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WMA: Climb Every Mountain
Valarie Fish

WMA: Climb Every Mountain

      The sign at the bottom of the wooded path said the hike would be strenuous. Just a few feet further and another sign gave the option of a hike around the base of the hill or a hike to the top. The difference between the two listed clearly — base trail, moderate; summit trail, strenuous. This day I had my mind set on the summit trail.

      Ten markers along the way measured a hiker’s progress. At about marker 5, a bench waited for climbers already weary of the journey. Although not an easy climb so far, it had not been too bad.

      I suppose at about marker 6, when the dirt path changed to marked boulders, I should have reconsidered the rest of the trek.

      By marker 7, I had serious doubts about my own sanity.

      At marker 8, I would have turned back except my husband and I figured we had come too far to turn back now.

      By the time we reached the summit, we had only about 90 minutes of daylight left and more than a little concern about whether we would make the descent before the sun set.

      Finally at the summit, I had two thoughts. First, if I ever meet the guy who marked the trail as “strenuous,” I will give him an award for his gift of understatement. Secondly, if I had known how hard the path had been before I started, I probably would not have made the climb, and I would have missed this wonderful view before me.

      There are many times I wish God would reveal to me what might lie ahead. I want to ask, “Why?” I want to know how my current trial will bring glory in the future. Truth be told, there are some obstacles I would probably rather not face. If I were to know what stood in the path ahead, I might decide to turn back and never make the climb. Because my Father knows that about me, He doesn’t reveal the future to me, but He did promise that He would make the climb with me every step of the way.

      On the way down the mountain, my husband stayed right ahead of me so I could lean on his shoulders and have the security of his strong arms during the most treacherous parts of the descent.

      I know God can see the path ahead; He will not leave me as I make my way over another mountain, another obstacle, another difficulty. When I stand at the top, I can be sure “…that the sufferings of the present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which will be revealed in us” (Rom. 8:18).

      I still have a bone to pick with the person who understated the difficulty of the climb, but I can say now that the mountain did not destroy me. I may have moved like a very old woman for a few days afterward, but I made it to the summit, and I am confident that, if I needed to climb it again, I could do it knowing I wasn’t climbing alone.

         Response — Have you been through difficult situations and wondered why? God doesn’t mind when you ask questions because in your questions the Holy Spirit can lead you to the answers. Determine if your situation has come upon you because of your own choices, because of the choices someone else made for you or if God purposed it for you. In all these circumstances, God can turn it around for His glory and use your greatest pain for the good.

         Prayer — Thank you, Father, for taking each step of this journey with me. For never leaving me alone, even when the difficulty may have been the result of my own choices. Father, bless the person reading this prayer and let them feel Your presence, no matter where they are in the journey. Let them come to You with all their questions and listen to the Holy Spirit lead. Amen.

         “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” (Deut. 31:8 NIV).

         — These articles are shared via the National WMA web page blog that can be accessed at

Valarie Fish

Valarie FishValarie Fish

Valarie Fish writes a column titled, A Sip from the Saucer, in which she talks about various topics relevant to the Christian life.

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