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WMA: A "Mary" Christmas
BT Staff

WMA: A "Mary" Christmas

By Judy Wallace

      By now, you are probably in the throes of the season. There are emptied tubs waiting to be taken back to the attic. The fake green needles and glitter that adorn the floor await your attention, and a pile of unwrapped presents stares back at you when you stare at them!

      Things were much different during the time of Christ. Though His birth basically went unnoticed by the world, angels announced it, shepherds rejoiced in it, God-fearing kings eventually came to worship and offer Him gifts and three different women named Mary had their lives turned around by Jesus’ birth, life and death. Let’s look at each to see what it takes to have a “Mary” Christmas.

Mary, the Mother of Jesus

      I don’t think we realize what Mary went through to be obedient to God. She was, after all, engaged to be married! In those days, a betrothal was as binding as a marriage, and here she was pregnant. It wasn’t just shame and ridicule she would have to endure, but if the Old Testament law was to be followed, she should be stoned. Then there was also her confused, wounded, heartsick fiancée whose trust in her would have been shattered.

      But submit and obey, she did! How?

      • She believed in God’s promise. A Messiah had been promised from the beginning of creation and throughout the history of the Jewish nation. The teachings of the prophets assured His people a Deliverer would come.

      • She believed in God’s power. She knew He was the Creator of all and had all power to do what He willed. Even though she was a virgin, she knew of the birth miracle that was true of Abraham and Sarah and that “nothing is impossible for God.”

         • She believed in God’s purpose. Mary knew if God purposed it, He would perform it. So, instead of being self-willed and stubborn, she submitted and obeyed. What a glorious blessing she would have missed if she hadn’t!

Mary Magdalene

      We hear her name and think “harlot,” but the Bible never says that about her. Instead, she was a woman that had not one, two, three, four, five or six but seven demons! Totally bound, chained and tormented by these evil oppressors, her life was not her own. But then Jesus saved her, forgave her, released her and she lived free. Mary Magdalene never forgot what she had been and what she was now because of what Jesus had done for her. That’s why she lived faithfully. She was with Christ as He ministered to others. She was with Christ when He suffered on the cross. She was with Christ when it came time to anoint His body. She was the first to be with Christ after His glorious resurrection. Her life was centered on the Lord Jesus Christ because of what He had done for her.

Mary, the Sister of Martha 

      When you hear the story of Mary and Martha, do any of you feel like Martha got the raw end of the deal? I confess I’m a natural-born “Martha.” For me to be a “Mary,” it takes intentionality, discipline and dedication. I can see myself delegating assignments, letting Mary know if she would just come and help, we would finish more quickly, then both of us could enjoy His teaching!

      But even then, Martha was more concerned about how her house looked, while Mary was more concerned about how her heart looked. You see, Mary had a molded mind — totally attuned to Jesus and always drawn more and more to His teachings. Mary also had aAnointing spirit and humble Attitude. Whenever we see her in Scripture, she is sitting at the feet of Jesus — learning, worshipping. Mary also had a Responsive heart. She didn’t just listen to what Jesus said, Mary Yielded to it. She chose to sit at His feet. She chose to listen to His Word whenever and wherever she could. She chose to be teachable and trusting.

      Martha was diligent in her duties. Mary was diligent in her devotion.

      Martha was distracted by the preparations. Mary was attracted to Jesus’ presence.

      Martha was quick to her feet. Mary was quick to Jesus’ feet.

      Mary chose the better thing.

      So, are you ready to enjoy a “Mary” Christmas? Are you submissive and obedient to God’s will for your life? Do you believe in His promises? His power? His purpose for your life? Do you ponder on Him?

      Do you live a life of freedom and faithfulness, being ever aware of all that Christ has done for you?

      Do you have a (M) Mind Molded by the words and ways of God?

      Do you have an (A) Anointed spirit that worships Him with attitudes and actions?

         Do you have a (R) Responsive heart that listens and obeys what you have been shown in His Word?

      Do you have a (Y) Yielded life that chooses to sit at His feet?

         Scripture — Luke 1:37; Luke 8:1-3; Luke 10:38-42

         — These articles are shared via the National WMA web page blog that can be accessed at

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