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The True Test of Love
BT Staff
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The True Test of Love

Mike McEuen - “And he (God) said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of” (Gen. 22:2).

Abraham loved God. There is no doubt about that. Abraham had proven his love by leaving Ur, wandering in a strange land and giving up Ishmael. But Abraham also loved Isaac, the child of promise. His son had become the focus of his life. Maybe at this point in his life, if Abraham were asked whom he loved more — Isaac or God — it would have been hard to answer.

So, God put Abraham to the test. Was Abraham willing to put God before Isaac? Was he willing to obey God rather than his own desires? Abraham passed the test. He demonstrated his trust and confidence in his heavenly Father.

Remember, love cannot be tested by how we feel. Love is tested by what we are prepared to do. That is why Jesus said: “If you love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15).

We must realize that we operate with a limited perspective. What appears illogical to us may be very logical to God. What looks like stepping backward may really be a step forward. It is at this point that we must throw ourselves completely on God and trust Him with all our hearts, realizing that He does care. Someday we will understand what God is accomplishing in our lives.

Never before, and never since, has God asked a man to do what he asked Abraham to do. What God asked Abraham to do — then stopped him from doing — illustrates for all men everywhere the great love God has for all of us.

We learn that the shedding of blood is absolutely essential to atone for sin. But we also learn that the blood of bulls and goats, and even an innocent boy like Isaac, can never satisfy God. There was only one sacrifice that could atone for man’s sin — the sacrifice of God’s one and only Son at Calvary. Without Jesus’ sacrifice, no man could be saved, not even Abraham!

How deep is our love for God? Do we worship God because it is the thing to do? Is it a token of our appreciation for the blessings of life? Or do we love God with our whole heart? Is God truly first in our lives?

BT Staff

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