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STATE MISSIONS: Responding to Temptation (part 2)
Paul White

STATE MISSIONS: Responding to Temptation (part 2)

We must avoid the call to temptation at all costs. When we are tempted (many areas of life — fight, lie, cheat, sensual, etc.), we need to adapt the fright-flight action when we know things are not going as they should. Let’s check Joseph reaction to Potiphar’s wife’s actions: “But he refused, and said unto his master’s wife, Behold, my master wotteth not what is with me in

the house, and he hath committed allthat he hath to my hand; There is none greater in this house than I; neither hath he kept back any thing from me but thee, because thou art his wife: how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God? (Gen. 39:8-9).

Here we see a couple of things:

• Shut out the call to temptation. Realize the jeopardy that yielding to temptation could bring to one’s success. Joseph verbally reaffirmed his great success and why giving in to temptation can not only ruin a career, but it may even wreck a family. Stop and imagine what this will do to your spiritual life. How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God? It’s interesting to notice that Joseph did not say Potiphar, but God for sin in any form is against God. Joseph knew, like all sins, there is always a price one must pay, a judgment one must face.

So, friends, when all else fails to shut out the call of temptation just remember God’s judgments and every son He loves, He chastens.

• Learn to resist the clutches of temptation. When temptation grabs you with all the forces of Hell, how does one resist? Verses 10-12 describe the only successful strategy: “And it came to pass, as she spake to Joseph day by day, that he hearkened not unto her, to lie by her, or to be with her. And it came to pass about this time, that Joseph went into the house to do his business; and there was none of the men of the house there within. And she caught him by his garment, saying, Lie with me: and he left his garment in her hand, and fled, and got him out” (Gen. 39:10-12).

We must not dwell on the temptation for, as here, it came to pass day by day and he continued to turn her away. He did not dwell on her flattering requests, but he pushed them out of his mind. But why? Because “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Prov. 23:7). Joseph knew the destructive power of imagination and the effects of dwelling on it. If Satan can get you to spend time on evil fantasies, he has most of the battle won. One needs to have awareness of the intent of others and must concentrate on your daily duties. In verse 11 it says, “he went in to do his business.” The modern workplace is often a hotbed for temptations. 

• Depart as quickly as possible. Joseph ran out quickly! He was literally running for his life. He did not try to reason with her. When the fires of passion are aflame, there is only one way to survive and that is to run for your life. In this situation, running was the only successful strategy conceivable. It was not cowardice; it was courage and conviction and right thinking.

We must remember that God promised to deliver us. “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it” (I Cor. 10:13). When a Christian yields to temptation, it is not because he has no choice. As a believer, we can choose to resist temptation because God will provide a way of escape. The problem is not lacking an escape route; the problem is not looking for it. We are made to marvel at Joseph’s great strength and character and, if we will follow his strategy, we to will be assured victory.

From Our Missionaries

Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, “Last week, we assisted a family that had stopped attending church. They were in crisis and needed spiritual support, so we accompanied them and brought the Word of God to their home. The reaction was very positive. The kids came to the youth meeting on Wednesday, and

on Sunday, Diego, the oldest of thesiblings, was reconciled with God. Let us pray for this family, praying to God that through this situation all of them will commit to the Lord.

“We are ready for the ‘Called’ SOAR Student Conference. Registration and hotel reservations were made in a timely manner. We will be taking school supplies for 15 backpacks, and driving two vans to Dallas, Texas. We are very excited and have been praying a lot for the participants and the event in general. This weekend we had 14 people confirmed, and 3 to be confirmed. Please pray for us, that we will make good use of the time and we do not have mishaps.”

Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, “On Sunday, we continued with our sermon series on biblical characters. We got to learn about Elijah during a time when the northern kingdom went astray in trusting in a god like Baal, and we learned how Jehovah taught Israel that He alone is God.

“I went to the Travelers stadium after our Celebration Service to give the same teaching to the Hispanic players. On Monday, I will be having lunch with a player from the team, and it will be a good opportunity to present the gospel to him.

“I will also be giving a training on what the Bible Discovery Studies are and what is a Gospel Movement. My hope is that each participant will be able to depend on the guidance of the Holy Spirit to see their ‘where’ and ‘who’ to minister and reach with the gospel message.

“On Thursday, I was with the Alcazar family. I ask for your support in prayer for this family as the enemy is attacking them economically, spiritually and emotionally. It is a difficult time for this family.

“Thank you for your prayers and support. To God be the glory!”

Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “We had another great week at Faith Chapel! We had several out again for various reasons, but still had a good number with several returning and

one first-time visitor. “We had a great Bible study Sunday evening from Acts 17:10-15 on Paul in Berea which was very appropriate. It was titled ‘They Searched the Scriptures Daily.’ The main application being that it is my responsibility to teach the truth, but it is everyone’s responsibility to make sure they learn the truth. There are too many false teachers out there, and we have to diligently study the Word to make sure, as Luke wrote, ‘whether these things are so.’ I love it when both members and visitors are engaged and involved in the study. We all get so much from it.

