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Paul White


“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight” (Isa. 5:20-21).

What does it mean? The prophet might as well have written to us who are alive today as this is exactly what we see all around us. The modernist cannot abide the existence of objective truth, and thus denies its very existence. Once one denies the existence of objective truth, it is a very small step to rejecting objective morals, ethics and goodness.

Truth then becomes a matter of individual preference or belief and does not need to be grounded in reality. Thus, one cannot possibly make any truth claims about morals and ethics, which means goodness is also a matter of personal opinion or preference. So they will argue, “We cannot condemn another culture or people on the basis of morality, since morals are purely cultural.” The intelligent person can see why this line of reasoning is absurd.

Most modernists will quickly say the actions of Russia or Germany killing thousands and millions of innocent people were evil, and rightly so. But in doing so, they are forced to admit that objective, absolute morals exist; yet, they will persist in their errors regarding most issues.

For example, science clearly demonstrates the reality of two genders through nature, yet the modernist will agree that gender in their view or concept of gender is purely a social arrangement. In this example, we see how objective truth (science) is actually ignored in favor of subjective ideology, which is preferred by the individual.

Truth is properly defined as “that which is in accordance with fact or reality.” In other words, any truth claims regarding nature, ideas, actions or beliefs must be predicated on fact or reality, the way things really are. Truth cannot be claimed solely on the criteria of emotions, desired reality or even sincere belief. If I sincerely believed that gravity will not work on me when I jump off the house, truth (reality) is unaffected. Gravity will most assuredly work for me, and I will plummet down to my demise. Reality does not bend to the desires, whims or what they think ought to be of anyone.

All truth is God’s truth, and all truth is absolute and objective. “Surely the churning of milk bringeth forth butter, and the wringing of the nose bringeth forth blood: so the forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife” (Prov. 30:33). It doesn’t have to conform to your feelings, desires, etc. Truth is like the Creator, eternal.

From Our Missionaries

Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, “Thank God we had a great week in Ebenezer, we finished praying for the families in Ebenezer. In each home we visited, it was a joy to see how warmly my wife, Kory and I were received and had time to devote to each home and the opportunity to fellowship with each person who attends our community in Christ.

“We finished our series last Sunday that had to do with goals and how God guides us in establishing plans that glorify Him. Next Sunday, we will be praying with each other to dedicate the plans to God. It will be a good time of mutual support. We will also be participating in the Lord’s Supper.

“Be praying for our activity on Feb. 12. That day we will have a special activity for the day of love and friendship, and it will be a good opportunity for the people of Ebenezer to invite friends to listen to the Word of God. Our attendance has been increasing little by little. Thank you for your prayers for us! To God be the glory!”

Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “Well, I said last week that the Lord is giving us a perfect opportunity to trust in Him, and that turned out to be true. We had eight inches of snow on Tuesday, and it caused an areawide power outage. Some still didn’t have their power restored until Sunday.

We were not able to have Wednesday night service because the power was out at the church. Our number was way down Sunday morning as many were sick, and some were traveling, but we still had a great time of worship and many of those that were out watched the service online.

“The weather also delayed our work on the building, but we trust that it will get done in God’s timing. We did get our water line to the top of the hill (after some rock breaking), and we are waiting on Entergy to bring us power. Weeks like these remind us to ‘draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to us.’ We lift our brothers and sisters that are not well up to the Lord and simply trust in His will and His grace, and we praise and thank Him in everything.

“We thank you for your prayers for us, Flippin and our mission here. We ask that you please continue because God is faithful and is answering them.”

The Table, Springdale: Clinton Morris writes, “We have faced continual recovery and weather concerns, but there have been some great phone-centered conversations. Drew is working with the other church leaders to help construct a discipleship directive for our new believers. There are some great events we are looking forward to at the end of this month.

“We are still navigating the transitional period between leadership opportunities and giving Drew more opportunities to lead and prayerfully considering the future.”

Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes “Things are moving right along at Faith Journey. We are really trying to follow God’s leading and timing with the planting of this mission. We feel that prayers are being answered and opportunities are coming our way.

“In this week’s meeting, we covered the Apostle Peter. The lessons we can learn from Peter are how we can be bold without being brash. Peter had boldness when sharing who Christ is and understood that he had a purpose in his life to tell people about the Messiah, no matter the cost. We can also learn that we will make mistakes, but Jesus’ blood will cover all our sins. Even when Jesus told Peter that he would deny Him, Peter could not fathom this would ever happen; but it did, three times, in fact. Jesus knew this and still showed Peter mercy and forgiveness because of who He is — a loving and forgiving Savior. We praise God for His saving grace!”

Misión Gracia Soberana (Sovereign Grace), NWA: Roberto Marcelletti writes, “This week has been hard in pastoral work. Francisco Fernandez, the husband of Sister Maria, was rushed to the hospital in Springdale and is in intensive care. Our Springdale connection group has been meeting in this home, so we had to suspend it. We have been activated as a church in prayer, demonstrating Christ’s love and concern for those who suffer.

“In our Sunday service, God gave us a beautiful time. I noticed some people more committed and freer to give their best to the Lord, and something that has been a constant — we had a visitor who was very pleased, wanting to return and bring all his family. Despite the severe weather, we had a good group in our service. In every sermon, we are laying the foundation to grow as a church that has a lofty view of Scripture. I am very excited about what God is doing in Springdale, and we are praying for a place also in Rogers where we can constitute a vibrant and ever-growing Hispanic church as Sovereign Grace.”

Epic Life, Pea Ridge: Jake McCandless writes, “Winter in Northwest Arkansas can be frustrating. We had snow and ice on our meeting days this week. My wife, who is a teacher, and my kids loved the snow day.

“Our big challenge now is finding a visible location to meet for our worship gathering and preview events. I am so thankful that Bro. Paul is walking through this with us. This past week, the Missionary Advisory Committee met and the Revolving Loan Committee met, both trying to find a solution for us. The price of property in Pea Ridge is making it difficult, but what is amazing is that we’re not alone. Across the state, I know BMAers like you are cheering for us. I’m thinking how amazing this would be if we were to do this for each and every church in our work. It’s incredible to not be alone!”

Paul White

Paul WhitePaul White

Arkansas State Missions Director Paul White pens a weekly column to inform the BMA of Arkansas concerning Arkansas Missions’ activity and includes individual reports from each church planter.

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