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VSM-Just Say, "Yes"
BT Staff

VSM-Just Say, "Yes"

By Margaret Anderson

Fourteen years ago, I went on my first short-term mission trip to the Philippines. I didn’t feel like I was someone God could ever use, but during my junior year of college, I decided to give it a shot. Little did I know that God could and would use a young, inadequate college student to do his work among the nations. This was just the beginning, and it’s been a wild ride ever since!

This feeling of inadequacy isn’t uncommon among high school and college students. Many, if not the majority, feel as if there’s no way God could possibly use them. All it takes is obedience. Is God asking you to step out, get uncomfortable and go reach the nations for Him? What’s stopping you? Just say “yes” and go! 

Volunteer Student Missions (VSM) helps students take the message of Jesus Christ to the nations, allows students the opportunity to experience a new culture and teaches students to have a Great Commission view of Christianity. Many who go on VSM trips end up staying involved by leading trips or even becoming full-time missionaries themselves.

VSM teams will serve alongside missionaries and local pastors in various modes of ministry, doing anything from teaching VBS to completing service projects that will both serve the people and build relationships for the missionaries in the community.

It’s never too soon to start thinking and praying about next summer. Our 2022 teams are all back on U.S. soil, and we are starting to put together teams for 2023. Trips for 2023 include the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Ghana, Romania, Costa Rica, Colombia, Peru and California.

Lydia Dunlap, a freshman at Central Baptist College, has served on VSM teams in the past and plans to continue to do so. She says, “VSM widens your perspective of the world and grows your love for people. For me, going on a VSM trip helped me understand missions and the value of outreach. These trips have helped me see people the way God does — everyone everywhere needs the gospel.”

To join a team, a student must simply have a relationship with Christ, a willingness to serve and be at least 15 years of age by the time of the trip. If you or a student you know is interested in serving through VSM, visit or contact Angela Rice at

We look forward to helping you get connected and involved in taking the love of Jesus to the nations! God can use anyone — just say, “yes!”

BT Staff

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