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STATE MISSIONS: Iron Sharpens Iron
Paul White

STATE MISSIONS: Iron Sharpens Iron

Last week was the time for our Missionary Spring Training retreat. We all loaded up and headed to Tyler, Texas. After being delayed by the terrible wreck on I-30 for five hours, we finally arrived just before midnight.

We had a wonderful time singing, praying, hearing devotionals and a great session with Hershel Conley on sharing your faith, which was very challenging as well as convicting.

Thursday morning, we ventured out on Lake Palestine and experienced five hours of sweet fellowship while taking our bottled-up aggression out on some delicious fish. We came away from this training encouraged, as well as challenged.

Called Advisory Committee Meeting

David Inzer, chairman of the Missionary Committee, has called a Special Meeting to be held on Thursday, July 14 at 10 a.m. in the fellowship hall at South City (former Temple) next to the BMA building. Our address is 10712 I-30, Little Rock. The Advisory Committee will be presenting Jake McCandless as a candidate for a full-time missionary position to serve in Pea Ridge located in the very northwest part of the state.

I encourage our pastors to make every effort to attend. Not only do we have to have at least 15 for a quorum, but your presence will be a tremendous encouragement to Jake.

Oak Grove Jonesboro

I had the privilege to share State Missions and preach on Sunday at Oak Grove Baptist Church in Jonesboro. Pastor Wynndel King is a long-time personal friend and is doing a great job there. We were blessed to receive an offering for our Special Emphasis. Thank you, Oak Grove, for your love for Missions.

From Our Missionaries

Hispanic Coordinator: Michael Hight writes, “We had a wonderful time this week on a spiritual retreat with the other BMA of Arkansas missionaries. We were challenged repeatedly on the need to evangelize. I am so grateful for what God is doing with our mission program.

“In Central Arkansas, they are working on a concerted effort to have a joint Bible Institute among the Hispanic churches. This is with the hope of having future leaders and church planters. Guilmar and the mission in Alexander are planning their first Vacation Bible School. Pray for them as they take this leap of faith. I am so thankful to have a small role in our Hispanic leaders’ lives.

“Our church, First Baptist Church of Caldwell, will be extending the arm to the Creciendo en Cristo Mission, and we are excited about what God is doing with this mission. Please pray that there will be an infusion of missionary zeal on all our behalf!

Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, “From Wednesday to Friday, I participated in the training for Arkansas missionaries that the office prepared. It was an excellent time of fellowship, our bonds of friendship were strengthened and the teaching strengthened our missionary call.

“Normally, I am with the youth on Wednesday nights, but this time they held the meeting without my support. It was a good opportunity to practice their service to the Lord and continue to develop their leadership.

“The ladies had their meeting on Saturday afternoon and finished their study on Abigail. They will study Esther at the next meeting. 

“I will appreciate your prayers for the families of the church, some are being stalked by the enemy.”

Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, (6/5) “On Sunday, May 29, we remembered our soldiers as we remembered that freedom is not free. We also celebrated the Lord’s Supper, remembering the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross. We are praying for two young men who made the decision to serve our nation. One is going to the Army and the other to the Air Force. They are two young men I have watched grow up, and it is a blessing to pray for them.

“On Sunday, June 5 we had our celebration for those who graduated this year — Jeremiah Rodriguez and my son, Ruben Alexander Isturiz. We gave them gifts and prayed that God will continue to guide their steps. The sermon was based on Ecclesiastes 12, ‘Remember Your Creator.’ It was a good time with good encouragement.

“The Berean Groups (home groups) are finishing their discipleship cycle. During the summer, we will be doing Discovery Bible Study (DBS). According to our experience, many will be on trips, in and out of town, so the Berean Groups enter into a more relaxed period where fellowship is very important, while still sharing the Word of God with the DBS. Pray for the summer season that God will continue to manifest Himself in every believer in Ebenezer.

“On Sunday, June 12 we had an inspiring service. We are in a series on Bible characters, and we talked about the life of King Saul and the desire of Israel to have a king after their own heart. Next week, we continue with David.

