All The News|Premium Content|Journey With Jeff
Wrapping Up The Year
By Jeff Herring, Executive Editor
As we prepare for our final issue of the year, we eagerly anticipate how God will demonstrate His faithfulness in 2025. I was privileged to be with Cornerstone Baptist Church in Lowell this past Sunday morning and Pastor Dana Williams. The church was very welcoming and it was a joy to share about the mission of the Trumpet. I want to close out the year by sharing a few things to keep in mind as we look ahead to 2025:
• Trumpet Team — ...
Faith Chapel Dedicates New Building
By Jeff Herring, Executive Editor
“We didn’t build this building just to gather among ourselves; we built it as a house of prayer, a place to make disciples, a place where we can teach others to do all that the Lord has commanded us,” said BMA of Arkansas Missionary Johnny Shew in his opening remarks at a dedication service on Dec. 8. He acknowledged God’s faithfulness in providing...