“Please continue with us in prayer for both our July 3rd outreach and our VBS with our mother church, The Bridge. Pray that both events will indeed further the kingdom of God, and be to His glory.

“Thank you all for all of your prayers, for us, for our members and visitors, for Flippin, and for fruit in the work that He has sent us to. They mean so much to us, and He is answering them.”

The Table, Springdale: Clinton Morris writes, “This last week was packed with meetings. Monday, I met with one of our members who is currently staying with some friends an hour away, and it was a great time to catch up. Monday was also our normal 8.5-hour community event. We are making so many new relationships and seeing many more being formed in front of us.

We are so excited to see how these relationships are already creating opportunities to tell of Jesus Christ.

“I am saving money on gas by biking as many places as I can. Tuesday, I met with a local church-planting pastor and discussed some of the ways God has blessed their ministry. While I was there, the Springdale Cycling Club showed up and I heard of a special group ride to encourage a local family whose 10-year-old boy was just diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of brain cancer. I ended up biking in that ride and talking with many of the contacts that I formed last year.

“Wednesday, I had several meetings via phone calls. DeAnna went to our bi-weekly ladies’ Bible study. I am so excited to see how many new faces are part of that. They are studying through the book of Ephesians. In the evening, I biked out to my bi-weekly men’s Board Game Bible Study and we are going through The Presence Centered Church by Bill Elliff.

“Thursday, I met with Drew and started prepping for some upcoming meetings and some vision, jumped on to Larry Barkers Pastoral Zoom (a great blessing, attend if you ever need encouragement or just fresh ideas), sat down with a local pastor/church planter of Hope City and got an inside look into what he hopes to accomplish for the kingdom of Heaven in Johnson, Ark. and hosted a meeting between Drew and one of our newer members who is a former church pastor and leader. We wanted to interview him and see where he hoped to be used within The Table. It was so good to see the interaction between him and Drew. I am so excited to see what God has in store within these relationships and giftings.

“Friday was another ‘pedal to the floor’ kind of day. Lots of planning for the weekend, more meetings via phone and some work got done on our storage room to help us organize for the future. In the evening, I hosted a meeting with Drew and another one of our folks who has an amazing idea on how to build bridges to other church ministries. We talked some great strategies and how to make the idea even more accessible for our folks to do. So excited to see what we are going to be doing with these cool ministries. After that, DeAnna and I hosted our newly married college couple late into the evening.

“Saturday, after doing our normal routine, we got ready for a housewarming party for our newly moved music leader. This was such a great time of fellowship and unity building. I love to see our church get together and interact. There was singing, sharing how God was working in our lives and some great moments of unity.

“Sunday, we got ready for our evening service, and it was amazing. We jumped into the book of Hebrews and had some great conversations afterward about the eternality of God and the power of Jesus Christ. The church service starts at 6:20, but people show up at 5:50 to hang out and set up, and then many of them stay until 10 p.m. I love seeing these people coming together over a love for God and a love for His people.”

Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes, “This week at Faith Journey we continued our outreach in the community to let people know that we are in the area and ready to serve them. We started going to local businesses to introduce ourselves. At one business, we were able to provide them with a Sonic drink for their employees, because let’s face it, nothing shows how much ‘we love you’ better than a good ole Sonic drink!

“We spoke in our weekly worship service about besetting sin. Besetting sin is described as a type of sin that is habitual, no matter how big or small it may be. Sometimes these sins may be small things that we do not typically think are barriers between us and God, but in reality, all sin separates us from our Father. We discussed that we are to give up sin, no matter how insignificant the sin may seem to be, so we are able to have a personal relationship with Christ. Our challenge for each other this week is to ask God to reveal besetting sins to us so that we may begin to remove them from our lives to move us closer to a deeper relationship with Him. Have a great week and keep following Jesus!”

Misión Gracia Soberana (Sovereign Grace), NWA:Roberto Marcelletti writes, “Psalm 37:34 has helped me understand the way in which I should do anything, but especially when we are in the field planting a church in the midst of a people who do not know God. It is the delight, joy, my adoration, intimacy and time with Him that will make the fuel to carry out the mission.

It would be very sad and make us forget the reason why we go looking for the people lost, if I forget what the correct motivation is. I would lose the joy, passion and fuel for which I go. So, my strength, joy and passion to go I have through my delight in Him. Missions is done out of delight in God.

“This week, I continue the work of building trust and friendship with five men that I am fervently praying for every day on my prayer list. We continue the discipleship with the woman who gave her life to Christ in our apartment, and the Lord by His infinite grace has allowed us to take the discipleship to practical levels. What does that mean? Well, her car broke down and now every day Patty takes her to and picks her up from work. Because discipleship is to show people the gospel, it is service, it is compassion to accompany them in situations and her husband, who is not interested in hearing the message of salvation, now by the grace of God is seeing love in practice.

“Also on Friday, a woman visited us with her two children who have little time in the city and we have been talking with her and her husband. Patty also continues to make connections with several women who have witnessed to them.”

Paul White

Paul WhitePaul White

Arkansas State Missions Director Paul White pens a weekly column to inform the BMA of Arkansas concerning Arkansas Missions’ activity and includes individual reports from each church planter.

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