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What If We Never Wrote Anything Down
BT Staff

What If We Never Wrote Anything Down

By Jordan M. Tew, Executive Director - Baptist Publishing House

I recently asked myself this question, “What significant role does Baptist Publishing House play in the life of the local BMA church?” I believe that is an important question to consider today, as there appear to be more opportunities and avenues for churches to access Sunday School curricula than ever before. As I thought through this question, another question came to mind, “What if we never wrote anything down?”

I have the privilege of living within walking distance of the BMA Seminary, where the Kellar Library houses many historical and current BMA books. In fact, there is an entire room dedicated to BMA authors! I sometimes wonder where the BMA would be today if men such as E. Harold Henderson, D.N. Jackson, J.E. Cobb, John Gregson, Philip Bryan, L.H. Raney, W.J. Burgess and others never picked up a pen or sat down before a keyboard. Would we know who we are or what we believe? Would we even know what makes the BMA the BMA?

While the BMA is an association of local, autonomous churches, the churches of the BMA choose to associate under certain doctrinal convictions and cooperate, primarily, for the sake of missions and education. If the BMA never printed doctrinal statements, never provided a Sunday School curriculum and never published books, we would not have a clear standard for our doctrine or practice. There has to be something concrete, something tangible. It helps to have something “written down.”

The fact that the BMA is able to publish such works contributes greatly to the continued unity of local BMA churches, the preservation of BMA doctrinal distinctives and the furtherance of biblically-based New Testament churches.

This happens every week across the BMA. For example, hundreds of BMA churches meet for Sunday School each week and are able to study God’s Word using a curriculum that supports, rather than challenges, their doctrine. These churches are able to associate and cooperate more closely because they believe the same basic doctrines that are affirmed and strengthened by the turning of each page of BMA Sunday School curricula.

Missionaries are working to disciple new believers and develop future pastors using BMA curriculum. Recently, we were able to fund the purchase of a new printer for a BMA missionary in Africa. The men they are training and the churches they will be planting are not going to believe and teach things that contradict what your church believes and teaches. Having access to BMA materials keeps established and future BMA churches “on the same page.”

We are able to see new BMA leaders (in North America and worldwide) be discipled and new BMA churches planted that reflect what we believe. This is significant in preserving our ability to associate. Consider what would happen if new BMA pastors and churches did not believe or teach what established pastors and churches believe or teach! The outcome would not be healthy.

These things are possible because, decades ago, we started “writing things down.” Our BMA forefathers knew the significance of publishing BMA curriculum and other works. The results are evident every time you drive by a BMA church. Consider this illustration:

At one point, a church voted to petition to join the BMA. Part of that process included agreeing to the BMA Doctrinal Statement and Principles of Cooperation. Those things could only be read and voted upon because somebody “wrote them down.” After the church joined the BMA, they wanted to preserve the doctrine they voted to affirm. They were able to do this by providing their people with BMA Sunday School curriculum. Each week, her members learned and grew together. When they met for annual association meetings, they found brothers and sisters with shared doctrine, convictions and practices. This was also a result of men “writing things down.”

Later on, a young man who grew up in that church was called to ministry. He eventually replaced his pastor, who had to retire after many years of service. When this new pastor stepped into the pulpit, the church did not have to worry about what he believed or would teach. They knew he would be faithful to the Bible and their doctrine, for he had been taught the truth each week in his Sunday School class.

While the little story above may sound made-up, it is based on the lives of two men I know personally.

The year is 2023, and Baptist Publishing House is still “writing things down.” Our writers are strictly BMA, as they must be members in good standing of a local BMA church and affirm the Doctrinal Statement of the BMA. Each writer is also approved by our board of trustees. Rest assured, we do not outsource writing assignments to non-BMA writers.

While there are many good and faithful Christian publishers, including many Baptist publishers, there is only one BMA publishing department. We are the only publisher that is committed to the churches, Doctrinal Statement and heritage of local BMA churches. I hope what we are “writing down” encourages, strengthens and motivates your church toward the work of Great Commission ministry.

May God bless you and your church!

BT Staff

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