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The Master's Builders Work at Jacksonville College
BT Staff

The Master's Builders Work at Jacksonville College

School was out and Memorial Day was behind us, so it was time for the Master’s Builders to head to Jacksonville College (JBC) for our annual visit, starting work on June 5! This would be our eighth time to work at JBC since 2012, and job #183 for the Master’s Builders. 

During our stay, we had six campers parked in the Collins Dorm parking lot and six men and one couple staying in the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention (SBTC) Girls’ Dorm. This made it very convenient for the Builders as some of the folks came and went at different times during the two-week job. We appreciate having the flexibility for some to use the dorms while we work, as it allowed for several to come who did not have campers. 

The Master’s Builders were asked to help with constructing additional boys’ dorm spaces. In 2021, the Builders helped by converting a few classrooms and offices into rooms for living, showering and laundry rooms. This year, the Builders were asked to help convert 6 large open classrooms into 4 to 6 single bedrooms, each totaling 25 new living spaces for young men. 

We also constructed 20 wardrobes to make sure each student would have closet space. Randy Decker was the alumni representative on this project. He coordinated all the materials and plans for us and also worked right alongside us each day. It was such a blessing! 

Materials and supplies were provided with funds raised by the Alumni Association of Jacksonville College. The love they showed for the college during this work was both amazing and inspiring! 

The Builders were also asked to build an office inside the Golf Facility for the golf coach. It was certainly hard to keep the men on track with all that golf equipment calling their names, though! 

The Master’s Builders were blessed to have extra help on these campus projects with three additional men coming in at different times during our two-week stay. We were so glad they gave of their time, talents, backs and knees to help us. Roger Adams from Waxahachie, Texas; Farrell Pollard of Jacksonville, Texas; and Ed Shelby of Mansfield, Texas. Ed came to help, then decided he’d like to join our Master’s Builders “family!” Thank you and praise the Lord for him and his wife, Cindy! We are thanking God for these men who are willing to serve the Lord and help with this ministry. 

Additional thanks to: 

• George Baker, head of maintenance for Jacksonville College, who was always ready to see that we had all we needed and lent a hand to help when he could. 

• Chef Kevin and the cafeteria staff, who cooked and served our lunch and evening meal every workday. What a blessing it was not to have to worry about cooking! 

• First Baptist Church in Jacksonville for providing a wonderful meal one Friday evening, along with some sweet fellowship. 

• FBC Jacksonville “M&Ms” ladies’ group, who always invite us to join them for their June meeting. This meeting always includes games, a wonderful devotional, lots of delicious flavors of M&Ms and a delicious meal! They always make our ladies feel so welcome. 

• And finally, a big shout out to the city of Jacksonville, who always seem to provide a festival for us to enjoy while we are there! 

We always look forward to our time at Jacksonville College each year. We ask you to join us in praying for them as they search for a new president to lead them in the way God would have the school to go. This college needs our prayers and support more than ever. 

We also ask you to pray for God to send workers for our Master’s Builders group to come alongside us as we continue to work for His glory! I encourage each of you to “Follow” and “Like” us on Facebook. You can see what we do each day and pray for us. Just type in “The Master’s Builders” on Facebook (look for the one with the arbor logo) and follow us. 

If you have questions about this ministry, please contact Mike Green at (972) 935-3877, David Axe at (903) 918-0729 or Eddie Sikes at (479) 462-1675. 

BT Staff

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