How to Register for the 2024 BMAA Meeting
The annual meeting of the BMA of America will convene at Chateau On The Lake Resort, Branson, Missouri, April 16-18, 2024. Registration for the meeting is simple. Go to the registration table when you arrive for the meeting and the Enrollment and Finance committee will check you in for the meeting and issue ballots for your messengers.
Those churches that are unable to send messengers may still chose to be represented by letter. You may download a copy of the church letter from the BMA website and mail it to: BMA Recording Clerk, 4601 Texas Boulevard, Texarkana, Texas 75503.
If your church is petitioning for affiliation at the meeting, you will need to complete the special section for petitioning churches and must be submitted using the guidelines below from the STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES OF COOPERATION regarding membership:
Section 3. The desire and willingness of any regular missionary Baptist church, as defined above, to cooperate will be expressed to the messenger body of this association in writing by January 31 of the calendar year. Presiding officers will make direct contact with each petitioning church for verification. The petitioning church will state that she has, in conference, duly adopted this Statement of Principles of Cooperation and the Doctrinal Statement of the Baptist Missionary Association of America, and is ready to work in harmony and in fellowship with all other churches of this association contingent upon a positive vote of the messengers.
Please help with the meeting expense by bringing or sending a contribution to the Meeting Expense Fund. You may bring your church’s offering to the annual meeting and turn it in to the enrollment committee, or mail it to: BMA Recording Clerk, 4601 Texas Boulevard, Texarkana, Texas 75503.
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