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Paul White


Vicki and I traveled to Bearden on Thursday to get the deed signed by the former Macedonia Baptist Church’s trustees. I want to thank Pat and Diane Spriggs for accompanying us to notarize the signatures. Should anyone know of someone who might be interested in a building and three acres in Bearden, contact the office at (501) 565-4601.


I had the opportunity to return to Highland Hills, the church I was privileged to plant back in 1999. Paul Vincent is currently her pastor. God continues to bless His churches who had their beginnings through State Missions.

Monday Night

What a privilege it was to be invited to speak at the Central Arkansas Association Brotherhood at Willow Beach. It provided a great opportunity to share the work with several leaders in one setting. Thank you, Roy Tilley, for the invitation.

Drive, Parking and Well

For those who do not know. The former church next to the BMA of Arkansas office building that houses State Missions and the Baptist Trumpet offices has sold and is now a school. Over the decades since it was built, the churches has provided our water and the use of their parking lot. We want to thank Temple Baptist Church and South City Church for their kindness. But the result of the selling leaves your office building with designated and closely regulated parking, which we have to pay for and provide insurance to the school. The present situation leaves us having no place to park visitors. Also, in order to have a committee meeting in our building, we must notify the school to get their permission for additional parking. And since we are connected to their water, we now have to pay them monthly for this as well. Due to these things, we find ourselves in an undesirable situation.

We are working with Tim Tyler, founder of the BMA Sponsored Water for Christ ministry, and his engineering firm in Conway concerning the work to be done at the BMA building in Little Rock. Once the necessary paperwork is completed, we will, hopefully, begin work in the next few weeks.

From Our Missionaries

Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, “From Monday to Wednesday, a small group of young people participated in the SOAR conference for students with the theme, ‘Devoted.’ They enjoyed the conference and the experience of an event of this magnitude.

We hope they have been impacted and their devotion to the Lord will be more evident. On Sunday, two of them had the opportunity to give their testimony before the congregation.

“Melvin, a young Honduran who has gone through very difficult health situations, is already congregating again. Friday night, he came to the prayer service and, at the Sunday meeting, he was accompanied by several relatives. Let us pray that God allows him to fully recover and develop his life as it used to be.

“Ramón and María de Jesús returned to Mexico. They arrived without news and are enjoying the occurrences and expressions of love from their grandchildren. Let’s pray that they find a sound doctrine church to congregate. This couple’s move has left us without a home to conduct Bible studies. Let us pray for other families in the congregation to open the doors of their houses, and invite their friends, relatives and neighbors to study the Word.”

Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, “We have had two weeks of a lot of activities. Every Sunday, we continue giving the ‘Gospel Movements’ workshop, which is very important for the growth in Ebenezer. On July 4, we went to DeGray Lake to baptize Daniel and Evelyn.

It was an exciting time when we saw two new believers make the decision to obey God. Keep praying because there are five others who need to take this step.

“During the week, we continue giving discipleship. Many questions are answered, and it is a blessing to be that channel of God to be able to bring the biblical answers and teach the truth of the Word of God. Working with people is a process, and I pray that God will guide me in the process He has for each disciple.

“On Saturday, July 8, we went to the celebration of life for Lucinda Clark. She went to the heavenly mansions on July 4. She was a sister with a missionary heart. In the former congregation where I was pastor, she and a group of young people came to help us as part of a missionary project. God brought her to our family in difficult times, and I am grateful to God for Lucinda’s life.

“Sunday, July 9, was a wonderful time of God. Chenal Valley Baptist Church and the Ebenezer Mission had a united Celebration Service, singing in English and Spanish. Every time we do it makes me remember the heavenly worship where people from every tribe and nation will gather to worship the Lamb of God. To God be the glory!”

Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “We had a great week at Faith Chapel! Thank You, Lord for the rain! We needed it, and He sent it! Praise God! 

“We had a good number for worship Sunday, with five first-time visitors. Praise God again!

“We had a great outreach event on Monday. We served a lot of hot dogs, chips, popcorn, popsicles and drinks to those walking by on their way to the fireworks. We met some new people, witnessed to them and invited them to come worship with us. All in all, it was a very successful event, and I think some of them will come. Praise God again! I spoke with one young man in particular that kept coming back several times. We were out in the street and I said, ‘Jesus loves you.’ He said, ‘Jesus loves you too.’ I asked if he was saved, and he said, ‘not yet.’ So I asked if He believed that Jesus was the Son of God, and he said, ‘yes.’ I asked if he believed that He died on the cross for our sins and then rose from the grave on the thrid day, and he said, ‘yes.’ So I said, well then, all that is left is for you to do is to trust in Jesus as your Lord. Just ask Him to forgive you and save you, and trust in Him and He will. Why have you not done that yet? And he said, ‘I’m just nervous.’ I told him that he doesn’t need to be nervous, Jesus did everything that needs to be done, and all he needed to do is have faith in Jesus and He would save him. I knew in my heart that the Holy Spirit was working on him right then, but we got interrupted by some other people coming down the street, and got separated and I did not see him again. Please pray with me that this young man gave his heart to Jesus that night, and if He didn’t that the Holy Spirit would continue to draw Him to Jesus, and he will be saved soon. I believe he did, I hope and pray he did, that’s why we’re here.

“Thank you for your prayers for us, for Faith Chapel and our mission here, for Flippin and for that young man in particular. Please continue as they mean so much to us!”

Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes, “We hope everyone had a happy and safe Fourth of July! We are so thankful for the freedom we have in this country and are grateful to all the men and women who sacrifice so much to allow us to be able to enjoy that freedom!

“This week, I challenged a few of our folks at Faith Journey to ask God to show them ‘the one.’ I gave each of them a small handout called ‘The Way to Salvation’ that explains how someone can be saved and have a personal relationship with Jesus. The challenge was that they were to pray that God would show them the one person they were to give this handout to this week. It did not matter where that might be — the grocery store, workplace or the gym. We are learning this is a great way to become comfortable with sharing about Jesus and the gospel with a stranger. If you prayerfully ask, God will place that person in your path at just the right moment.

“We were able to continue with our ministry to a few of our local nursing facilities and an adult daycare center. These senior adults are so often forgotten and thought of as useless in their later years. I am here to tell you that is not the case! These folks long for God’s Word and for someone to share it with them. These men and women are now starting Bible studies within their facilities, sharing Christ with other residents and still want to learn how to love God with all their hearts. If you ever get a chance in your community, stop into one of these facilities and pray with them, love on them and your heart will surely be blessed.”

Misión Gracia Soberana (Sovereign Grace), NWA:Roberto Marcelletti writes, “We started our Bible evangelism workshop this week with a very good attendance of 12 people gathered to learn how to take the gospel.

“Saturday was a day that will remain in our memory. As I wrote more than a month ago, I was sharing the gospel with a couple, and in the middle of the conversation, the lady started having a stroke and we could not finish the conversation. The good news is that the Lord miraculously saved her from her health crisis and we visited her Saturday and she gave her life to Christ! We asked her if she knew why God had given her another chance and where did she think she would have gone if the Lord had not given her another chance. We showed her through the Scriptures that she was not good enough to go to Heaven, and that if she stood before God with her works, stained by her sins, she would be condemned and far from God. We led her to repent and put her trust in the perfect sacrifice of Christ. Praise God one of my best days!”

Paul White

Paul WhitePaul White

Arkansas State Missions Director Paul White pens a weekly column to inform the BMA of Arkansas concerning Arkansas Missions’ activity and includes individual reports from each church planter.

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