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STATE MISSIONS: Wonderful Time
Paul White

STATE MISSIONS: Wonderful Time

Sunday, it was good to stand behind the pulpit that I stood behind a few years ago and preached the charge to a newly formed church — Charity at Ward. Keith Lewis and his people are already catching the vision of needing more space. I apologized to Bro. Keith and Charity for referring to them as Charity Heights last week in my article. I must have had a “senior moment” as I had a flashback of Hot Springs.


Concrete will be in the ground soon, that is. We finally chose a contractor to do the foundation work in Flippin. I thank Bro. Johnny for running around to get the necessary estimates together.

Update on Your Missionaries 

Michael Hight continues to build strong ties across our current Hispanic works. Clinton Morris has set the month of June as the time they will organize the Table Mission into a church. Roberto Marcelletti continues to have people showing interest in their work and is having their public meetings on Sundays in their mother church’s building. Ruben Isturiz is seeing some success in getting back to his pre-COVID numbers. Bryan Clay is on the lookout for property below Benton and has begun ministering in a couple of nursing homes in the area. Juan Carlos Posadas is continuing to build up Growing in Grace Mission’s work as he is getting closer to organizing also. Johnny Shew, as mentioned, is doing well with having first-time visitors on a regular basis. Jake McCandless continues to develop Bible study groups and is having to have his worship services now in his house for the lack of an available place. Please pray that God will give us wisdom and direction to secure them a more permanent place.

From Our Missionaries

Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, (1/8) “We started the year with prayer programs Jan. 4-6. The last day of the meeting was from 7-12 a.m. We had an average of 31 people seeking God in prayer.

During a year-end meeting, we realized only three people from the church are sharing the gospel regularly, so we took advantage of Thursday to train the congregation in sharing the gospel. We hope they were encouraged to do so. 

“It is interesting how, at the beginning of the year, we all set ourselves goals to achieve during the year, and I have found the pleasant news that several families and individuals have proposed to study the Word. Let us pray that more will join that initiative and that they will be able to fulfill their wish.

“We are praying for a North American couple God has placed on our hearts to do missions among Hispanics who wish to congregate with us. This would enhance and speed up the process of the congregation to reach all the neighbors, and not just focus on Hispanics. If you have a passion for all ethnicities to be reached, this is a good place to reach your goals and realize your dreams. Let us pray for local cross-cultural missions, and if it is God’s will, that He will produce in the hearts of this North American couple the desire to congregate and serve with us.

“We have many projects to develop this year for which we would appreciate your prayers: control of vehicular passage through the land by the neighbors, the construction of the playground, the professionalization of sound, remodeling of some spaces and maintenance of physical facilities such as painting and cleaning. In the spiritual area, the implementation of AWANA and continuing the theological formation of church leaders. Thank you for all your prayers and support!”

Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, “It has become a tradition at Ebenezer to start the year with prayer. What I do is visit with each family throughout the month of January. We pray primarily for the man of each family with the commitment that he will pray for his family.

This week, I will be praying for other families. We will be praying for the family that arrived from Venezuela in my home since they are currently in another family’s home.

“We continue with the series of sermons that have to do with plans. We are in a time of prayer for God to put His plans in our hearts. In the middle of the prayer, we ask questions such as, ‘God, what do you want us to do this year? Give us your agenda for us in 2023.’ Help us pray that it will be God’s Spirit leading each member at Ebenezer to be on God’s agenda and plans.”

We are thankful to each of you for your prayer and financial support. Without you, our task would be very difficult. To God be the glory!”

Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “We had a wonderful time of worship Sunday morning, even though we still have a few out sick. 

“After our morning service, we all went to our land, where we hope to begin our building soon, and had a prayer/dedication service. We joined hands in prayer and thanked the Lord for building His church here in Flippin, for saving this land for us and for giving it to us, then we gave it back to Him. We dedicated it to Him and pledged to use it for His glory as a house of prayer, a house of worship to Him, a house of studying and obeying His Word by both being and making disciples and a house where the gospel of Jesus Christ will be preached and His light and His love will show forth. I then broke the ground with a shovel, not a golden one or even a new one, but one that had been used for work, just as we are dedicating His land and His house and us as His church to do His work. Oh, what a glorious day we had!

“We thank you for your prayers. Please continue as we need them and He is answering them!”

The Table, Springdale: Clinton Morris writes, “This week went very well. Everyone that has been sick has recovered. Our online ministry has picked up, and we are looking at training a few more small group leaders for the online portion. We are still honing our practices for our online and recorded services. 

“In the next few weeks, these items will be addressed. We are partnering with Samaritan Church to do a Boardgame Event to help drive awareness and build allies within our community. We are also expanding our homeless outreach ministry. We will be doing a five-hour training session Saturday through the Good Soul program. Much work is being done.

“I am looking forward to the Spring. Keep praying for our church and the people we are interacting with on a daily basis.”

Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes “Faith Journey enjoyed another fellowship this week, and boy, was it good! We had several types of soups and sandwiches followed by the best desserts! We are trying to hold a fellowship time once a month to get to know each other better, laugh and enjoy learning about the gospel.

You can’t get much better than spending time together and enjoying the Word of God with some good food!

“My wife and I got the joy of visiting with Paul White this week. We were able to visit about how we feel about what is happening at the mission and what our present plans look like, as well as our future plans with finding a location and beginning a building project. We left our time spent with him feeling encouraged and refreshed that we are right where God wants us to be and doing the Lord’s work. We hope everyone has a great week.”

Misión Gracia Soberana (Sovereign Grace), NWA:Roberto Marcelletti writes, “We went to Springdale Tuesday to evangelize, and we were able to share the message with six people — two heard the gospel and the others accepted that we pray for them. We have kept in touch through their phone numbers.

“I was able to meet a person on Wednesday who has just arrived in the Northwest area and was looking for a church. We were able to help and guide him on certain things he does not know about the area.

“We were able to meet Sunday, and although some families could not attend due to health problems, we did have five guests. Each meeting brings new people, and we praise the Lord for each one.

“Then we went to the fellowship lounge and enjoyed beautiful fellowship time accompanied by excellent coffee, donuts and Mexican sweet bread.

Epic Life, Pea Ridge: Jake McCandless writes, “This week, we had our monthly worship gathering in our home. It was an amazing experience. While sitting on the couch, where I usually watch a ball game, I was worshiping. There was something special about it. I’ve never heard people sing that loud.

We also had three first-time guests join us. God blessed us with some conversations struck up with neighbors around us! It was a night I will always cherish. 

“With Epic Life, my heart is to try to line up with the examples of the early church in Acts and the Epistles. One of the glimpses of the early church we get is in I Cor. 14:26 (NIV), “…when you come together, each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Everything must be done so that the church may be built up.” We’ve tried to match this by creating multiple opportunities for everyone to be involved. This week, along with my sharing, we shared testimonies, prayed for one another, read Scripture and others brought brief messages. It was a powerful time.”

Paul White

Paul WhitePaul White

Arkansas State Missions Director Paul White pens a weekly column to inform the BMA of Arkansas concerning Arkansas Missions’ activity and includes individual reports from each church planter.

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