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Paul White


Work continues to progress on Faith Chapel’s building in Flippin. I told Johnny it was always a great day when you could exchange your shovel for a hammer. We are excited and thrilled that the Master’s Builders will be coming in on April 3 to begin the framing.

Help Needed

If you or a group from your church would like to come and work on this State Missions building, I know Bro. Eddie and the rest would welcome your help. Just contact Johnny for more details. Also, this project will be ongoing for several months so if you should have a youth group that would like to help out, they would be appreciated.

Sunday Past

Michael Hight called Friday and since he was under the weather, asked if I could fill in this past Sunday. I told him it would be my privilege. Over the years I have come to love and appreciate First Baptist Church in Caldwell. They and their pastor are very mission minded. Please pray that Michael feels better soon.

Souls Saved

I was blessed by a couple of messages from our missionaries that they had witnessed the salvation of souls this past week. Praise the Lord!

From Our Missionaries

Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, “Yani came to the women’s discipleship for the first time Wednesday night. During the meeting, Sayra noticed Yani’s need and shared the gospel with her. God had prepared her for that moment, and she received Christ as her Lord and Savior.

Yani is Consuelo’s sister, and she had been sharing the Word with her for over a year. The sisters rejoiced during the meeting. They were able to observe how the gospel is shared, and they saw the power of God convicting the heart of an unbeliever. Let us pray for Yani and her spiritual growth. She is a single mother who struggles to educate and give her three-year-old daughter, Dulce María, a better future.

“The ladies of the church met Saturday to study about the Samaritan Woman. They had a good time studying the Word and took the opportunity to encourage Sayra, praying for her and her upcoming trip to Honduras. Sayra’s main purpose for the trip is to share the gospel again with her father, Don Miguel, who is very ill. Let us pray for the conversion of Don Miguel, his recovery and that will God give wisdom to the doctors for a good diagnosis and treatment.” 

Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, “If we want to have healthy churches, we must plant healthy churches. That is my challenge each week. My desire is that it is God adding and not us humanly adding, and that is why I ask for prayer each week — because His work is spiritual. God is answering in wonderful ways when I see the lives of those who attend Ebenezer.

“Sister Avelina attended this week (an answered prayer from last week). Please keep praying for her health. Eduar Hernandez confessed in the name of Christ in public this week (another answered prayer). This is the Venezuelan family we have been ministering to. Eduar already has a job, he actively participates in the church, he gives and now he has made his decision for Christ. Please continue praying that his wife and children will do the same.

“Last Sunday, a couple and their son visited with thirst for God (another answered prayer). We have been asking you to pray for God to bring to Ebenezer people with a thirst for God, and He is answering. Keep doing it!

“God is good, and He answers prayer at the right time. Thank you for your support and your prayers. It is impossible to do God’s work without you. You are God’s instrument so we can continue sowing the Word of God. To God be the glory!”

Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “Please keep us, the mission, our building project, my family and Flippin in your prayers. Thank you for the prayers you have already prayed, as well as future prayers. God is hearing them and answering!”

The Table, Springdale: Clinton Morris writes, “Drew and Kaley went to Temple Baptist Church in Jonesboro, our mother church. Drew got to preach and get familiar with our sending church. Andy Neal wanted the church to get to see and hear Drew, before the ordination service in April. He did a great job handling the Word of God before a crowd that was so much larger than he was used to. 

“There were so many great meetings this week, along with several great moments of prayer over each other’s burdens. I had several productive meetings this week to discuss the next church plant along with some amazing details that are still being prayed over. God is doing so much work.

“We also got to hear a glowing testimony from Gio about attending Beacon Baptist Church in Gravette. The amazing thing is that their new pastor, Ricky Williams, was the pastor of Drew and Kaley’s church in Lowell. I stand in awe of how God is working. God closed a church in Lowell to allow that pastor to provide gospel-led pastoring to a family we got to see come to Christ. God is always in the details. It is such a beautiful picture of how the body of Christ can work.”

Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes, “Attendance was down a little because of spring break. We had several families traveling out of town for some much-needed time away. Some of our church family also took advantage of Winter Jam, which is a Christian music concert that had several well-known artists, in North Little Rock on Sunday.

It is always a great time to have our families get to spend time together with their loved ones while enjoying great fellowship and growing in Christ.

“We are getting back into the local adult care centers since they have come out of quarantine after their latest COVID closures. Please keep praying for these older people and the staff taking care of them. It is hard on them to be isolated for weeks at a time, and they are missing the chance to hear about God through our weekly Bible studies.

“Our men’s Bible study is going great. We are seeing God work in these men’s lives as they learn more about Jesus and how God wants them to be the leaders for their families. We have already heard some testimonies from their families on how these men are stepping up to lead prayer and showing their families, through their actions, how God is changing them from the inside out. Praise God for these men.” 

Misión Gracia Soberana (Sovereign Grace), NWA: Roberto Marcelletti writes, “I am very excited to send this brief report of what you are doing in the Northwest Arkansas. We are seeing how people approach our small groups, and the Lord is opening their minds with the truth of His Word and growing in a commitment to Christ. 

“Our Grace groups have had two new people join them — one in the Rogers group in our apartment and one in Springdale. With the conversations in our groups and the questions that the brothers ask in each meeting, we can see they are growing in maturity and changing their biblical worldview. I praise God since the five young people we have are very involved and want to learn how to make decisions that glorify God and that, in these times, it is very encouraging.

“We can see how God is changing hearts. Being a part of what God is doing in this area is a privilege and an honor since it is part of our mission to preach the gospel and show that gospel in our lives and relationships.”

Epic Life, Pea Ridge: Jake McCandless writes, “It was another exciting week with Epic Life. We had our first profession of faith; and it was such an awesome story of someone for whom our entire group had prayed.

“As we’re working each week, we sometimes wonder if we are getting anywhere. This week, Amanda and I had chances to sit down with others, and we were both encouraged that we are making a much larger impact than we realized.

“Continue to pray as the home we’re purchasing comes before the zoning commission on April 4.”

Paul White

Paul WhitePaul White

Arkansas State Missions Director Paul White pens a weekly column to inform the BMA of Arkansas concerning Arkansas Missions’ activity and includes individual reports from each church planter.

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