $1,000.00

Tenth Street, Paragould $163.00

The Bridge, Mountain Home $928.00

Paul White

Paul WhitePaul White

Arkansas State Missions Director Paul White pens a weekly column to inform the BMA of Arkansas concerning Arkansas Missions’ activity and includes individual reports from each church planter.

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