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STATE MISSIONS: Judgement - Yea or Nay
Paul White

STATE MISSIONS: Judgement - Yea or Nay

Have you ever wondered just how someone can claim to be an atheist? Well, I would say that perhaps the most logical reason stems from the age-old sin of selfishness. Even as a believer, one must confront his or her reasons for that stand. The thought came to me that, while our roads are inundated with speed signs, has it ever occurred to you why we, at least at some moderation, tend to stay close to them?

When I asked a group of people if there were no police officers on our highways would we still drive the same, all of them acknowledged that if there was no fear of potential judgement, they would drive at least some faster. How much of what we do or don’t do is out of fear of getting caught or punished?

Like the story of the boy whose dad sent him to plant cotton the old way, one or two seeds at a time, when suddenly his friends came by on their way to the swimming hole. “Join us.” they yelled. “I can’t,” he replied, “I have to plant all this cotton.” “Oh, well just dig a hole and dump them in and cover them up,” they said. Which he did. And just about the time he thought he had got away with his little secret, the cotton started sprouting.

“But, if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the Lord: and be sure your sin will find you out” (Num. 32:23). Having to answer for our actions serves as a strong deterrent.

Now you can begin to see where I am heading with this. The atheist says he believes there is no God, not so much out of assuming there isn’t as much as hoping there is not. Because, if there is a God, and there is, then as sure as rain there is going to be a day of reckoning.

I had a preacher tell me that he sat by a famous celebrity on a plane and, having overcome his fear of the situation, politely asked the gentleman if he was a Christian, only to have the man reply, “No, I am a frightened atheist.” “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Heb. 9:27).

Fall Tour 

Monday, the Advisory Committee and I will be visiting all of our mission points. Please pray for our safety and for each of those whom we visit.

From Our Missionaries

Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, “A few months ago, I told you about Edith’s children, all of whom were of legal age and had not yet made their profession of faith. Days later, I shared that Yara had received Christ as her Lord and Savior. This weekend, I realized Daniel has also made his profession of faith and wants to be baptized.

Let’s keep praying as Magali needs to make her decision for Christ. She is well-rooted in her Catholic faith. In fact, her family was affected by the tornado that hit North Little Rock and Sherwood hard, and she declined to receive help from the church because she does not want to have some tie with the evangelical church. She will be a difficult person to convince but, for the Spirit of God, nothing is impossible. Let us continue to pray and give thanks for the life of Daniel who will soon be baptized.

“This Saturday, we started working on digging trenches to raise the retaining walls to level the area where the playground will be installed. Thirteen men met early in the morning and four sisters arrived to serve us breakfast and lunch. The day was full of camaraderie, collaboration and teamwork. May God be glorified with this group of men and women who are willing to serve God with their time, skills and money.”

Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, “We had an inspiring service this week. We prayed for our children, who are going back to school. It was a blessing to see our young people go forward and pray for them for protection and wisdom during this 2023-2024 school year. My daughter, Zuly is in her last year of high school and my son, Rubencito is going to college.

The message was based on Joshua 1:1-9. We took a journey from the departure from Egypt to the death of Moses and Joshua’s new task in leading the people.

“On Sunday afternoon, we celebrated the birthday of Valentina, daughter of Evelyn Florez, a family that arrived this year to Ebenezer.

“Pray for me this week as I will be teaching ‘Spiritual Life’ classes at the Hispanic Missionary Theological Institute of Arkansas. It will be a challenge to teach this new subject at the institute every Tuesday night.

“On Wednesday, both my wife Kory and I will be traveling to Northwest Arkansas to drop off our son for his first year of college.

“Thank you for praying for us and your support. To God be the glory!”

Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “We had a wonderful time of worship this week at Faith Chapel, and a really good week all in all. Our numbers were back up to about average, even though we had several members out for various reasons. We have some with persistent health problems. Please join us in prayer for them.

We have many visitors that keep coming back. We love them as our own and pray that soon they, too, will be led to join us.

“The building is still progressing, however slowly, and we just keep doing one thing after another. The different tasks seem to determine their own priority. We installed and painted the posts on the north portico. I’m going to call them columns because they are pretty massive, but the rain has, so far, kept us from doing the ones on the south end. We will need to put them up with the tractor, and the mud on that end has prevented it. There is no need in messing up what we have already done and making more work. We will get them later this week when it dries out.

“Thank you, Lord, for the rain! I read this morning that we are in the top 10 wettest Augusts on record. The building continues to draw attention. The Lord gave us the best spot in Marion County to build on, and we give Him the glory for all that has been done and all that will be done there.

“We thank you all, and we thank God for you. We are able to do this because of your prayers and support, and we pray that God will bless you richly in ways that only He can. “Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord” (II Pet. 1:2).

Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes, “Faith Journey had the honor of being able to provide a meal at one of our local fire stations in the city of Benton this week. We feel it is important to show support for these brave men and women who give of themselves every day to help keep us safe during times of crisis. Thank you for your service!

“Our message this week at the mission was about fear. We all have similar feelings about things we fear in our lives. Whether it is the fear of the dark when we were younger, or the fear of losing a loved one; there are so many things we fear in our lives. But we were reminded in John 16:33 that, even though we will face tribulations, Jesus has overcome the world, and that includes fear. Faith over fear is only found in the Lord!”

Misión Gracia Soberana (Sovereign Grace), Northwest Arkansas:Roberto Marcelletti writes, “I am very grateful to see the fruits for which God brought us to Northwest Arkansas in such a short time. Intentional discipleship is underway through three Grace Groups.

On Tuesdays, we are in Pea Ridge, Wednesdays in Rogers and Thursdays in Springdale — reaching a total group of 27 people each week and teaching them that knowing Christ involves changing to a new life and encouraging them to be a light where God has placed them.

“In our Sunday service, after a beautiful time in which we worshipped corporately, we continued with the ‘Foundations of Grace’ series, where we are laying the foundation for building a biblical church and the sermon dealing with the ordinances of a biblical church.”

Epic Life, Pea Ridge: Jake McCandless writes, “We had our first meeting in our new place! We held our August Collective Worship Gathering at the Room 161 event space. It was a great time with 24 in attendance. The new location worked great.

“We had a special time resetting our perspective through Psalm 8. We challenged one another to restart the school year, ‘In Awe’ of God’s greatness and His goodness.

“Both of our Connection Groups met this week. Pray for us as both our groups expect visitors this coming week. Each group is also reaching out to neighbors.

“On Sunday night, we will have a Preview Night for our Connection Groups in Room 161. Moving forward, we will have an event every Sunday night at 5 p.m.”

Paul White

Paul WhitePaul White

Arkansas State Missions Director Paul White pens a weekly column to inform the BMA of Arkansas concerning Arkansas Missions’ activity and includes individual reports from each church planter.

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