“After Ebenezer, I went to Travelers stadium for my chaplaincy time with the Hispanic players. God is blessing this ministry, and there is a thirst for the Word of God among the players.

“I have one more month of training with It has been very edifying and challenging. We are talking about Gospel Movements. I hope to see a Gospel Movement in Ebenezer and to see how every Ebenezer believer practices missional work in their life contexts.

“Pray for my health, my wife’s work and Ebenezer. To God be the glory!”

Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “I had a great time of fellowship with my fellow BMA State Missionaries, mixed with learning and even a little bit of fishing this week. Thanks to an anonymous donor that earmarked their donation to give us that gift — what a kind and generous gesture! The Lord gave us safe travel and blessed us all in so many ways. We are also all thankful to Him for this time we

shared. I returned home with strengthened relationships and a common sense of purpose with all of the other missionaries. I also thank Paul White for being such a good friend and mentor to all of us, and Hershel Conley for the evangelism training.

“We had a great service Sunday with a good number and a new family visiting us for the first time. They returned Sunday night and say they will come again. They have been looking for a church, had watched our online service and then just happened to meet one of our members who invited them. I love the way the Lord brings us together, putting us where He wants us to serve and showing us how to use the individual gifts He has given us to build His church and bring the gospel to the lost. 

“Thank you for your prayers for Karen and me, for Faith Chapel, for Flippin and for all the BMA state missionaries and State Missions staff. God is hearing them and answering.”

The Table, Springdale: Clinton Morris writes, “There has been tons of driving these last few weeks. I am so glad all my trips are now over for a while. We had some great meetings.

“One of my folks has left for the summer. Pray for him as he seeks where God wants him to go. The mission is about to implement the Good Soil Training for our people, as well as some hands-on training with unsaved and saved people. 

“Drew led the services this Sunday, and everything went great. So good to see how God is moving in that family’s life.”

Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes, “Over the last 17 years, I have had the opportunity to watch and be inspired by men who are missionaries with the BMA that I consider godly men and great role models of how to be a church planter and pastors of thriving churches in our state. This week, I was able to take part in a retreat with some of these gentlemen and, boy, was it a blessing! We were able to spend time in the Word, fellowshipping and mentoring one another. A great time was had by all!

“The informational flyers we had printed for Faith Journey came in this week. They look great! We plan to start going door-to-door in the neighborhoods to try to reach out to let folks know we are here in the community and are ready to meet the needs of those in the area. We want to show them the love of God through Scripture, prayer and service. We want to be a shining light in our city. Please pray that God will go before us and open the hearts of people as we begin this outreach.”

Misión Gracia Soberana (Sovereign Grace), NWA:Roberto Marcelletti writes, “This week, I am very grateful for the sweet time and the benefits that, by the grace of God, we were able to spend together in our retreat with the team of state missionaries of the BMA of Arkansas. The training and our fishing time (by the way, it was the first time I fished) were wonderful. Thanks to each brother on the team. They blessed my life with their words of encouragement and blessing.

“I was sharing with a classmate this week about the importance of the Word of God to be able to fulfill our life’s purpose as believers. I was also in contact with two other men who have been exposed to the gospel, and we are also very happy because we already have our first disciple — the woman who gave herself to Christ last week began the discipleship process. On Thursday, Patty shared discipleship with her and on Friday we were both talking about II Cor. 5:17 and how dangerous it is to identify as Christian without being one and that we deceive ourselves when we do that, that our eternal destiny is at stake and that the believer must bear fruit worthy of repentance. Patty is working with two women with whom she shared the gospel this week and she also works in a WhatsApp group where she sends devotionals every day. They are around 60 women, 10 from the NWA and the others are all over Latin America and Texas.”

Paul White

Paul WhitePaul White

Arkansas State Missions Director Paul White pens a weekly column to inform the BMA of Arkansas concerning Arkansas Missions’ activity and includes individual reports from each church planter.

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